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James' Scrapbook (V.1.1)
11/28/03 2:00 AM PST by James:
Making a quick post before i head off to bed. Well things are okay right now I'm here for thanksgiving. Im really starting to feel more comfortable here, at least I feel like it. However, I am still very excited to see my parents and my brother. Not seeing them for 3+ months is just very foreign to me. I watched Al Pacino's Oscar winning performance in "Scent of a Woman" today. Man its a great movie, except for the semi cheesy ending. Nonethless its still very much worth everyone's time to watch. Finals are coming up and im going to make it a priority to STUDY. I must do well on math and physics to get the grade I want. fucking physics. If you are interested in my schedule for next year its in my profile. we keep on rolling baby. cheers~

11/07/03 04:00 PM PST
by James:
Well I'm SUPPOSED to be at MAE9 right now, but ill make a quick post before i go. Physics ownage, and its not in terms of me owning it. I mean it was just sad. Pure ownage. I mean it wasn't even something like "i got owned but not really because I'm asian", it was just a diaster. Not even clam chowder fridays at Plaza Cafe will provide boost to my day. FUCKING PHYSICS though. GOD. feel like crap after quizzes in that class. But life goes on, and this only pushes me harder to understand the material for the next quiz. because next quiz, oh man. the things im going to do to it. i cant even say cuz its illegal in 13 states. gotta keep pushing on. all your physics are belong to me. die physics. please. cheers~

10/28/03 03:45 PM PST
by James:
You know, college is a mess. Its just a bunch of studying. I dont seem to be enjoying it. Oh and this just in, i will not be having class for the 3rd straight day tomorrow. its getting ridiculous. how about so-cal is the fucking homo and it can go eat some penis? yeah college is stupid; whoever said it was good: my intelligence > yours. die. cheers~

10/11/03 11:45 PM PST
by James:
Heres the lowdown, or the "four one one", on whats going on in my life right now. You ready? Okay. OKAY? And as you've guessed, that means nothing. I have been diligent lately because of the fact that there is nothing to do. I found myself working out physics problems at CLICS (which is conviently acroynomed but what it stands for sounds like something Bush would say). With all this "free" time on my hands, i actually got some work done. Alright I lie. Reading blogs and profiles to "pass the time" is my new pasttime. It should be America's pasttime, not something stupid like baseball. Honestly, who gives a crap about baseball? Go shoot yourself if you do because following baseball means you have surpassed the line of  "NO LIFE!", which is where I am at right now. But its okay, because school = fun, right guys. Speaking these word assignments, heres some more:

hot girls = gimme
country music = t3h sUx
japanese pr0n = thanks

that is all. cheers~

10/04/03 10:15 PM PST
by James:
Reporting from SD, yours truly returns with another pointless post on this so-called website/blog. San Diego has transformed me into a lifeless slug; i trudge along everywhere and leave a trail of stinky mess behind me. This first week of ollege comprises of more reading than I have ever read in my 18 years on this planet. Unbelievable amount. Theres a video rental store in Ranch 99, which means me and fob suitemate Mike are gonna be owning up the variety shows now. Taiwan...oh how i long for my next trip to the motherland. Might go read some later. that is all. cheers~

09/19/03 01:25 PM PST
by James:
After a one month hiatus, I come back to you with my last post in San Jose for a good couple of months. My feelings right now for college? Unsorted. I dont know what I should be feeling. College is such a scary thing, so much good or bad can come of it. I will continue to use this site to post my thoughts, but I think this will mainly serve as a place for BITCHING, especially about my classes. Toast to all of you in high school one last time. Bu Xiang He Ni Suo Zai Jien. Sorry ladies, but the boys of summer are now gone. Signing off from San Jose for the last time, thumbs up and CHEERS~

08/17/03 10:45 PM PST
by James:
Hmm. I'm becoming more and more inactive in terms of posting, and im not surprised. The lazyiness of summer has caught me head on and not letting go. Life has become so redundant now and there isn't much to look forward to. Well, Taiwan, but thats a different thing. haha. I'm making a list of things of things to get  when I'm back in Taiwan. Knowing my memory, writing it on ONE sheet of paper still won't help. I'll probably end up forgetting to bring the stupid sheet. So theres one thing I need to talk about, and thats the recall election. Okay Arnold has a good chance to win, but is hes the one who can solve our problems? Simon's strong financial background is our only shot at a speedy economic recovery, but he is striaght up HOMO in all other aspects of his platform. So that leaves Bustamante to succeed Davis or to just let Davis stay in office. I think i'd be most satisfied with Arnold in office. Okay we've given the democrats a shot and Davis blew it; i dont think Bustamante can do a better job than Davis. GO ARNOLD! cheers~

