A Year in the Life of a Geauga YMCA Adventure Guide


My Story

Greetings! I'd like to tell you about my trails as an Geauga YMCA Adventure Explorer. Please follow along to hear my story.

Winter Pool Party

Usually, we make a craft at our Circle meetings. Last meeting we went for a break. We wanted to cool off and do something different.

So, we thought, let's go to the pool! Its great exercise and a lot of fun.

When we went to the pool, we invited the entire Circle. Nobody missed it.

We played with inflated balls. When someone jumped in, we'd toss them the ball.

We swam around a lot, and our dads launched us into the air. We came down with a big SPLASH!

We also ate pizza, which was very fun. I think all the ranch enjoyed going to our meeting.

Submitted by: Running Horse Age 10

Maple Festival Parade

Each April we join the Maple Festival parade.

Usually it rains, so we bring our ponchos. This year, it was sunny most of the time, but it did pour for a few minutes.

We dress up with many different colors and carry our Expedition banner.

We have a great time because many people watch us march in the parade.

Submitted by: Geronimo Age 8

Spring Campout

Spring campouts are fun. This May we went to Camp Y-Noah.

We like to climb the giant wall that they have.

Mr. Kozlik usually plans a craft. Our spring campout usually is on Mother's day weekend, so he thought of a Mother's Day craft. We decorated flower pots, and our Moms loved them!

Sometimes we also shoot BB's at Y-Noah. We don't want to scare you so we didn't show a picture of this.

There's a lot of rain in the springtime. We do enough during the day, so the rain does not slow us down. It rained most of Friday night, and our Dads were soaked. Saturday night, they worked to fix it. After an hour or so of work, they finished the job:

Mom, what does it mean when Dad calls this the "Eighth Wonder of the World"?
Submitted by: Annie Oakley Age 9

Great Lakes Science Center

Science is interesting. This spring we went to the Great Lakes Science Center as a Circle.

They ran an experiment about temperature. Did you know that fast moving molecules take up more space? Did you know that liquid oxygen is blue?

They also had a special exhibit about robots. One robot could even shoot a basketball through a regular hoop!

We also learned a bit about buildings. But what goes up....

Must come down!!

Submitted by: Wild Pig Age 9

Halloween Party

Halloween is great. I like all the Snickers bars and the parties.

We colored pumpkins at our party

and we dodged for apples.

My mom and I made a Halloween craft, too.

Halloween is fun!

Submitted by: Rowdy Age 7