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Cats have a very interesting personality that has won the hearts of many cats lovers. Independent yet affectionate, wild yet gentle. They are such beautiful creatures with their true nature in them, maybe due to the fact that they were only adopted by humans in the recent years, unlike dogs.

Cats were bred for their great skills in mouse catching. You would love these cats because they resemble themselves so much. They can be like your lap pets, just sitting down on your lap, enjoying the peace and serenity. Or they can be running wild, catching the ball or playing with the bugs. It just depends on the cat you choose. Some may be dominant and fierce, but they will be so kind to you. Others can submissive and gentle, behaving so sweetly to everyone.

Independent: Cats have their own lives to live too. They don't really want to have a person to bug them all the time. But they enjoy some frequent hugs and touches, so that they know someone still loves them and care for them. But when they want their own free time, do remember to give them.

Affectionate: All cats are affectionate to the person they are bonded with. They purr for them and surprise their humans with some special treats like bugs or cookies. They react to their touches and never ignore them.

Wild: They are wild in the sense that they have their own "jungle instincts". Catching mice, hissing at the dogs and fighting with their siblings are just part and parcels of their lives. They enjoy it so much.

Gentle: They are gentle to their humans and love them more than they love themselves. Cats are selfless creatures and they give their hearts to their humans.

Cats are all kings and queens in their own reigns. Do show respect for them and care for them as much as they care for you. Love them always.


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