New York/Bauder Homepage

In light of recent events I thought I would share with you a poem my father wrote back in 1964 for our troops in Vietnam. Back then the war was not to popular with America. However, those that answered the call, shed life blood and some gave the ultimate, their lives. They are etched in stone and not forgotten.
Again our military men and women are called to defend our nation. September 11th happened. A chain reaction of events followed. Whether you agree or disagree about what is happening in the Middle East pray for our military, that they may be given the strengh to endure what will be asked of them and their families. God bless you all.

Proud to Be an American
By Stanley Bauder

I believe in America,
In what she was meant to be,
A home for those with faith in GOD,
A great Nation,strong and free,
I believe that America,
Is a nation willing to share,
She gives of herself to others,
When someone is needed to care,
Yes,I believe in America,
While young,she still must grow,
My faith is strong in America,
And I'd like the world to know,
I'm proud to be an American,
I'm proud of my native land,
With pride I say "In God we trust"
With pride I cheer a marching band,
I'm thrilled each time the flag goes by,
And long may "Old Glory"wave,
Those stars and stripes for all to see,
Proud symbols of our bold and brave,
Our founding fathers long ago,
Knew all to well the ways of men,
They pledged their lives to Freedoms cause,
And thus it has has ever been,
I'm proud to be an American,
And grateful I'll always be,
To God above and those that fought,
That have kept... America...... free

God Bless America!

This poem is copyright © Stanley Bauder 1964


'Her quiet strength and dignity displayed during her long illness has taught all who knew and loved her the true meaning of faith. She was beloved by all and will be greatly missed. Sleep in Jesus Mom.'

Look For Me In The Midnight Sky
by Maggie Coletta

The night is peaceful, so very clear,
My hands are raised in tearful prayer.
Thousands of lights wink down on me,
My sight wanders over them unseeingly.
My heart is heavy and I feel such pain,
For your soul has flown and gone away.
A strange occurrence catches my eyes,
A brand new star appears in the sky!
It grows ever brighter, outshining the rest,
The light strong and steady it's appearance the best.
A voice soft and soothing fills my ears,
It's calming effect dries my tears.
"Weep for me now, but be done today,
I am not that far away.
To reach out and touch me all you need do,
Is remember the good times I've shared with you.
Do not dwell on what can't be changed,
Grieve now, then live again.
I am happy were I am,
For I have lots of spirit friends.
All these stars in the heavens this night,
Are souls of loved ones passed from sight.
We are sent to this place, to watch over you,
Sharing our strength, giving hope anew.
So, when your heart's heavy, and you are unable to cope,
Having lost the precious gift of hope,
Look for me in the midnight sky,
My love for you shall never die.
I'm the bright star shining in the night,
Giving you comfort, sharing my light.
Weep for me now, and then be done,
I am truly happy to be with God's son.

Hello. My name is Maggie. I am married and have three beautiful children. My birthname is Bauder.
I served in the Armed Forces (Army) of the United States with the 3rd Armored Division in Frankfurt Germany as a 72E10 or for you lay persons out there, a Telecomunications Specialist. I started out as a private E2 and ended up a Specialist 4. I received an Honorable discharge.
I really enjoyed my time in Germany. I was a teenager at the time so it was a "growing" adventure which many never have an opportunity to explore.

I was bitten by the "genealogy bug" doing a favor for a family member. Now I am known as the "Genelady". This has become a passion for me. Like many other "cousins" out there, my roots started in Europe and settled in New York.

Many of the items I have included deal with New York City, and Brooklyn, as this is where my early family of Bauder finally settled.

In the links section, I have added randomly chosen articles from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, along with marriage and obituary notices. Some of the articles are about issues of the day, etc. I have added links which I feel will assist those BADER/BAUDER researchers.

Other names that I am researching are BERGDALL, CIESLEWICZ, COLETTA, IRVING, JABLONSKI, LEEDS, OWENS, PELL, ROTH, SMITH, and STRAUSS. With the exception of BERGDALL, all of them are in New York. BERGDALL is Florida. :-)

When you are finished looking around take a few moments and sign the guestbook.

Books Of Interest For Brooklyn Researchers

Heritage Books Inc.

  • In Remembrance Abstracts of Marriage and Death Notices 1881 Brooklyn Daily Eagle Newspaper, Brooklyn, New York by Maggie Coletta Published by Heritage Books, Inc.

  • In Remembrance II Abstracts of Marriage and Death Notices 1882 Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn New York. Published by Heritage Books Inc, Compilied by Maggie Coletta.

  • Currently the first and second volumes may be purchased from Heritage Books Inc.

    Please feel free to e-mail me with comments about my homepage. I do not do searches for family names, so please keep this in mind when you email. May site may not look all that entertaining since I have kept the "frills" down to a bare minimum for easier loading time. I look forward to hearing from you!

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    Facts about the BAUDER/BADER surname

    • It is interesting to note that many of our BAUDER cousins once used the spelling BADER. The origin of the Bader/Bauder surname comes from Germany.

    • In German the name is pronounced Bough-der, while Bader is pronounced more toward Bay-der.

    • The German word Bader means "a medical assistant" and Bauder means "a ruler", or "one who hits or punches".

    • When exactly the Bader/Bauder families migrated from Germany to the Mohawk Valley region is still in question. There are Bader/Bauders who fought in the Revolutionary War.

