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The Writer's Almanac

"Often while reading a book one feels that the author would have preferred to paint
rather than write; one can sense the pleasure he derives from describing a landscape
or a person, as if he were painting what he is saying, because deep in his heart
he would have preferred to use brushes and colors."
Pablo Picasso


Our Own Doing
"The mind is its own place, & in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."
Paradise Lost by John Milton

Perspectives on Consciousness
Hidden Sources by Carl Jung
Streams of Consciousness by William James
Now Hear This by M. Scott Peck
Putting Time Together by Jeremy Campbell
Invisible But Real by Julian Jaynes
A Dissenting Note by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Perspectives on Ethics
With The End in View by Micheal Josephson
Beware Bad Leaders by C.P. Snow
The Honest of Youth by Letty Cottin Pogrebin
The Ultimate Authority by Harper Lee
Tried and True Advice by William shakespeare
Medical Grounds...The Hippocratic Oath
Perspectives on Men & Women
A Seperate Task by Robert A. Johnson
Fancy Footwork by Mary Catherine Bateson
A Sweet Enchantment by David Riesman
Perspectives on Mind & Spirit
Beyond Mere Knowledge by Albert Einstein
The Friendship Factor: A Therapist's View by Alan L McGinnis
Our Own Doing: "Paradise Lost" by John Milton
Inspired Audacity: Raoul Wallenberg by Gerald Clark
Perspectives on Sleep & Dreams
How Sweet is Sleep "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes
Holing Up by Dr. Julius Segal
Nightmares of Nightmares "Iolanthe" by Sir William S. Gilbert
The Unconscious Mind at Work by Lorus & Margery Milne
Time Out by Charles Fisher M.D
Perspectives on Time & The Mind
Uniquely Our Own by Storm Jameson
Why Time Flies & Drags by Kenneth Jon Rose
Life Cycle by Anna Quindlen
More Perspectives
As A Child's Life Unfolds by Susan Sutton
Disiderata by Max Ehrmann
Parable of the Ass by Patience Worth
Happiness by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Sometimes by Hildegarde Hawthorne
The Foot-Path To Peace by: Henry Van Dyke
A Zen Story  Zen Philosophy
Children Learn What They Live by Unknown Author
Friendship by Terry Rowe
Proverbs 6:16-19 The Holy Bible
Psalm 23 The Holy Bible
It's a Vicious Circle by Patricia Piscione
Be a Man, My Son! by Rudyard Kipling
The Victor by C W. Longenecker
Perspectives Submitted
11 Things one could do by Unknown Author
A Father's Love by Unknown Author
A Man and his Dog by Unknown Author
A Sobering Thought by Unknown Author
A Tree Dreams by Unknown Author
An Hour of Your Time by Unknown Author
Being Aware by Unknown Author
Call 'em Tators by Unknown Author
Faith by Unknown Author
Family by Unknown Author
How To Recognize A Good Woman by Unknown Author
If I Knew by Unknown Author
Judge Me By The Footprints I Leave Behind by Unknown Author
Patience Worth

She came to Mrs. John H. Curran, of St. Louis, Missouri, one evening in the summer
of 1913, as Mrs. Curran sat with an ouija board on her knees, and introduced herself
as 'Patience Worth,' with the declaration that she lived long ago and now has come
again. From that time she has poured out a continuous stream of communications,
conversational and literary, including hundreds of poems, numerous parables and
allegories, several short stories, a drama, and two novels. She continued to do so
until the death of Mrs. John H. Curran.
Exert: The Case of Patience Worth by Casper S. Yost

Patience Worth Verses
Noon & Night
The Hunter

The Toad and the Fly
Wisdom and Sleep
Baptism Prayer
A Child's Prayer
Be Still and List to TRUTH
The Happy Trick
Other Worlds
A to Z
The Voice
The Folly of Atheism
A Message
Assorted Poets
By Faith & The Bible by John Greenleaf Whittier
Angers a Banger by Patricia Piscione
Copy by Richard Armour
Genisis by Patricia Piscione
The Hell of It by Paul Williams
How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Late Bloom by Louise C. Wilson
Love by E. Fox
Payment by Eileen Hession
Thee by Patricia Piscione
The Highwayman by Alfred Noyles
Paul Bunyan by Arthur S Bourinot
Sir Smasham Uppe by Emile V Rieu
Casey at the Bat by Ernest L Thayer
Goliath by Walter de la Mare
Unknown Title - by John Keats
Lord by St. Francis of Assisi
The Morning by Ross H Pelman
Morning Thanksgiving by John Drinkwater
By the North Sea by Sir Arthur Conon Doyle
A Memory by W D Cocker
Cheer by Robert W Service
Early Starters by David Hope
The Birds by Andrew Dodds
Unknown Authors
One Solitary Life by Unknown Author
The Heroin Marriage Creed by Unknown Author
The Only One by Unknown Author
Positively Negative by Unknown Author
Strings by Unknown Author
What! On the floor again by Unknown Author
Your Dirty Mind by Unknown Author
The Zodiac Verse by Unknown Author
A Hunter's Poem by Unknown Author
No One Will Ever Know by Unknown Author
Things Will Be Ok by Unknown Author

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