Chairman's Message

Dear Well-wisher,

Firstly, I would sincerely like to thank you for visiting the Gigiri Lions Web Site:
"Roar of Gigiri Lions". This Web Site is launched on the 1st day of July 2001
which is also the first day of Lionistic year 2001 - 2002 and my first day as
Chairman of this fine club.

Friends, I must emphasise that I am proud to be a member of one of the finest clubs
in District 411 - The Lions Club of Nairobi - Gigiri who have worked tirelessly since
the last 17 years to serve the society.  The Gigiri Family is determined to work hard
and focus on meaningful and shining quality activities that will bring long term benefits
to the less fortunate of our society.  During the Lionsistc year 2001 -2002 we have planned
several meaningful and quality activities. I would like to mention few of them as under:

1)  Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) have granted a sum of USD 75,000 for
     extension of our  long term project - "The Hawa Street Children's Rehabilitation
     Centre". Gigiri Lions pledge to give our utmost priority to develop this project
     which will comprise of a  Primary School and a Dormitory with full facilities to
     accommodate 100 children who would normally sleep on our streets.  The total
     cost of this project is estimated to about US$ 1.6 million and projected to finish
     in five phases over a period of five years. In the First phase we have already built
     and furnished four dormitory units and a bore-hole at the cost of US$ 44,800.
     This could be only possible because of the support of our well  wishers. For more
     detail of our current Major Projects please visit our page: "Projects".

2)  Lions Club of Nairobi - Gigiri has always remained in up front in the District to
     conduct Eye camps followed by Cataract Surgeries. The club have pledged 365
     Cataract Operations during the Lionistic year 2001 -2002. This will account to
     USD 18,800.

3)  We will carry out Two Major Medical Camps in the rural area, which will cater
     about 2,500 needy and destitute people of our society. We have been fortunate over
     the past few years to have our Major Rural Health Camps sponsored by M/S Cosmos
     Ltd whose chairman is none other than our own member Lion P.K.Patel. Friends, each
     Major Health Camp costs about USD 16,000.

4)  In line with Lions Club International motto: "WE SERVE" the club is conducting regular
     monthly ENT, Dental, Eye and Skin Clinics to serve deserving and needy people of our
     society. These activities are carried out since last 14 years. The club provides free medical
     check-up, treatment and appropriate medicines to each patients at a nominal cost of
     K.Shs 50.00 which is equivalent to US$ 0.60. About 2400 patients are treated every year
     at a cost of USD 11,500.

5)  The Club will carry out regular feeding activities, donation of Wheel Chairs, Jaipur Feet
     and  Hearing Aids to the deserving physically disabled, Tree Planting, Youth Outreach
     and Drug Awareness Programs, Diabetes & Cholestrole Awareness Camps, Peace
     Posters and Drug Awareness Posters Competitions, Educational Bursaries for poor
     yet intelligent students etc..

Friends   at this juncture, I would like to appeal to you to kindly support these very
worthy activities that needs your undivided generosity, by way of monetary and material
support. Your co-operation will be the fuel for us to infuse a spark of enthusiasm, to
generate power for our spirit and to work hard to Light the Path to Service for the
betterment of our communities.

We the Gigiri invite invite you  to join Lionism and request you to attend our Board and
Business meetings and our activities. For more details please visit our pages: " "Members"
and "Meetings" and "Calendar". To know our regular quality activities and projects, please
visit our pages: "Activities" and "Projects"

Finally friends, I once again thank you for your patience and for visiting our Web Site  If
you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to sign our Guest Book. We look
forward to read your words of encouragement and comments.  

Thank you and may the almighty be with you always.

Yours sincerely in Lionism,

Lion Bharat Thacker
Chairman - Lions Club of Nairobi - Gigiri