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Here you can find miscellaneous stuff for GeneRally




Download it!

To all Greek: download my Greek langauge pack; includes Greek.lng, Greek font and the default GeneRally font.

Greek langauge uses a totally different font than the others so I had to create a new one. Name your downloaded font, font.bmp and put it into your GeneRally directory. Continue by putting in your langauge(Lang) folder the Greek.lng file. Then select the Greek langauge at the in-game menu


GeneAlex Hotty Palette. It gives a red hue and arid feeling.

To install a GeneRally palette, unzip it into your Palettes folder. Then name the Palette file in your gr.ini as the palette you wish to use (for example PaletteFile = Palettes\GeneAlex_Hotty.pal)


GeneAlex Grayscale Palette


GeneAlex Jungle Palette. Corrects leaf tree’s color, it darkens the whole game and gives a wet feeling.


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