MDunn717: The Bible says a lot about pooping...
MDunn717: For example, Hosea 2:14...
MDunn717: "And when he had pooped, he gave thanks."
MDunn717: It is important in this day and age that we acknowledge the poop for what it is.
MDunn717: The very lifeforce that holds this fragile universe together.
MDunn717: For you see, brethren... everyone poops. It's a simple fact of life.
MDunn717: We all poop. And not just human beings, mind you. Birds, squirrels, chipmunks...
MDunn717: Every living creature on this Lord's great earth, at some form of time must dispose of its own waste.
MDunn717: And I say "waste" in the loosest sense of the term.
MDunn717: For as we poop, we give back to the earth.
MDunn717: Zechariah 6:13, "Let the poop of the world nourish us..."
MDunn717: Can I get a witness?
MDunn717: Amen!
MDunn717: Thank you, brother.
MDunn717: Let us pray.
MDunn717: "Oh dear lord...
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nothing wrong with a little toilet humor.