BNW Characters - The Company

What follows are some characters created and/or "statted" by the author. These are all based on some of the obscure (and not so obscure) characters from a particular comic book company. All trademarks and likenesses are the property of said company.

Salvo (starting character)

Real Name: Anthony Salvotini
Power Package: Gunner
Group Affiliation: Triumph Inc.
Delta Points: 4
Size: 5
Pace: 10
Smarts: 2d6
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Demolition: 1
Language (English): 2
Medicine: 1
Security: 1
Survival (mountains): 1
Weaponsmith: 2
Speed: 5d6 (+5 for initiative)
Acrobatics: 2
Dodging: 3
Quick Draw: 2
Shooting: 5 (+5 for Power Package)
Speed Load: 1
Stealth: 2
Spirit: 2d6
Bravery: 2
Perception: 2
Scrutinize: 2
Search: 2
Strength: 3d6
Climbing: 2
Fighting (Barehanded): 3
Fighting (Blade): 2
Running: 2
Swimming: 2

Quirks: Brave +1, Code of Honor -3, Delta, Heroic -5, Lucky +3, Pacifist -3, Public ID, Registered, Self-Confident +2

Tricks: First Move, Mercy, Ricochet

Gear: Pair of Colt 2000s, 4 spare clips, Kevlar Jacket

Appearance: See picture

Background: Salvotoni got his start in the military, and turned Delta during a firefight in some third-world country. His enhanced shooting skills let him save his fellow soldiers, and brought him to the attention of the government. He was them moved to Special Ops, where he was used as a sniper to take out enemy leaders. However, Salvotoni (now code-named "Salvo") grew weary of the constant killing. He received a psych transfer. Government psychiatrists back in the states determined that the constant pressure of killing would drive him nuts. Rather than waste a resource, he was seconded to Triumph Inc. at the request of Ben Archer, who wanted a "friendly face" to put on the Gunners in his employ. Since then, Salvo does security work wherever assigned.

Personality: Salvotoni doesn't like killing, and will shoot to wound or cripple. But he won't kill. Otherwise, he's a cheerful outgoing man to the public, but a stern soldier-type when dealing with teammates.

Tactics: Called shots, blowing guns out of opponents' hands, shooting down chandeliers and such on top of them. When pressed, he will shoot to cripple their major attack (shooting off the trigger finger of a gunman, or putting two wounds in the man's shoulders). Alternately, he'll settle for blowing away their belt buckles or gun barrels. He's flexible.

Campaign Uses: Hired security for any Triumph function. He often appears in public, particularly since Triumph has so few Gunners (the government tends to hang onto many of them). Sometimes he tends to go off on his own, particularly terrorists. That sometimes includes Defiance teams, if they're doing something particularly vicious. There's no love lost between Salvo and the Delta Warriors.

Quote: "Only flesh wounds, only out-patients. I won't kill a fly, so don't ask me."

Based loosely on the character created by Robert Loren Fleming for DC's Thriller comic series.

Ragdoll (experienced)

Real Name: Peter Merkel
Power Package: Tough
Group Affiliation: Independent Thief
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 10
Smarts: 4d6
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Demolition: 4
Forgery : 2
Language (English): 2
Security: 4
Speed: 5d6
Acrobatics: 5
Dodging: 4
Escaping: 5
Lockpicking (both): 3
Shooting: 3
Sleight of Hand: 2
Stealth: 5
Spirit: 2d6
Perception: 3
Performing (Contortionist): 3
Persuasion (Taunt): 3
Scrutinize: 2
Search: 3
Shadowing: 3
Streetwise: 3
Strength: 2d6
Climbing: 4
Fighting (Barehanded): 2
Running: 3
Swimming: 1
Throwing: 2

Quirks: Double-Jointed +1, Cautious -3, Coward -3, Delta, Enemies (3 points - Delta Prime Speedster), Public ID, Sense of Direction +1, Tough +2, Unregistered, Wanted -5

Contortionist, Entangle, No Fear

Gear: Colt Python, 12 spare bullets, various packs of plastic explosive

Appearance: See picture. Without the mask, Merkel is an older looking clean-shaven man with closely cropped grey hair who wears casual clothing.

Background: Merkel was a sideshow performer who used his abilities as a petty thief in towns where the circus visited. One botched robbery resulted in a shootout with the police. He escaped, but his body's unusual resilience developed at that point. Since then, he tends to remain low-profile, preferring thieving capers to slugging it out with other Deltas.

Personality: Merkel is a small-time thief made good. He's not much of a joiner and prefers to avoid fighting whenever possible. He's not adverse to taking out a single opponent when he thinks he has the advantage, but will rarely go face-to-face with them (see Tactics). He tends to play to his costume's whimsical appearance, and will often contort himself just to disturb friends and foes and out of force of habit.

Tactics: As a thief, Merkel is highly skilled. He's found that while many places protect themselves against Shrinkers and Phaers and Teleporters, he can use his triple-jointedness to sneak into places and bypass such protections. In combat, he'll typically hide somewhere where no one would expect him to look and shoot from ambush, or detonate a small bomb and ride out the explosion.

Campaign Uses: More of a goon then anything if he gets hired. His jobs tend to be relatively low key. Despite his ability to soak up damage, he thinks more like a thief then a fighter.

Quote: "Yeah, my body can absorb anything - even the blast of a small explosion. You found that out too late, chump."

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name.

Rorschach (experienced)

Real Name: Walter Joseph Kovacs
Power Package:
Group Affiliation: Independent
Delta Points: 3
Size: 4
Pace: 9
Smarts: 3d6
Area Knowledge (home city): 3
Crimonology: 4
Language (English): 2
Security: 1
Survival (city): 3
Tactics: 4
Speed: 4d6
Dodging: 3
Lockpicking (mechanical): 4
Stealth: 5
Spirit: 5d6
Bravery: 4
Perception: 4
Persuasion (Intimidation): 5
Persuasion (Interrogation): 5
Scrounging: 2
Scrutinize: 3
Search: 3
Shadowing: 4
Streetwise: 5
Strength: 4d6
Climbing: 3
Fighting (Barehanded): 5
Running: 2

Quirks: Crazy -4, Delta, Gear +1 (Mask), Honest -3, Secret ID, Self-Confident +2, Self-Righteous -2, Slight -5, Stubborn -2, Tough +2, Ugly -2, Unregistered, Voice (Hard) +1, Wanted

Tricks: Improvisations, Give Me What I Want..., Know the Streets, Lasting Impression, Make an Impression

Gear: Rorschach mask

Appearance: See picture. Without the mask, Kovacs is a short, red-haired man in his mid-40's - somewhat homely..

Background: Kovacs was raised by his prostitute mother, whom hated him and he came to hate in return. He was eventually taken in by social services. When he left the home, he went into the dress-making business as an unskilled worker. He became obsessed with the murder of a woman when many folks either refused to call for help despite her screams, or actually watched from a distance. From scraps of a latex/liquid material that was made from spinoff technology from Gadgeteers, he made a mask of black-and-white liquid which the two colors never flowed together, took on the name of "Rorschach," and went off to fight crime.

Rorschach remained underground due to the DRA, and successfully avoided capture. During a investigation into a kidnapping case, he witnessed the brutal butchering of a young girl and went completely insane. Since then, he has gone even further underground, investigating whatever crimes come to his attention. He rarely involves himself in Delta matters, preferring to prey on organized crime and random street criminals. The Primers have more important Deltas to concern themselves with, the public that knows about him fears him, and the Defiance gives him a wide berth.

