What is a GEDCOM?

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Gedcom is a File an a specification, is the Acronym for Genealogy data  Communication, was created by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days Saints to allow Genealogy data to be exchanged between different types of Softwares.
    If I want to share information from my genealogy program with a friend who use another genealogy program I can do it if both programs supported the  import and export data in Gedcom format.
     Once the Gedcom file is created You can give to your friend on a disk or post it in a web site or attach it to an E-mail. 
There are some Genealogy Sites that have Gedcoms online, so you can download them and add them to your own tree.   
You can see your Gedcom using a Word Processor.
Upon receiving your Gedcom, Your friend can Import it into her/his genealogy Program .
Also you can create books, lists and other things with your gedcom.
      With Gedcom you can view others research, incorporate in your own file,add to it without having to type the data by hand.
       Gedcom specifications consist of rules for encoding information such a name ,dates, locations, relationships,  and events