Ask Triad Orion!

(Important Rules Update on March 28, 2004)

<BGSOUND SRC="ItDoesntMatter.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">
"It Doesn't Matter" (Sonic Adventure 2)

Hello. Welcome to Ask Triad Orion, where you ask Triad Orion questions, and you can read some of his funny and quirky responses.
Has there been a question that you've been begging to ask Triad, but have never had the time to do it before? Well, now you can.
And why are we being so nice about Triad? Heck, I don't even know why I'm doing this.
I think it's because I asked you to. I mean, Triad can't do everything himself.
Well, yes, I would do it for you, Isaac... but Triad doesn't do anything himself anyway.
That's not true! I finished Golden Sun: The Trials of Destiny myself!
And barely got through it without your fans killing you.
Yami does have a point, Triad.
Well... okay. Mia, Jenna, please continue the opening.
*Clears Throat* Anyway, this is where you view some of the mail Triad has recieved and his responses, and where you send the E-mail itself!
Oh, and here's Strong Bad to tell you some rules and do's and don'ts when E-mailing Triad.
Okay, for all the stupid people out there:
  1. You must ask a question! Triad can't answer if you don't ask questions!
  2. Keep your questions brief! If you write a bunch of crap Triad doesn't need to put up, expect it to be cut!
  3. Use Spell Check and Grammar Check. Triad reserves the right to make fun of you if you have frequent spelling mistakes, missing punctuation, or just plain stupid mistakes.
  4. You CAN send questions to muses, but remember that this is Ask TRIAD, so don't get all muse-happy... (Although if there are any females out there interested in the Bad, I can't stop them....)
  5. Keep in mind that Triad needs good e-mails to make funny responses, so don't give him stupid questions that he could answer with only one word.
  6. (New) Do NOT send Triad any questions regarding forums of any type. As of March 28, 2004, anyone who sends a question of this nature WILL be made fun of regardless of their shipping preferences, name, or reputation. Triad does not actively participate in many forums, and he has no interest in joining others. For the record:

    Triad will NOT get involved in any arugments on forums at all. Do NOT send any invitations, challenges, threats, or accusations. These will be posted and then made fun of. THIS APPLIES TO ALL OF TRIAD'S E-MAIL ADDRESSES.

  7. If Triad gets flooded with e-mails, he will take only a select few to answer. If your question never shows up, it's likely that he has too many responses to make.

Okay, I think that covers everything.
Oh yes, and this site is updated on the rigorous "whenever-I-feel-like-it" schedule. Don't expect a posted response right away, but I will try to get through them quickly. And Strong Bad, all those 'stupid' comments weren't necessary. Okay, choose your poison!

Ask Triad a Question

Booga? A Couple Question Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Mars Big Trouble
A Life Without Romance A Mercury Riddle What Triad Doesn't Need Moron?!
Shortened Life Spans Neglected? The Whatophobia?! Fire and Ice
An Odd Question... The War of the Ships (Updated 10/18/03) E-Mail From A Certain Swordsman Men are From Venus and Women are From Mars
Flame Shield? Burnination and Freezination A Valentine E-mail A Canon Nightmare (Updated 2/18/04)
E-Mail From A Certain Swordsman: The Second Coming! (Posted 8/18/04)

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