Personality: Currently, Kovacs is...well, Crazy with a capital "C". He's a loner, although he will occasionally reach out to other "heroic" Deltas. Unfortunately, his Spook abilities, natural insanity, and a tendency to paranoia (he never totally clears anyone from his investigations) make this rather difficult for all parties concerned. Kovacs doesn't compromise. There is good, and there is evil. He fights evil. God help you if he thinks you're evil.

Tactics: Rorschach lurks in the shadows and emerges to strike at anyone he sees commiting a crime. He rarely kills, but isn't above a brutal beating or breaking a few bones for the purposes of an interrogation. He is also a skilled investigator, since his insanity tends to lead him down odd yet accurate paths to the truth.

Campaign Uses: Rorschach isn't much of a joiner. He is a small-scale thinker: it's not that the government isn't evil: just that he prefers to operate at the street level. He tends to think that most Deltas tend to forget about the common people: they're too busy fighting Kennedy to help a rape victim. PC groups might cross his path, and one could get in the way of another. It would take a lot to get Rorschach to join any kind of group, although a band of fellow street vigilantes might appeal to him.

Quote: "Approached disturbance. An attempted rape/mugging/both. Cleared throat. The man turned and there was something rewarding in his eyes. Sometimes, the night is generous to me."

Based on the DC character of the same name, created by Alan Moore for Watchmen.

Prometheus (Alpha-class Villain!)

Real Name: Unknown
Power Package: Varied (Alpha Class)
Group Affiliation: Solo
Delta Points: 4+ (depending on Alpha rules in upcoming Crossroads)
Size: 5
Pace: 9
Smarts: 5d6 + 5
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Computing: 6
Demolition: 4
Disguise: 2
Forgery: 4
Language (English): 2
Science (Most): 4
Security: 4
Tactics: 5
Tinkering: 8
Weaponsmith: 6
Speed: 4d6
Lockpicking (both): 2
Martial Arts (all): 3
Shooting: 4
Stealth: 4
Spirit: 4d6
Bravery: 4
Mimic: 2
Perception: 4
Persuasion (Bluff, Taunt): 5
Persuasion (Charm): 2
Persuasion (Intimidate): 4
Scrutinize: 4
Search: 3
Strength: 4d6
Climbing: 1
Running: 2
Swimming: 2
Throwing: 3

Quirks: Alert +3, Ambidexterous +5, Arrogant -3, Alpha, Lucky +3, Mean -2, Photographic Memory +5, Rich +5, Snobby -1, Unregistered, Vengeful -2, Veteran, Wanted

Tricks: Bull's Eye, Dirty Fighting (as per Scrapper), Fast Learner, Fast Move, Fine Tuning, I've Got a Plan, Make an Impression, Stroke of Brilliance

Powers: Gadgeteer, Genius

Gear: Battle Suit, Cyber Helmet, Electro-Baton, Cosmic Key, 5 "Gadget Slots"

Gadget #1: Battle Suit: +10 Armor, proof vs. Blaster. Provides the Iron Jaw and Tough Quirk benefits due to chemical injectors. Has the equivalent of Brass Knuckles (+5 Strength damage) built into the gloves. Also has two wrist guns built in, which are the equivalent of Colt Pythons (Ammo: 6, Damage: 5d6+8).

Gadget #2: Cyber Helmet: This helmet has an insertable CD which downloads into Prometheus' brain the equivalent of +7 to martial arts and acrobatics. It also provides him with a computer interface with which he can use his computing skill on computers within line of sight that are accessible to outside influence (Guide's judgement).

Gadget #3: Electro-Baton: Does +5 Strength damage, has a Defensive Bonus of +2, a Quickness of 1 and if it is touching an opponent may be used to do damage (with a ROF of 1) as if Prometheus were a Blaster, although with a ROF of 1.

Gadget #4: Cosmic Key: This device allows Prometheus to teleport back and forth to his "Ghost Zone" and the crooked house he occupies there. Such teleportation takes a single full action.

Gadget #5: "Gadget Slots": Prometheus can make one-shot devices, which must be tailored to a specific opponent and his or her powers. Examples in the past have included a virus to take over and program a power suit, a drug capable of destroying polymer molecular bonds for use on shape-shifters, incendiary bombs, flashing lights, hypnotic beams, "mental chaff" to disrupt telepaths and Changelings, etc.

Appearance: See picture. Prometheus wears a black and purple outfit with a white cape. He wears gauntlets, shoulder armor and a helmet with a gladiator-motif.

Background: Prometheus is the son of two "Bonnie & Clyde"-type serial killers from the mid 50's. When his parents were gunned down in a stand-off, he witnessed their deaths, his hair turned white, and he developed an extreme hatred of justice. Through criminal connections and money stashed away, he travelled the world and studied many means of inflicting evil. He eventually ended up in Tibet in '62 where he received the Cosmic Key from a secretive group of monks. The Key allowed him to travel to the "Ghost Zone" where he found many different alien weapons and equipment.

Prometheus was just getting started in '76, preying on the most valiant of Deltas and Alphas. He was in the Ghost Zone, which inured him from the effects of Devastator's bomb. However, with the removal of most Alphas (and all of the heroic ones) from Earth, his driving need was to some degree obliterated. He has since devoted himself to his studies, only emerging from seclusion from time to time when some particularly valiant group of Deltas has come to the fore.

Personality: Prometheus is a ruthless, single-minded criminal who doesn't bother with "petty crime," but prefers to go up against the toughest and the most valiant.

Tactics: Prometheus is fond of boasting, but only when he has the upper hand. As you might imagine, that is typically quite often. His overconfidence is often his undoing, due to his relative lack of experience since he emerges to combat Deltas so rarely. He makes up for this by carefully researching his opponents and striking from surprise.

Campaign Uses: As one of the few surviving Alphas, Prometheus is intended to be a big-time threat. If your players are tired of group fights and find it way too easy to beat up on a single Delta opponent, they're probably looking for a challenge like Prometheus. A thinking villian, he is intended to be outsmarted, not out-fought.

Quote: "I was going to bomb the Supreme Court Building this week - wipe justice from the face of history. Then I read about you in the papers. Lucky you."

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name, created by Grant Morrison.

The Question (experienced)

Real Name: Vic Sage (born Charles Victor Szasz)
Power Package: None (
Group Affiliation: None
Reg Points: 2
Size: 5
Pace: 10
Smarts: 3d6
Area Knowledge (home city): 3
Bureaucratics: 2
Computing: 2
Criminology: 1
Profession (Journalism): 5
Language (English): 2
Survival (City): 2
Speed: 5d6
Acrobatics: 4
Dodging: 4
Driving (personal vehicle): 3
Martial Arts (barehanded): 6
Martial Arts (club): 2
Stealth: 4
Spirit: 4d6
Bravery: 3
Perception: 3
Performing (Public Speaking): 2
Persuasion (Intimidation): 4
Persuasion (Taunt): 3
Scrutinize: 2
Search: 2
Shadowing: 4
Streetwise: 3
Strength: 4d6
Climbing: 3
Running: 2
Swimming: 2
Throwing: 3

Quirks: Arrogant -3, Brave +1, Contacts +2, Curious -5, Famous +2 (as a TV newsman), Gear +1 (mask and specially-treated clothing), Heroic -5, Lucky +3, Reg, Rich +1, Secret ID, Self-Confident +2, Tough +2, Unregistered

Tricks: Extra Damage, Knockdown, Know the Streets, Make an Impression, On a Roll

Gear: Color-changing clothing and faceless "mask"

Appearance: See picture. Actually, the Question's clothing is whatever Sage is wearing at the time (albeit in dark blue and orange), and can very from a t-shirt and jeans, to a trenchcoat and suit. Out of "costume, Sage has lighter red hair and handsome, rough-hewn features.

