Give Teryl Some Credit
My Favorite Links:
Welcome all Stargate and/or Teryl Rothery fans!!

This site is a place for Stargate fans to unite, hopefully a crossroads of sorts with links etc. but most importantly is the headquarters for the Give Teryl Some Credit campaign.

Despite being a vital and brilliant member of the Stargate SG1 cast, Ms. Rothery recieves no opening credit.

This, I'm sure you'll agree is an injustice! Register your support by sending an email, quoting "Give Teryl Some Credit" to and help us to Give Teryl Some Credit!

Emily (Chairman)
Katie (Vice Chairman)

PS Sorry there aren't any pictures, I haven't worked out how to do that yet! But there are pictures gallore at the Official Site
Teryl Rothery Official Site
Teryl Rothery Site
Heliopolis fan fiction
Joy's Stargate Site
Michael Shanks pictures
Loads and Loads of Pictures
Janet Frasier Week
The Gateway UK
Cast Picture
My Info:
Name: Emily
My Fan Fiction:
A Tender Touch
A Matter of Time
Chance of a Lifetime