Equipment Needed:       200 Feet of 2 ½” Hose

                                    One (1) 1” Straight Tip Nozzle 

Fire Gear Needed:         Boots and Helmet 

Number of People:        Six (6) 

Object: To deploy a hose line, knock down target, and break down the hose; bring nozzle and personnel back across start/finish line. 

1.                 Upon the start signal, the team will pick up rolled hose and carry it across the hydrant line. 

2.                 The team will roll out hose (in any fashion) and couple them together. 

3.                 The hose is then connected to the water supply. 

4.                 The hose is then pulled down the course to the nozzle line as one (1) of the members turns on the water supply.  The nozzle cannot cross the line. 

5.                 The team attempts to knock over the target with a straight stream from behind the nozzle online (two (2) members on nozzle).   

6.                 After the target is knocked over, the team shuts down the water supply, takes off the nozzle and then uncouples each hose coupling and races back towards the start/finish line with the nozzle. 

7.                 The time stops when the last member crosses the start/finish line. 

Org. Arizona Muster Association                                                             Updated 1997

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