Background: An orphan, "Vic," never knew his parents. He was raised in a Catholic orphanage, with a strict emphasis on discipline. He learned to take out his frustrations in physical combat - whether training in the gym or beating up on anyone who got in his way. Eventually he was cut loose, and managed to work his way through college where he majored in Journalism. Unfortunately, his attitude didn't improve much.

After college, Sage (as he now called himself) joined up with a local newspaper. One of the first cases he investigated brought him into contact with a professor who had run afoul of the Mafia. Sage came to his aid. In return, the professor gifted him with a "faceless" mask that bonded to his own face when exposed to certain chemical gases. The same gases, released from a belt, would cause Sage's specially-treated clothing to change color, further concealing his identity.

Sage went on to fight crime, mostly low-level street crime and the Mafia. However, one incident resulted in his being shot in the head and dumped in a river in winter. However, the low-caliber bullet travelled beneath his skin and around the skull, and the freezing water put him into a coma of sorts rather than killing him. He was rescued by a mysterious martial artist (apparently a Reg as well), and then taken to a mysterious sensei (also a Reg). There, he was trained to control his anger and focus it into martial arts training. He then left, never to see his sensei again (thus, no Patron).

Personality: Currently, Sage is less a brutal street-fighter and more of a deliberate martial artist. He can occasionally still be provoked into a rage. Although Heroic, Sage's driving force is curiosity. He always has to see things through, and find out how matters resolve. As the Question, Sage is enigmatic: to such a degree that that "the Question" is less his heroic name than what folks have taken to calling him given his typical reply to his identity (see "Quote" below). As a reporter, Sage still tends to be somewhat of a smart-mouth and his superiors don't think much of him. However, they don't quibble with his results, and his crimefighting has led him into a number of big scoops.

Tactics: Investigate matters, wade in, bust heads. Sage is a formidable hand-to-hand fighter and has found little need to rely on much else.

Campaign Uses: An ally or an alliance. Sage's investigative instincts can lead him to pop up almost anywhere. The more bizarre the situation, the better, although typically it will take more than typically Delta efforts to interest him. He might also provide an interesting surprise against any Copycats or Snuffers.

Quote: "Who am I? Good question."

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name, as created by Steve Ditko and later written by Denny O'Neill.

Manhunter (experienced)

Real Name: Paul Kirk
Power Package: Scrapper

Group Affiliation: Independent
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 10
Smarts: 3d6
Area Knowledge (Africa): 3*
Demolition: 2
Disguise: 3
Language (English): 2
Survival (any): 3
Tactics: 2
Speed: 5d6
Acrobatics: 2
Dodging: 3
Lockpicking (mechanical): 2
Martial Arts (barehanded): 7
Martial Arts (blade): 6
Martial Arts (club): 3
Quick Draw: 5
Shooting: 5
Speed-load: 3
Stealth: 5
Trade (big game hunting): 5*
Spirit: 4d6
Bravery: 4
Leadership: 2
Mimic: 1
Perception: 4
Persuasion (Intimidation): 4
Persuasion (Bluff): 3
Scrutinize: 3
Search: 4
Shadowing: 3
Streetwise: 3
Tracking: 5
Strength: 4d6+3
Climbing: 4
Running: 3
Swimming: 2
Throwing: 5

Quirks: Alert +3, Ambidexterous +5, Brave +1*, Cautious -3*, Code of Honor -3*, Contacts +2* (arms dealers), Dark Secret -2 (he's been dead 50+ years), Death Wish -5*, Delta, Enemy -4* (the Council), Heroic -5*, Secret ID, Self-Confident +2*, Sharp Eyes +1, Stubborn -2*, Tough +2, Unregistered, Veteran*

Tricks: Bull's Eye*, Dirty Fighting, Extra Damage, Fast Healer, Find Weakness* (Scrapper variety), First Move*, Improvisations*, Knockdown, On a Roll*

* = Skill, Quirk, or Trick that the Kirk clones lack due to inexperience

Gear: Kevlar Vest, Mauser 1911 (as a Colt 2000), 2 Shuriken (treat as a hunting knife, throwing only), 1 Throwing Knife (as a Hunting Knife), 1 Bundi Dagger (as a Sword), matches, firecrackers

Appearance: See picture.

Background: Paul Kirk was a costumed vigilante back in the 40's. Inspired by the deeds of Deltas, he decided to put his big game hunting expertise to good use hunting "the most dangerous game." He donned a costume and, calling himself "Manhunter," fought criminals with noticeable success, despite having no Delta abilities. He was contacted by the government briefly after he began his career, and asked to become a secret agent. Kirk was involved in a variety of missions behind enemy lines, until Superior ended the war.

Sickened by the bloodshed he had seen and disgusted by what his country had asked of him in the name of patriotism, Kirk "retired" his heroic identity and went back to big-game hunting. While in Africa he was killed by a bull elephant during a hunting accident, and the government and the world at large believed Paul Kirk to be dead.

Such was not the case. Kirk's body was whisked off by a mysterious group calling themselves "The Council." He remained in suspended animation to the current day, where the Council finally discovered the means to revive him. Not only did they heal his lethal wounds, but they modified his body with a genetic "healing factor" which their Gadgeteers had been able to isolate from experimentations on Scrappers, Healers, and Toughs. Upon his revival, Kirk was further trained in the martial arts by Asano Natabe, a ninja master who had also disappeared during the destruction of Hiroshima, but in actuality been whisked to safety by the Council.

After his training was complete, Kirk was introduced to the Council. They were nine geniuses who had seen the writing on the wall when Superior emerged as the first Alpha. They believed that humanity could not be left to its own devices. They went into near-suspended animation to perserve their lives, with one member emerging on a rotating basis to guide the Council's actions. Over 50 years, they acquired huge amounts of power, money, and technology behind the scenes. Now they want Paul Kirk to become their "enforcer." The Council had also perfected cloning technology, and created an army of clones from Kirk's cell structure.

Kirk remained skeptical of the Council's goals, feeling they had become power-hungry and sought world domination for their own benefit rather than to aid humanity. His first mission, to kill a supposed enemy of the Council, was a test. When he revealed his suspicions to the "victim," he failed the test. He has been on the run ever since. He contacted the son of his old native bearer, now a weaponsmith supplying arms to African rebel groups, and equipped himself with new weaponry. He has since teamed up with an agent of Interpol (whose father was a secondary Council member), and his ninja teacher, Asano. They now fight the Council's behind-the-scenes efforts across the globe.

Personality: Kirk has not forgotten his WW2 commando experience, and is a ruthless killer as the need arises. He is secretive and somewhat of a loner, even with his "teammates." He hates the Council for disturbing the "peace" he had found in death, and for reducing him by cloning him ad infinitum. Every time he kills one of his clones, he feels he is recovering a part of himself. Although subliminal programming was used to feed him information on the years that went by while he was in suspended animation, he still feels like a man "out of time."