    • The Bauder can be Swiss also. A Bauder family had a citizenship already before 1800 at the village of Mett, now a part of the bilingual town of Biel-Bienne in Canton Bern.

    • The Bauder name can also be Irish as a few Bauder, Butter and Beuter names have been found with their origins in Irelend.

    • Canadian Bauder's have also been discovered in Ontario, from cemetery listings.

    • There are three German Bauder families: Bader, Bauder, and Bauderer. The er was dropped from the latter shortly after coming to American soil. The Bauderer families arrived around 1850 and settled in Ohio.

    • I have discovered the name of Baudert in Holland.

    • By no means did the Bauder families stay in upstate New York.

    • My own family of Bauder mirgrated to New York City/Brooklyn around 1858.

      Bauder History & Coat Of Arms

    • Bauder Coat Of Arms: It seems that the Bauder surname is classified as being a nickname. It is derived from the Middle High German verb ?Buden? the accent being over the letter u.

      Bauder - To beat, or knock, the nickname could refer to the occupation of the initial bearer. Variants of the name can include Buder.

      1350 - A Buder was listed as a resident of Muhlhausen.
      1520 - A Hans Bauder was recorded as a resident of Heuback near Rosensiein. Most Bauders are near Wurtemberg.

      Fixed hereditary family names first surfaced in Southern Germany in the Twelfth century.

      Notable Bauders

      Johann Ulrich Bauder (1610 - 1691) Theologian
      Johann Friedrich Bauder (1713-1791 Industrialist and politician
      Johann Friedrich Bauder (1741-) Lawyer

      The name surfaced in America in the year 1732 with Hans Jacob Bauder who emigrated from Maulbronn into Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

      Blazon of Arms: Pale argent and gules, first between three roses, gules a stag?s attire sable,
      second gules three hunting horns or.
      Crest: A crowned lion proper.
      Origin: 4Germany

      Bader/Bauder can be found on various census. Varations of the spelling can also be found. Pauter, Potter, Baut, Pater , Baader, Badder etc. Some of the Potter names may or may not be Bauder.

      The 1790 census example upstate N.Y.

      Michael Bauder of palatine twp. 1 male over 16, 2 under 16, 1 female.
      Melchior Bader of Palatine twp. 2 males over 16 2 under 16
      (females was uncertain do to illigebility in writing.)
      Phillip Bader of Rensselerville. 1 male over 16. 3 under 16, 6 females
      Michael Potter of Palatine twp. 4 males over 16, 4 under 16 2 females
      Frances Pater of Caughnawage twp. 1 male over 16 2 females John Pauter of Mohawk twp. 1 male over 16 2 females
      Nicholas Baut of Canajoharie twp. 2 males over 16 4 under 16 4 females.
      Lodowick Pauter- Mohawk twp. 1 male over 16, 2 females
      Jeremiah Potter Mohawk twp. 4 males over 16, 2 under 16, 3 females
      John Potter Mohawk twp 1 male over 16 2 under 16 1 female
      Ulrick Bader Palatine twp. 2 males over 16 4 males under 16 5 females.

      Baders who served in the Revoutionary war:
      (from MacWethy?s book of names)

      Klock?s Regiment

      Melgert Bader
      Mebzer Bader
      Michael Bader (two of them)

      Fisher?s regiment

      Francis Pater
      Ulrich Panter

      Cheese Factory - Root

      President - Ira J. Carr
      Vice-President - Lewis Bauder
      Secretary - Jacob Snow

      The factory is a fine wooden building and has a capacity for manufacturing the milk of 800 cows, which is considered above the national average.
      From F. W. Beers' History of Montgomery and Fulton Co.

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    Links to the sections of this page

    Books of interest
    Bauder families in census
    My family's cemetery plot
    Information on a Bauder wedding
    Early New York history timeline
    A look at Kings Co. 1800
    1860 Kings Co.
    Articles from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle including old homesteads of L.I.
    Patents and Insurance Co's.
    Articles on New Years Day, Thanksgiving & others
    Christmas article from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, written in 1860
    Charles the Fifth comet of 1860
    1860 Kings County Medical Association List of Doctors
    A poem of the Civil War
    History of 153rd regiment
    Part 1 - Fulton County men regiment listings
    Part 2 - Fulton County men regiment listings
    Part 3 - Fulton County men regiment listings 97th Regiment
    Articles from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 1883
    Interesting articles from the January 1885 Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
    The social event of the season. Knapp and Wallace wedding
    W.C. Kingsley's life story, obituary for the Maker of the Brooklyn Bridge.
    Ulysses S. Grant, obituary.
    Articles from the B.D.E. April 1885 State Street Fire. 1-5
    1895 marriages: January 1st-31st posted in B. D. E.
    1895 obituries: Jan 1st-31st posted in B. D. E.
    2. Jan 1st-31st
    3. Jan 1st-31st
    4. Jan 1st-31st
    Information only about Brooklyn Daily Eagle
    A listing of obituaries from the January 1884 editions of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle
    A lengthy article on the death of Brooklyn Daily Eagle editor Thomas Kinsella

    Links to other sites

    Geocities Free homepages
    Ship passenger lists & indexes
    New York State Library Homepage
    American Genealogical Lending Library
    New York State Government Information Locator
    The layout and style of this page and all pages contained herein are copyright © Maggie Coletta 1997-2007