08/06/03 08:45 PM PST
by James:
CHING NI  DUO AI WO YI TIAN, BU XIANG HE NI SUO ZAI JIEN. leet song that Energy - Duo Ai Wo Yi Tian. So summer school ends for me this THURSDAY. i need to take my final, get my B in that class and just leave. Then I can go full out on the last 1.5 months of summer. I will be heading back to Taiwan from 8/22 to 9/5, so dont do anything fun until I'm back. Lots of activities need to be done before I head off to SD. Only good times ahead. Thumbs up to all. cheers~

07/23/03 05:50 PM PST
by James:
STACY'S MOM HAS GOT IT GOIN ON! Yo whats up people. Just making a quick post here. Thanks to everyone for coming to my eagle scout court of honor on sunday, sure was great to see all of you. Been trying to decide if I should cut my hair NOW or wait until school starts. We shall see. My aunt is coming from taiwan tomorrow, and shes bringing my i think 12 year old cousin. its gonna be a hectic 1.5 weeks. oh yeah just some minor news for those that care: i just became an op in one of the irc channels i chat in. how interesting. im back on top! cheers~

07/12/03 06:40 PM PST
by James:
Wow haven't updated this thing in a while. haven't really had the will power to do it, lots of summer school and other crap going on. hot pot city was leet last night guys, way to 0wn it up (MA LA for grace, leet). I'm going to wish Emily a happy birthday here. i guess thats it for now. jay's album is out on the 31st so keep your eyes peeled for that. thumbs up to all. cheers~

06/28/03 05:05 PM PST
by James:
Well looky here. I am back from San Diego. Orientation was quite fun and i met a good amount of people. Most of the asians i saw there were either from nor-cal or from the pasadena/orange county area. IF you are going to UCSD with me, here is my
FALL QUARTER CLASS SCHEDULE for those that are interested. i hope you get SARs from reading that. cheers~

06/16/03 02:20 PM PST
by James:
As much as we think we know ourselves or how secure we are about what people think of us, I think that there is always room for that little sense of insecurity. All it takes is that one simple little thing that you or someone else notices, and it leads you on a search to find the real you. And when you do something and have no idea why you did that because its not something you would expect from even yourself, thats when you need to take a step back and evaluate what you thought of yourself. Because theres always time for change to better ourselves. One small advice and note to self: zhao zhi ji. CHEERS~

06/15/03 12:45 AM PST
by James:
Well, nothing to it. I finished high school. Graduation was leet and grad night was even leeter.Pictures are up from both graduation and grad night. I'm not going to sit here and type out some sentimental shit, because I already did that on my last post. I'm going to give thanks to the class of 2003 for being an incredible bunch of people. Yeah its been a wild 4 years guys, and im glad all us were along for the ride. got nothing else to do but to raise my cup to the class of 2003. CHEERS~

06/07/03 07:30 PM PST
by James:
High school. It's about to come to an end. Everything I've done academically in the past 18 years can be wiped off the record. I'm starting over. High school was fun, but it is not what it's cracked up to be. I'm more eager to get out of here than anything else. Seeing the people I don't want to see just reminds me of all the extra stress that I had that could have been prevented. However, I think high school was still incredibly awesome. I think senior year woke me up from my high school slumber...I started hanging out with a wider variety of people, mainly cuz its my last year. i regret not doing that earlier. it's incredible what a year can do to your life. All the new experiences, new people, new memories. Go to high school for the experience, not cuz you have to or you want to go to a prestigious college. Don't fuck it up...you might regret it later. And one last thing: don't be afraid to speak your mind. its the least you can fucking do. cheers~

06/01/03 12:10 AM PST
by James:
So the first day of isolation weekend went pretty well, in terms of work done. Was able to get a start on the comp sci slide show, finish up writing and fixing the code and get some of the gov stuff. Tomorrow I'll be busy for a good portion of the afternoon. Meeting up with the group to finish up on the songs for tuesday, then meet with english group and then i gotta take pictures for my Eagle COH. Lots more work to be done tomorrow as well. Hopefully I will as productive as today. cheers~

05/29/03 01:30 AM PST
by James:
Something has been bothering me lately and i can't quite put my finger on it. I really don't think its just the senioritis but I am having a hard time concentrating nowadays. I think i might have an idea about what it is, but im not totally sure. It really sucks to be worrysome and stressed at this time of year. With everything coming to an end, i really want to put in the effort and finish off high school strong. However, i find myself thinking of other things in this clutch time. I'm not excited about lots of things anymore. DAMN IT i hate it when i can't figure out whats bothering me. It's like i want to say its this thing, but im not sure. oh well, i hope i figure out what this thing is so i can move on and enjoy the rest of the school year and the summer. for now, i raise my cup to you. cheers~

05/21/03 09:30 PM PST
by James:
PROM WAS OFF THE HOOK! REVIEW REMOVED; pics are up also. cheers~