Tactics: Interfere in the Council's activities whenever possible. Kirk has no love of Deltas, either, or the various governments that have sprung up since his years in suspended animation. So he fights secretly against the Council, hoping to destroy them without their technology falling into the hands of a government that would misuse it just as badly as the Council does.

The Council: The Council can make a good world-spanning threat for any campaign. Typically, only one of the nine founding members remains out of suspended animation, although he is telepathically linked with the other eight. The current "figurehead" is Dr. Mykros, who has been out of his tube since Kirk was activated and then turned renegade. The Council has contacts in evey government and agency in the world. They don't trust Deltas, and rarely employ them. They prefer maintaining chaos, and often take action against those who appear to be restoring stability to some part of the world. Their other goals including A) finding and/or creating a new "Enforcer" and cloning him; B) subverting agents, Deltas, and politicians with wealth, power, and the promise of extended life; C) maintaining their secrecy at all costs, and; D) ending the activities of Paul Kirk. The Council's primary base is in the Australian Outback. It is underground, and heavily guarded. The current Council leader, if he is in the base, can telepathically monitor and control the entire base, and self-destruct various sections at will. He can also redirect radioactivity from the base's nuclear reactor against any intruder.

Besides cloning and regenerative healing technology, the Council has Gadgeteers who have developed teleportation equipment capable of sending someone across the globe, and power nullifiers equivalent to those that protect the White House. Both are prohibitively energy-expensive, and the teleporters require large "gateways." Typically, only the active Council leader uses the teleportation gateways so that he is rarely exposed to the dangers of the real world. Only the Council's Australian base has the power-nullification field installed.

The Clones: The Clones are second-generation copies of the original enhanced Paul Kirk. They have one less die in each attribute, only have a +2 Strength, and two less skill levels in each non-starting skill (minimum 0). The clones are the primary enforcement branch of the Council, and are completely Loyal to it. They use a variety of weaponry as appropriate to the situation. They share Kirk's "healing factor," but he knows it and is careful to make sure they're really dead. The clones have the same fingerprints as the original Paul Kirk, which can prove confusing if their bodies are found dead at the scene of a Council mission. Council operatives will usually have the bodies whisked away before definite confirmation can be established.

Quote: " talk too much."

Based on the DC character of the same name, created by Archie Goodwin.

Quakemaster Mk. 1 (starting)

Real Name: Robert Coleman
Power Package: Gadgeteer

Group Affiliation: Independent
Delta Points: 3
Size: 6
Pace: 10
Smarts: 3d6
Area Knowledge (Home): 2
Language (English): 2
Profession (architecture): 3
Science (geology): 3
Science (seismology): 3
Tinkering: 3
Speed: 4d6
Dodging: 3
Driving (commercial): 1
Driving (personal): 2
Pilot (helicopter): 2
Shooting: 2
Spirit: 2d6
Perception: 2
Persuasion (Intimidation): 2
Scrutinize: 2
Search: 2
Strength: 3d6
Climbing: 2
Fighting (barehanded): 4
Running: 2
Swimming: 2

Quirks: Arrogant -3, Brawny +3, Delta, Greedy -2, Iron Jaw +3, Secret ID, Self-Righteous -2, Sharp Ears +1, Tough +2, Unregistered, Vengeful -2

Tricks: Extra Damage (at this point in his career, Coleman was just coming into his own and had not yet developed any other Tricks)

Gear: Kevlar Vest

Gadget: Piledriver
Damage: 5d6+5
Has inherent use of the Shatter trick
Shots: 50, Quickness: 1, Rate of Fire: 1, Range: 10
User may abort and use a card to fire a "shot" and gain 10 additional points of armor against an incoming physical attack. Not useable in hand-to-hand.

Appearance: See picture.

Background: Robert Coleman was an architect in Crescent City (or fill in your local campaign city). During a recent earthquake, several buildings which he claimed were built to quake-proof specifications were destroyed. Ironically enough, one of them was the office building where his small firm was located.

After recovering in the hospital, Coleman discovered that his minor talent for putting together small tools and items had evolved into a full-blown talent for gadgetry. Seeking revenge for the blame which he thought was being unfairly applied to him, he used his new-found talent to build a "piledriver" device capable of inducing earthquakes. He then sought out to restore his reputation by bringing down buildings to show that no one could have built a building proof enough against the earthquakes that had brought down his own constructs.

The local Defiance took exception to this. Not seeing the need for another wacko to discredit Deltas everywhere, they took Coleman (now calling himself "Quakemaster") down. Hard. In fact, he was caught within one of the collapsing buildings. The ultimate irony was that the only buildings that did collapse during Quakemaster's rampage were his own.

Coleman's story doesn't end with his first defeat, however (see below).

Personality: Coleman is, quite frankly, somewhat of a jerk. He feels persecuted and wronged both within his profession and in the public's eye. At this stage in his career, he is mostly concerned with redeeming his tranished reputation.

Tactics: No longer really relevant. Basically bring down buildings using his Piledriver. If an opponent gets in his way, use it on them. He's a good hand-to-hand fighter, but prefers to use the Piledriver.

Quote: "No building could have stood up to the stresses mine were exposed to. Let me show you...!"

Based on the DC character of the same name.

Quakemaster Mk. 2 (starting)

Real Name: Robert Coleman
Power Package: Blaster

Group Affiliation: Independent
Delta Points: 3
Size: 6
Pace: 10
Smarts: 3d6
Area Knowledge (Home): 2
Language (English): 2
Profession (architecture): 3
Science (geology): 3
Science (seismology): 3
Speed: 4d6
Dodging: 3
Driving (commercial): 1
Driving (personal): 2
Pilot (helicopter): 2
Shooting: 5
Spirit: 2d6
Perception: 2
Persuasion (Intimidation): 2
Scrutinize: 2
Search: 2
Strength: 3d6
Climbing: 2
Fighting (barehanded): 4
Running: 2
Swimming: 2

Quirks: Arrogant -3, Brawny +3, Delta, Greedy -2, Iron Jaw +3, Secret ID, Self-Righteous -2, Sharp Ears +1, Tough +2, Unregistered, Vengeful -2

Tricks: Extra Damage, Blast Punch, Shatter

Gear: Kevlar Vest

Appearance: See picture.

Background: As noted above, Coleman's first defeat was merely the beginning. The local authorities went through the rubble and found the defeated architect-turned-supervillain left for them by the Defiance team. They took the normal precautions for a Gadgeteer, stripping him of his gadget-device and hauling him away.

Before Delta Prime could haul Quakemaster off to a cell, though, Coleman recovered from this, his second near-death experience. He found that somehow he had internalized his quake-generating power. Either that, or he came to the realization that the Piledriver was a mere manifestation of his inherent blasting ability.

Either way, the relatively light security precautions the locals had taken were not enough to hold a Blaster. Coleman broke out, and went into hiding. He quickly came to realize that his original motive was...well, kinda dumb. Still, he had no inclination to become a hero, fight the government, join the Defiance, whatever. Like many other Deltas before him, he took to a life of crime. Now with the power to bust into bank vaults, rob armored trucks, and generally make a nuisance, Quakemaster became a full-fledged "supervillain" and occasional freelance mercenary.

