Ghetto Wrestling Association
Open 24 Hours

GWA News, Updates, and Rumors

Firecracker Goes Pop! (3/24/06): Last night saw the long anticipated debut of Firecracker Michelle Bryant in the GWA when she aided Double X in his victory over El Golpe Mortal for the number one contendership for the GWA title against Homeless John at Rumble In The Bronx next week. What could happen at that match now that Double X has an ally? Will Corporate Stiff get his wish? Are homeless John's days as Champion numbered?

Tag Team Turmoil:
Looking at how impressive of a team The Assassins are becoming, even suffering a loss this week they look to be moving up the ranks towards the tag titles. Whoever comes out on top at the Rumble better definitely keep an eye on this up and coming team.

The History Of Violence: Jimmy said it himself that he feels neglected, what phone calls faxes and emails could he have been talking about in his threatening shoot in the ring last week? could one of the top two companies be making a move to raid the GWA locker room of talent? And if Jimmy doesn't win the Interboro title could Violence be just that in the GWA history?

Chivalry Is Dead: This week Delilah called out her former boyfriend The Norseman challenging him to a match at The Rumble In The Bronx. Will Danny accept the challenge and be labeled a woman beater or turn it down and be mocked for not facing a woman? Personally I can see he's in a tight spot here folks, I too will be interested in seeing how this event unfolds.

SPOTTED!: El Golpe Mortal, Mr. Hardcore &  Rudland at Alternate Realities comics on Central Ave. All three were nice and stopped to talk and sign autographs for a while.
Newest GWA star Firecracker was spotted on the D train a few nights ago, didn't stop to ask for an autograph but she was nice enough to wave back when she was noticed.

GWA Season 2 Starting (3/2/06)- After a 3 month hiatus, GWA has reopened its doors and is starting Season 2.  All of the wrestlers were redrafted by owners J.C. DiCapra, Dixon Mason, and Roman Greco, with quite a few wrestlers changing hands.

The GWA has some features that are new (and improved!).  They are:

-A new game engine, Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 ffor PS2!
-A money system for General Managers based oon wrestler performance!
-A completely revised wrestler profile page layout!

-A new look and feel to the website to commemorate Season 2!
-An excessive amount of exclamation points!<