Allen Heckler BENNER and Sevilla Nase LONG
Family History and Descendents

Allen Heckler BENNER and Sevilla Nase LONG are buried in the Almont Luthren Cemetery at 40° 22.020N 75° 20.150W. From this parking area go back about half way and search on the left side. Allen and Sevilla had the following children: Linford, Lillian, Clarence, Stanley, Edward, and Mae. Information, photos, and pedigree charts are provided below.

Here is a school picture of Sevilla taken in the early 1900s. Sevilla is the girl just right of center straight down from the right side of the first (left) window, and the girl that is farthest to the right.

The following pictures show members of this immediate family, i.e. Allen and Sevilla's boys (from left to right: Linford, Clarence, Stanley and Eddie). A great bunch of uncles.

Anyone wishing to add their family history and pictures, please email text and images to me at or at

Pedigree Chart on Allen Heckler BENNER
Abraham Benner
Christian Hunsberger Benner
Barbara Hunsberger
Tobias Hunsberger BENNER
Sarah Sellers HUNSBERGER
Nathaniel Conver BENNER
Abraham Freed CONVER
Mary Ann Buchammer CONVER
Allen Heckler BENNER
Peter Heckler
Amanda Wisler HECKLER
John Wisler
Jacob Wisler
Catherine Stauffer
Margaret M. WISLER
Elizabeth King

Pedigree Chart on Sevilla Nace LONG
Michael LANG
Elias LANG
b. 19 Jun 1691
d. 19 Jun 1764
Johann Jacob LONG
Johann Adam LONG
b. 15 Jul 1768
d. 2 Oct 1839
Johann Jacob LONG b. 27 Jul 1797
Ludwich HIRSCH
Christina HIRSCH
b. 15 Jul 1768
d. 2 Oct 1839
Enos LONG b. ~1830
Alesabeth b. ~1798
Frank Souder LONG
Christian Souder
Christian Souder
Abraham O. Souder
Mary H. Obertholtzer
Abraham B. Souder
Abraham Benner
Hester H. Benner
Barbara Hunsberger
Melchior Schmidt
Margaret Schmidt
John Bilger
Charlotte Bilger
Mary Kunser
Sevilla Nace LONG
Abraham F. NACE b. 1812
David B. NACE
Sarah BARNETT(?) b. 1812
Sevilla Cressman NACE
John George CRESSMAN
Elizabeth FULMER
Ellamanda CRESSMAN
Jacob LOH
Elizabeth LOH (or Low)
Nicolas Wohlfahrt
Johannes Wohlfahrt
Elizabeth Wohlfahrt
Maria Kober

Back to Benner Research Home Page

View Sevilla's father's web page

Also, I created a new genealogy tool that I call the Migration Matrix. If you do genealogy, this matrix can help find the parents of wives who lived in a neighboring township. Also if you use this Migration Matrix term or format, please give credit as you deem appropriate. You have my permission to copy the html source code, provided you give some kind of acknowledgement. Notice that I colored two teens/wives that I found living/working in homes other than their parents home. This makes it difficult but not impossible to identify parents. This matrix should help us make better guesses on where to focus our search.

This hyperlink is an early photo of the family of Clarence and Vi Benner (without their youngest child Corey). The photograph was taken when the family lived at 1150 Yuba Street in Aurora, Colorado in the 1950's.

My favorite site with photographs of Linford's, Lillian's, Clarence's, Standley's, Eddie's, and Mae's ancesters, family, and cousins.

And, here's a picture of Allen with his sister Martha.

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P.S. THANKS to cousin Ginny for all her research on the Long/Lang line, and thanks to Donna Bluemink for pictures and her help finding gravesites.

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This information is provided for descendents of Candy Cicon, Rick Benner, Kevin Benner, Janelle, Stacey Koebach, Scott Benner, Sandy Greb, Ken Scheetz, Bob Scheetz, Gerry Benner, Larry Benner, Greg Benner, Corey McCarthy, LeAnn, Gordon Benner, Judy K., Michael Benner, Cathy Applegate, Sue Mood, Ron Schlemmer, ...