Personality: In this incarnation, Quakemaster isn't quite so revenge-obsessed. That's not to say that he won't go out of his way to strike back at someone who has wronged him. However, these days he has his eye out for the big bucks. He's neither particularly dumb, nor incredibly smart. He's basically your white-collar worker turned bad guy.

Tactics: Smash things. A lot. Quakemaster still carries a facsimile of his Piledriver, and his reputation is still fairly low. He still pretends to focus his powers through the piledriver, but right now it has no bearing on his ability to Blast folks. In this manner, he hopes that opponents will focus on the piledriver first, rather than his jaw. He's also not adverse to shattering the local landscape in such a manner as to bring it down on opponents. If nothing else, he'll simply blast an opponent if no other opportunity presents itself.

Campaign Uses: QM is basically a thug for hire, although he's not adverse to heading out on his own if there's an armored car to rob.

Quote: "Did you really think my piledriver was the source of my powers? Let me show you where true power comes from."

Based on the DC character of the same name.

The Electrocutioner (starting character)

Real Name: Unknown
Power Package: Charger
Group Affiliation: Independent Vigilante
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 9
Smarts: 2d6
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Criminology: 1
Language (English): 2
Security: 3
Survival (city): 2
Speed: 4d6
Acrobatics: 2
Martial Arts (barehanded): 4
Shooting: 4
Stealth: 2
Spirit: 3d6
Perception: 2
Persuasion (interrogation): 2
Persuasion (intimidation): 2
Scrutinize: 1
Search: 1
Strength: 3d6
Climbing: 3
Running: 5
Throwing: 2

Quirks: Alert +3, Bloodthirsty -2, Delta, Duty -2 (to bring criminals to "justice"), Iron Jaw +3, Savage -3, Secret ID, Self-Righteous -2, Tough +2, Unregistered, Voice (hard) +1

Tricks: Fry,
Zap, Shock Therapy

Gear: Kevlar Jacket, Motorcycle

Appearance: See picture

Background: The identity, background, Delta origins, and to some degree the motives of the man known as "The Electrocutioner" are unknown. He simply appeared on the scene in Crescent City (or whatever campaign city you use) a year or so ago. A shadowy figure, he contented himself with preying on the Mafia and other criminals who somehow managed to escape justice at the hands of Kennedy's legal system. He may be someone who lost a loved one to a criminal, or a psychopath seeking an outlet for his viciousness. He lets no one get in his way, although he won't kill "heroic" opponents unless necessary. He will also avoid harming innocents, although he's not adverse to painfully stunning them. He cares little or nothing about the anti-Delta situation as far as anyone can tell, although from time to time he has run afoul of the government when he has come too close to a criminal with connections to the government. To date he has escaped capture.

Personality: Grim and relentless. He is a murderer, and has no problem with killing anyone he considers a criminal. He might be somewhat surprised if a Delta "hero" gets in his way, and perhaps disappointed, but he won't let that stop him from dealing with them. Permanently, if necessary. He's not a particularly patient man.

Tactics: Although skilled with his electrical powers, the Electrocutioner is a trained hand-to-hand fighter as well. Anyone somehow expecting to avoid or negate his powers is in for a surprise. Although not on a par with a Martial Artist or a Scrapper, he can hold his own against most other non-augmented fighters. The Electrocutioner prefers not to go up directly against an opponent, but will get into a position where he can strike from surprise, and then leave the scene as quickly as possible. He prefers the up-close-and-personal touch, but will attack from range if necessary.

Campaign Uses: The Electrocutioner ain't subtle. He could become involved in any criminal situation that the player-Deltas investigate. They're in the middle of something subtle when he comes in hands blazing with electricity. If the players are criminals themselves, they could find themselves on the receiving end of the Electrocutioner's wrath. And finally, they might be forced to ally with him (either to keep him somewhat under control, or because they need the extra firepower) if they have to take down a criminal.

Quote: "I'm judge, jury, and executioner. And I sentence you to death by lethal voltage."

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name.

The Fadeaway Man (starting character)

Real Name: Anton Lamont
Power Package: Bargainer
Group Affiliation: Independent
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 9
Smarts: 3d6
Academia (art history): 2
Academia (occult): 3
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Navigation: 4
Forgery: 2
Language (English): 2
Language (Italian): 2
Speed: 3d6
Dodging: 4
Shooting: 3
Spirit: 4d6
Perception: 3
Persuasion (bluff): 3
Persuasion (taunt): 4
Scrutinize: 1
Search: 1
Shadowing: 2
Strength: 2d6
Climbing: 2
Running: 2
Throwing: 3

Quirks: Arrogant -3, Cautious -3, Contact +2 (art world), Delta, Greedy -2, Public ID, Rich +2, Sense of Direction +1, Sharp Eyes +1, Snobby -1, Unregistered

Tricks: Jinx, Make It Look Good, Teleport Foe (using Cagliostro Cloak)

Gear: Cloak of Cagliostro (dual Totem), Cagliostro's Satchel (Totem)

Totem #1: Delta Totem (Teleporter): Lamont can wrap the cloak around him and teleport from place to place.

Totem #2: Delta Totem (Blaster): Lamont can teleport various natural elements from their original location out of his cloak and at an opponent - lava, geysers, etc. The effects vary, but the end result is essentially that of a Blaster attack. Lamont can only use one "hand" at a time, although he gains the typical ROF of 3.

Note: This essentially allows Lamont to use the Cloak as two totems. However, he cannot use both functions at the same time, and must take the normal two actions to switch functions. He cannot "drop" the cloak to shorten the time required to switch functions.

Totem #3:
Retrieval Totem: Cagliostro's Magic Satchel

Appearance: See picture

Background: Anton Lamont was an art cataloguer who was called in to sort a Mafia boss' collection of 18th-century Italian artifacts. Among the collection Lamont discovered the legendary Conjure-Cloak of Count Cagliostro (say that three times fast). Lamont tried to take the item for himself, but his employer discovered the theft and had him shot and left for dead. Unfortunately, that merely served to activate Lamont's dormant Delta power. He was able to communicate with the demons and used minor spells to get back the Cloak, which he then used as the basis for his first two Totem Powers. He later obtained Cagliostoro's Magic Satchel as well, and used for his third Totem. Less a maniacal supervillain than a art thief made good, Lamont put his art expertise and teleportational abilities to good use to make a personal fortune for himself.

Personality: Lamont is about what you'd figure a art cataloguer who has hit the big time would be. He prefers to use his cape to augment his art crimes rather than simply steal money or beat up on Deltas. He isn't exactly a coward, and can be quite arrogant when he has the upper hand. However, Lamont prefers to play things cautiously. He is content with the three Totems that he has, and has no desire to construct any more.

Tactics: Lamont tries to avoid face-to-face confrontations, although he's not adverse to taking on a single opponent if he really has to. Faced with a large group of deltas, his preferred strategy is to turn tail and teleport out. His cloak makes this very easy to do. Otherwise he will summon something from his cloak to distract an opponent. He doesn't like to do this because it then takes him two actions to switch over to his teleportation escape route. He rarely uses the Cagliostro's magic satchel, since that would involve him actually fighting and shooting someone. He rarely uses spells these days.

