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The Tiffanie is also known as the Asian Semi-Longhair. It is a semi-longhaired cat with Burmese body type, and recognized in any of the Burmese or Asian Shorthair colors and patterns.



Developed in North America, the Chantilly/Tiffany is a silky, semi-longhaired chocolate-colored cat. It is distinct from the British Tiffanie, and not at all related.



This breed is closely aligned with the Siamese, with a strong dose of Burmese as well. . This playful, people-oriented breed has a moderate body type and a sleek, soft coat, and features a unique pattern known as "mink": it is pointed like the Siamese, but the body is colored in a shade harmonizing with the point color, and the eyes are aqua in shade. "Tonks" are available in a range of colors intermediate between their Burmese and Siamese parent breeds. In some associations non-mink colors and patterns are also accepted. Likewise, Tonkinese are very similar in temperament to their twin ancestral lines... communicative and self-confident, they make excellent pets. The Tonkinese was produced by crossing the Burmese and Siamese breeds.


Traditional (Applehead) Siamese

The Traditional Siamese has a rounder, more moderate body and head type than today's show Siamese. It is a talkative, affectionate cat, and appears in the traditional seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac point colors. In most associations these are registered as Siamese (although they do not meet the current show standard), but in a few associations they are recognized in their own breed category.


Turkish Angora

This breed has an interesting history that trails back to Turkey and forward to the brink of near-extinction. Fortunately, the breed was rescued from that fate and now is again delighting cat fanciers worldwide. The breed sports a very luxurious coat, often pure white. These still relatively rare cats have an intelligent and pleasing nature about them as well. Though solid white is the most well-known color, they come in a variety of additional colors and patterns.


Turkish Van

Quite similar to the Turkish Angora is this breed, which is differentiated mainly by "van" markings on the head and tail. The breed normally appears in white, with a somewhat longhaired coat. The van markings are usually red, blue or black. Inquisitive and social, the Turkish Van is yet another in the long line of excellent pure breeds available to satisfy any cat lover. Turkish Vans are said to be fond of water and swimming.


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