05/16/03 08:50 PM PST
by James:
Prom is tomorrow. Way to cap off one of the worst weeks ive had in a long time. Whoo these past three days have been true piles of shit! I really hope I can enjoy tomorrow after all thats happened this week, but right now im not so sure. I will have to try my best because its not fair to myself and others. I REALLY REALLY hope everything will come together again real soon because i have not had this shitty of a week for a freaking long ass time. god makes me wanna 0wn myself. ridiculous. cheers~

05/12/03 10:40 PM PST
by James:
Hello. Prom is in like less than a week. Hell week for me and fisher. we hitting up 24 two times on wednesday  cuz we need to reach our freaking weight goals. I am still the Dark Magician for prom. no urge to post. nothing really to talk about. government ap test, which will be my last AP ever, is going to be on wednesday. Famke is sooo good looking its not even funny. *drools* damn homie. hot diggity damn. i will put up pictures and a review of prom the following day, so keep ur eyes peeled for that. and as for now, cheers~

05/01/03 08:45 PM PST
by James:
I am so ready to get the hell out of here. I've had just about enough of my parents and their bullshit. The only thing I'm looking forward to is prom, basically. I really hope that will be hella fun. That will be the start of the string of senior events, like the concert, picnic, etc. I'm very tired and hope to go to sleep at a reasonable hour tonight. cheers~

04/24/03 02:55 AM PST
by James:
AMBER! Thats all i have to say. good game, mike and david. gg. cheers~

04/19/03 08:30 PM PST
by James:
Spring break is here. I'm quite happy. TOo bad i have to study for AP tests that are coming up. Nonetheless, it should be a real fun break. I'm going to prom, which is pretty exciting. Thats like in a month or so. Too bad it's gonna suck out all of the $$ that i have saved up. Oh well, I hope its worth it. cheers~

04/13/03 08:25 PM PST
by James:
Yes hello all. Everything is fine. I am going to go to UCSD for college, majoring in Electrical Engineering in Revelle College. I guess thats all i have to say for now. Nothing really spectacular going on. Musical was good. Make sure you go to the Senior Concert on June 3rd and watch the 4 Swai Guys and other bands/individuals perform. cheers~

04/06/03 09:40 PM PST
by James:
I realized that I have not eaten pho in like a month, maybe even a lil more. The craving never really came up but thanks to that little girl in english ap (isabel), i think the cravings are slowing coming back. I AM NOT A ROCKER! I just have a newfound respect for ROCK music. damn it grace, u brainwashed me. We got karaoke this week, which we are going to wing cuz we dont care about it that much. Make sure you guys check out the senior concert; its prolly gonna be in mid-May or early June. cheers~

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Copyright 2K3 by James Liao
All Rights Reserved (who am i kidding? this crappy page? i think not...leech away)
-Pictures 2
Song of the moment: Delerium feat Nerina Pallot - Truly (Signum Mix)

1. Delerium feat Nerina Pallot - Truly (Signum Mix)

2. Liang Jing Ru - Ting Bu Dao

3. Oceanlab - Satellite

4. Mayday - Ah Mu Shi Zuang

5. Jacky Wu & Joanna - Chuang Wai

6. Tension - Yi Feng Zhong

7. Aria - Dido (Armin Van Buuren Remix)

8. Jay Chou - Gui Ji

9. Jay Chou - Duan Le De Xian

10. Exile - Your Eyes Only (Above & Beyond Remix)
My Top 10 Songs ATM:
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Jay Chou 4th Album - Ye Huei Mei
Jay's highly anticipated 4th album is out on 7/31. It features the hit single Yi Fu Zhi Ming (In the Name of the Father). It's a must get for all chinese music lovers!

BUY: $19.99
Special Section(s):


Fly to the Sky Vol. 4 - Missing You
The new release from the SM R&B/Hip Hop duo Fly to the Sky with title song Missing You. Excellent vocals from both members!

BUY: $8.95
Anson Hu 2nd - Shen Ji Ban 4147
The Shanghai "Jay Chou" is back with his second offering. He does not disappoint this time around again!

BUY: $13.99
                                 Now for an
                                 "update" on the
                                 info. James is
                                 still the 18 years
                                 of age and he's
                                 still at the UCSD
                                 Upon entering
                                 college, James has had a slight change in views, most of which revolve around the level of stupidity that exists in this world. He enjoys listening to music almost as much as he enjoys downloading pornographic material off the world wide web (or the "internet", as he likes to call it). James also enjoys a sense of humor cuz cmon lets face it people: laughter is the best medicine. And one last concluding fact about this man: he likes to lift the weights, to hate on the stupid, and have the sex0r with multiple women at once. Yes...hes THAT talented. James > all of you. goodbye.