Campaign Uses: Lamont is not a fighter, and will prefer not to go head-to-head in a slugfest with anyone. Basically his scehemes revolved around smuggling, art forgery, and elaborate criminal money-making schemes. Delta Prime groups could end up investigating one of his crimes, as could the Bargainers. He doesn't really give the Defiance or Deltas a bad name because he's too low-profile, but a rich patron might ask a Defiance Delta to look into some kind of crime or theft.

Quote: "You think you can touch me? I doubt it."

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name.

Black Bison (experienced character)

Real Name: Bison-Black-as-Midnight-Sky (John Ravenhair)
Power Package: Bargainer
Group Affiliation: Independent Terrorist
Delta Points: 3
Size: 6
Pace: 9
Smarts: 3d6
Academia (Indian Lore): 4
Academia (occult): 3
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Language (English): 2
Language (Indian, various): 2
Speed: 4d6
Archery: 2
Martial Arts (barehanded, club): 4
Spirit: 4d6
Bravery: 3
Faith: 4
Persuasion (intimidate): 3
Scrutinize: 1
Search: 1
Tracking: 3
Strength: 4d6
Climbing: 2
Running: 2
Swimming: 2
Throwing: 2

Quirks: Arrogant -3, Brave +1, Brawny +1, Crazy -3 (see below), Delta, Gear +1, Secret ID, Self-Righteous -2, Unregistered

Tricks: Jinx, Make It Look Good, Extra Damage

Gear: Shield, Coup Stick (Delta Totem - Charger power), Necklace (Immunity Totem)

Crazy: Black Bison is a "man" out of time. He has little or no knowledge of modern technology, and is obsessed with destroying the white man who killed off his people or condemned them to what he considers a life of dumb servitude.

"Crazy" here also includes a physical limitation on Bison-Black's powers in that his possessed grandson must be wearing the necklace for Bison-Black to control him. Without the necklace, John Ravenhair resorts to normal.

Note: The statistics above represent when Bison-Black-as-Midnight-Sky controls Ravenhair's body. John's statistics are those of a normal human NPC except that he has professional (teaching): 3 when his great-grandfather does not control his body.

Appearance: See picture

Background: Bison-Black-as-Midnight-Sky was a great shaman and warrior of the tribe, but like many others, was defeated and killed when the white man came. However, using shamanistic rituals and bargaining with other, darker powers, he managed to transfer his essence into a totem necklace at the moment of his death. The necklace was passed down through his ancestors to the modern day.

Bison-Black's great-grandson, John Ravenhair, was a thoroughly "modernized" Amerindian in the white man's modern world, going to college and gaining a teaching degree. He came across the amulet, and was the first to don it since Bison-Black has placed his essence in it.

Easily overwhelming his great-grandson's mind, Bison-Black's mental essence manifested to the fullest. He was unimpressed with this new world crafted by the white man. In fact, what few gains the Indians had managed to gain in the last half of the 20th century had been stripped from them by an increasingly unsympathetic American government under Kennedy rulership.

Enraged, Bison-Black took the name of 'Black Bison' and went out into his world to wreck havoc on the white man and his modern technological age.

Personality: Black Bison has almost no understanding of the white man's world. His only intent is to destroy it, and kill as many people as possible. He claims to fight for his "people," but in fact he holds them in contempt for having given up to the white man. He also despises his great-grandson, but doesn't mind hiding in his body as it were. Bison-Black can withdraw his mental essence back to the necklace, or extend it to control his great-grandson at will. As far as John is concerned, he suffers from period blackouts and has no idea that his great-grandfather exists, or what he does when he takes over John's body, or even that he does take over John's body.

Tactics: Black Bison's primary weapon these days is his mystic coup stick, which gives him a limited weather control ability to cast lightning bolts. Despite the fact that he was originally a shaman, these days Black Bison's abilities seem to relate more to bargaining with demons than animal spirits. As necessary he is willing to enter into more contracts with demons in return for more totems. They're more than glad to see the kind of pain and suffering that Black Bison spreads by using his Totems. Black Bison is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter as well, but prefers to rely on his mystic weaponry. He is also aware that his control of John is tied to wearing the necklace, and will be careful not to let an opponent remove it.

Campaign Uses: Black Bison likes to yell loudly and protest against what he considers the "enslavement" of his people. At heart, however, he is a terrorist, willing to kill innocents and destroy property to accomplish his goals. His goals themselves are rather vague and undefined, and his "cause" really an excuse to cause mass destruction. He might initially gain the sympathetic ear of player characters and/or the Defiance, but they'll quickly realize he's...well, a villainous jerk.

Unfortunately, John Ravenhair is an innocent and unsuspecting pawn in Bison-Black's games. The key to defeating Black Bison is really removing and then destroying the necklace as per the Bargainer rules. Some research into the Ravenhair family tree will be required to even get a hint as to this strategy unless the players are remarkably intuitive. Normally the necklace simply appears to be a Totem. And if the Guide desires a return appearance by Black Bison, it is possible that he left some kind of mystical safeguard, or learns how to manifest directly into his great-grandson nwo that a connection has been made between the two. The players, particularly if they are "good guys," may very well have to choose between killing John to put Black Bison down once and per all.

Quote: "I will reverse the river 500 years if I must to wipe out the white man and his evils!"

Based very loosely on the DC character of the same name.

Slipknot (starting character)

Real Name: Unknown
Power Package: Gadgeteer
Group Affiliation: Hitman, Mercenary
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 9
Smarts: 3d6
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Language (English): 2
Science (chemistry): 4
Tinkering: 5
Speed: 4d6
Acrobatics: 3
Dodging: 2
Martial Arts (lassos): 5
Stealth: 2
Spirit: 2d6
Perception: 2
Persuasion (taunt): 2
Scrutinize: 1
Search: 2
Shadowing: 1
Strength: 3d6
Climbing: 3
Fighting (barehanded): 4
Running: 2
Swimming: 1

Quirks: Alert +3, Ambixdextrous +5, Delta, Double-Jointed +1, Gullible -2, Secret ID, Temper -2, Unlucky -5, Unregistered

Tricks: Entangling, Fine Tuning, Knockdown

Gear: Kevlar

Gadget - Adhesive Lassos: Slipknot carries two coils of rope, each about 25' long. Basically they are treated so that for each additional success that Slipknot gets when making an entangling attack (above and beyond the one success necessary to use the Entangling trick in the first place), 5 is added to the base Challenging (10) Strength roll that the target needs to make to free himself. The ropes can also be used as...well, ropes.

Appearance: See picture

Background: Unknown. The man known as Slipknot has recently appeared on the scene, utilizing his lasso to bind opponents. Once he's done that, he'll toss them off a high building or something. He works for money, and right now seems concerned with making a name for himself.

Personality: Somewhat of a braggart, and a tad bit over-confident.

Tactics: Get into a superior position with surprise, then drop a rope or two around his opponent. Once they're wrapped up, toss them off a building or bridge, or throw them into heavy traffic. Slipknot is not particularly subtle. He's a decent athlete and obviously worked long and hard with his ropes, but one gets the impression he learned the fine points of villainy from reading comic books.

Campaign Uses: Garden variety thug. He works for the Mafia on occasion, and will hire out his services as necessary even with the assignment doesn't require killing. Toss him in when you need a Delta baddie with a gimmick.

Quote: "Looks like you're all tied up! Bwah-hah-hah!"

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name.

Syonide (starting character)

Real Name: Unknown
Power Package: Gadgeteer
Group Affiliation: Hitwoman
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 9
Smarts: 2d6
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Language (English): 2
Security: 1
Tinkering: 5
Speed: 4d6
Martial Arts (barehanded): 3
Martial Arts (whip): 5
Shooting: 4
Stealth: 2
Spirit: 3d6
Perception: 4
Persuasion (interrogation): 2
Persuasion (intimidate): 2
Scrutinize: 1
Search: 2
Shadowing: 4
Strength: 3d6
Climbing: 2
Running: 2
Swimming: 2

Quirks: Arrogant -3, Beautiful +1, Bloodthirsty -2, Contacts +2 (underworld informers), Delta, Mean -2, Patron +4 (Mafia leader), Public ID, Sharp Eyes +1, Unregistered, Vengeful -2, Voice (hard) +1

Tricks: Entangling, Extra Damage, Fine Tuning

Gear: Kevlar

Gadget #1 - Electrowhip: 3" length
Damage: 2d6, Quickness 1, Defensive Bonus +2
Once someone has been successfully entangled in the whip, Syonide may trigger a charge of energy as an action, which does 10d6+10 damage like the Charger power.

Gadget #2 - Syonide Dart Gun: Statistics of a Colt Python, but only does 5D6+3 damage. Syonide carries enough ammunition for two reloads. If someone takes at least a single wound from an attack with this weapon, they must make a Challenging (10) Strength roll or take an additional wound.

Appearance: See picture

Background: Unknown. As a starting character, Syonide has but recently emerged onto the criminal scene. She is a hitwoman employed by the Mafia to wipe out whoever they point her at. This can range from opposing ganglords to interfering Deltas to nosy policeman.

Although primarily an assassin, Syonide will undertake other assignments if so ordered. Her employers rarely risk her on low-scale criminal activities, though.

Personality: A sadistic killer.

Tactics: Syonide prefers to use her electrowhip. Her gun is more efficient, but her victims don't suffer as much (comparatively speaking). That is her primary weakness, as she might stop to inflict some extra pain on an opponent for a round rather than move on to the next victim. She is a competent fighter even without her weapons.

Campaign Uses: If the players run up against the Mafia, Syonide will be one of those sent out to stop them. She's somewhat of a loner, so she might have some Mafia Thugs at her back, but she'll rarely be found with another Delta teammate.

Quote: "Hon, I'm afraid you're going to have to die. Nothing personal - I like watching everyone suffer."

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name.

Mr. Terrific (Glory Days) (experienced)

Real Name: Terry Sloane
Power Package: Genius
Group Affiliation: Independent
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 8
Smarts: 5d6 +5
Academia (pretty much everything): 4
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Bureaucratics: 3
Criminology: 4
Etiquette: 3
Forgery: 3
Language (most): 2
Navigation: 3
Profession (pretty much all, but primary finances): 4
Science (pretty much all): 5 Survival (all):
Tactics: 3
Weaponsmith: 3
Speed: 4d6
Acrobatics: 5
Boating (speedboat, sailboat): 4
Dodging: 5
Driving (personal, commercial): 3
Escaping: 3
Lockpicking (mechanical): 3
Martial Arts (barehanded): 5
Piloting (airplane): 4
Riding: 4
Sleight of Hand: 3
Stealth: 4
Trade (most): 4
Spirit: 3d6
Arts (music, composition, writing): 4
Perception: 4
Scrutinize: 4
Search: 4
Streetwise: 2
Tracking: 4
Strength: 3d6
Climbing: 4
Running: 4
Sport (most) 4
Swimming: 5
Throwing: 3

Quirks: Code of Honor -3 (fair play), Delta, Famous +3 (Glory Day version only, +1 modern-day), Heroic -5 (Glory Day version only), Old -3 (modern-day version only), Photographic Memory +5, Rich +5, Secret ID, Self-confident +2 (Glory Day version only), Unregistered

Tricks: Brilliant Idea, Fast Learner, I've Got a Plan, The Natural, Stroke of Brilliance

Appearance: See picture

Background: In the 20's a car accident awakened Terry Sloane as a child, who soon began to display remarkable intelligence and acumen. He entered college at the age of 8, and graduated in two years. With the assistance of his family until he came of age, he was able to found several companies and make a great deal of money. At this time the government's control and monitoring of Deltas and potential Deltas wasn't as great, and folkds simply believed that Sloane was a child prodigy, rather than having some super-power.

Bored with the easy achievements of his life, Sloane was despondent by the age of 18. However, he chanced upon a woman preparing to commit suicide by leaping off a bridge. He came to her rescue, and discovered that she was being preyed upon by criminals. Seeing a new outlet for his abilities, Terry donned a costume, called himself "Mr. Terrific", and used all of his formidable abilities to bring them to justice. Disgusted with those who took advantage of the weaknesses of others, Sloane devoted himself to "fair play", and not only fought crime but tried to serve as an inspiration to others of what one could achieve.

When WW2 broke out, Terry didn't see any great need for his services. He had long since realized that his mental abilities marked him as a Delta, but he didn't see much need for a "Genius" in the flash and bang of the war, when there was so much still to be done on the homefront. Still, as a patriot he contacted the government and put his services at their disposal. For the most part, they saw things the same way as Sloane, and put him to use promoting the war effort at home, selling bonds, and fighting homegrown criminals and saboteurs. On occasion he was flown over to the European front when his special abilities were required. Because of his "detached" status, Terry's identity never became public knowledge.

After the war Sloane pretty much retired his heroic identity, as more and more Deltas came to the foreground. He preferred to remain behind the scenes, devoting his genius to educating others through colleges and universities, and raising money for charity. He also anticipated that the government and the public might some day turn against their then-beloved Deltas, and thought it best to keep a low profile.

After the Kennedy assassination attempt, Sloane went underground full-time, changing his identity and "disappearing" via a faked death in case anyone suspected his prodigal genius was the result of a Delta power. His current identity and location is unknown. He seems to have no interest in contacting his successor, the current
Mr. Terrific.

Personality: During the war, Mr. Terrific was a bright, chipper, enthusiastic hero: equally at home slugging it out with villains and working with ghetto-dwelling youths to help them learn how to be the best they could be. After the war, Terry soon came to realize that the public's adoration of Deltas would inevitably fade, a realization that depressed him to no end. He became much more subdued, although he still tried to help others through less overt means.

Tactics: Mr. Terrific is a thinker and a fighter, but rarely has much use for thinking in combat. He prefers to rely on his combat prowess and simply slug it out with bad guys, while saving his intellect for more...well, intellectual pursuits.

Campaign Uses: In a "Glory Days" campaign, Sloane can be a typical homefront hero, or might be called in on a special overseas assignment if an "expert" is required in just about anything. After the war and up to '63, he might make a good secret Patron for any number of beneficial causes. In a modern-day campaign, Sloane is at best a reluctant hero. He has little desire to put on his old costume and fight the government, but he might be persuaded to help the Defiance in a covert manner. Now in his 80's, he feels little desire to engage in flashy heroics although he is still quite formidable.

Quote: "I call myself 'Mr. Terrific' because that's what I am." (Glory Days)

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name.

Mr. Terrific (Modern-Day) (experienced)

Real Name: Michael Holt
Power Package: Genius
Group Affiliation: Triumph, Inc.
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 8
Smarts: 5d6 +5
Academia (pretty much everything): 4
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Bureaucratics: 3
Computing: 5
Criminology: 4
Etiquette: 3
Forgery: 3
Language (most): 3
Navigation: 4
Profession (pretty much all, but primary finances): 3
Science (pretty much all, but primarily quantum physics): 5 Survival (all): 3
Tactics: 4
Weaponsmith: 3
Speed: 4d6
Acrobatics: 5
Boating (speedboat, sailboat): 4
Dodging: 4
Driving (personal, commercial): 3
Escaping: 3
Lockpicking (electronic): 5
Lockpicking (mechanical): 3
Martial Arts (barehanded): 6
Piloting (airplane, helicopter): 4
Riding: 3
Sleight of hand: 3
Stealth: 4
Trade (most): 3
Spirit: 3d6
Arts (music, composition, writing): 4
Perception: 5
Scrutinize: 3
Search: 4
Streetwise: 3
Tracking: 3
Strength: 3d6
Climbing: 3
Running: 4
Sport (most) 4
Swimming: 4
Throwing: 3

Quirks: Alert +3, Authority +1, Cautious -3, Code of Honor -3 (fair play), Curious -3, Delta, Famous +2, Gear +5, Heroic -5, Photographic Memory +5, Public ID, Registered, Rich +5, Self-confident +2

Tricks: Brilliant Idea, Fast Learner,
Find Weakness, I've Got a Plan, The Natural, Stroke of Brilliance

Gear: Kevlar

Gadget #1 - Sensor Probes: Three small hovering devices that can relay images back to Mr. Terrific, and project images of what they've seen using their hologram capacity. These devices can travel approximately 1/2 mile from Mr. Terrific, and relay anything they see or hear back to him via his mask.

Gadget #2 - Mask These provide the equivalent of a Watcher's Infrared Vision and Telescopic Vision powers, as well as the low-light function of Delta Vision. The mask can also receive transmissions from Mr. Terrific's Sensor Probes.

Gadget #3 - Hologram Projector This device uses the sensor probes to project a sight-only based illusion or image within 30' of Mr. Terrific (optimal range at which he can maintain control of the image in real-time). Typically the difficult to detect that an illusion isn't real is based on an opposed Smarts roll against Mr. Terrific's Smarts. This can be modified by the degree of suitability of the illusion to the surrounding reality.

Gadget #4 - EM Invisiblity Field This device built into Mr. Terrific's suit provides him with complete invisibility to any mechanical sensor device, and makes it impossible to be captured on film.

Appearance: See picture

Background: A childhood fever at the age of 5 brought Michael Holt to death's door, and gave rise to his abilities as a Genius delta. Since his "death" was from illness rather than some kind of catastrophic disaster, and because of the subtle nature of his delta power, Michael escaped government detection. However, five years later he came to the attention of the government when he graduated college at the age of 10, and displayed a mastery of many physical and mental disciplines. He was recruited into Delta Prime, where he was trained for two years. Although he passed the actual courses in only three months, he was kept on to be monitored for his chances of being a security risk. Holt passed, but spent most of his time performing behind-the-scenes investigation. It was felt that a 14 year old Delta primer would not best serve the organization's image.

It was during this time that Michael took on the name of "Mr. Terrific", an acknowledgement of his childhood hero, the original "golden age" Mr. Terrific.

When he turned 18, Michael was seconded to Triumph, Inc. There he primarily does PR work. He works with the inner city youth of Crecent City primarily, but travels around the country. He is often brought in as a consultant for Delta Prime projects elsehwhere. The U.S. government is still somewhat paranoid over the possibility of Michael defecting (they find it hard to fool most Geniuses). They give him free rein to keep his loyalty, and he's used that freedom to form several corporations and make himself a millionaire many times over with his patents. While he is not a Gadgeteer, Michael can design and construct modern-day "normal" technology with the best of them. He prefers to help the underprivilieged and downtrodden whenever possible, however.

Personality: Michael prefers to serve as an example, and feels that he can best do so as part of the government. While he acts intelligently, he does not play up his heightened intellectual abilities. He works well with the public but tends to be fairly quiet around other Deltas.

Tactics: Mr. Terrific prefers to think before acting, and can coordinate teammates when necessary. He is a formidable hand-to-hand fighter, however, with five black belts in various martial arts disciplines. Although he possesses no combat-related Delta powers, he is still a formidable opponent.

Campaign Uses: Michael is a PR person for the government, and will typically be found fighting for the downtrodden. he isn't fond of either Delta Prime or the Defiance: nor does he work for Triumph, Inc. for money. He can make a formidable ally, or consultant, or a group may find themselves on the wrong side of him if they start wrecking too much public property in the poorer areas of their campaign city.

Quote: "By the time I was six, I had read and assimilated the works of Bohr, Einstein, Plank, Feynman--the pantheon of theoretical physicists. While other children struggled through Sesame Street, I learned that time and space are merely a series of shifting coordinates in a grander continuum."

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name.

Monocle (starting character)

Real Name: Jonathan Cheval
Power Package: Gadgeteer
Group Affiliation: Independent
Delta Points: 3
Size: 5
Pace: 8
Smarts: 4d6
Area Knowledge (home city): 2
Language (English): 2
Science (ocular): 5
Tinkering: 5
Speed: 3d6
Dodging: 2
Lockpicking (electronic) 1
Piloting (helicopter): 2
Shooting: 4
Spirit: 3d6
Perception: 2
Persuasion (bluff): 2
Persuasion (taunt): 2
Scrutinize: 3
Search: 2
Strength: 2d6
Climbing: 3
Fighting (barehanded): 2
Running: 2

Quirks: Arrogant -3, Delta, Public ID, Rich +4, Snobby -1, Unregistered

Tricks: Fine Tuning, First Move, Smack It

Gadget - Monocle Lens: The Monocle's lens can generate a "standard" Energy Blast (5d6+10 damage, Range Increment 10, ROF 3, Quickness 1). He can activate the lens by remote control, although it then only has a ROF of 1. When worn, the lens also provides him with Telescopic and Infrared Vision (as per the Watcher power package) as well as the low-light aspect of Delta Vision. He cannot use Tricks from either Power Package.

Appearance: See picture

Background: Cheval is a bored millionnaire who made millions in the science of optics by developing specialty lens. he first took to crime to avenge a group of businessmen who tried to buy him out. This incident brought him to the public's attention, and made him a wanted Delta. Fortunately, he had secreted away most of his money, and established several overseas identities to slip into. Cheval remains a criminal because he enjoys the thrill rather then any pressing need for money. He enjoys matching wits with opponents.

Personality: Snobby and rather arrogant, Cheval plays up on his dapper evening-clothes appearance to such a degree that some might mistake him for a Bargainer.

Tactics: Face an opponent and blast away. He'll hold the "remote control" ability of his monocle in reserve, hoping to blast someone once they take it from him. Alternately, he will plant the lens in a hidden location and wear a "normal" monocle lens, and then blast an unsuspecting opponent from the rear.

Campaign Uses: The Monocle will team up with other villains for a big score, or he can makee an adequate fill-in solo villain. He has little interest in either the government efforts against Deltas or in any struggle against that combat.

Quote: "Only through the thrill of combat can I find excitement! You have my thanks!" *SHWAK*

Based loosely on the DC character of the same name.

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