Gary's Favorite Grace Pages

By Grace

Of Grace



13th Street


Link Bible Study

Websters 1828 Dictionary

Chuck Smith Bible Study

Spurgeon Audio

Faith Bible Baptist Church

World Wide
Bible Study

Christian Classics

Sovereign Grace Page

Gary's Sovereign Grace Page

A Voice In The Wilderness

Hear On-Line Sermons

Hebraic Heritage

Sermon Finder

Peggy's Page, Clinging to Jesus

Great Illustrations For an Occasion

Little Pilgrims Progress


Life Articles

Gary's Christian

Grace Life

Frequently Asked

Eagle Wings

Daryl Coleman's

Phil Johnson's
Book Marks

Fargo Baptist Church

"That God is able, in his mercy, grace, and wisdom, to make a way for our sins to be laid on a Substitute and the guilty sinner go free is the greatest glory of his nature that he has seen fit to reveal." — Pastor Henry Mahan

Pilgrim's Hope Baptist

"I bear them witness,"said the Apostle, "that they had a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge, but went about to establish their own righteousness, and have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God." Oh! may we not be beguiled, then, so as to miss the reward of heaven at the last!

Miles J. Stanford

The church, that is, cannot devise whatever Christianity it wishes; the church does not define but bears witness to the biblical message.

Doctrine Of Election

I will go as far as Martin Luther, where he says, "If any man ascribes anything of salvation, even the very least thing, to the free will of man, he knows nothing of grace, and he has not learned Jesus Christ rightly."C.H. Spurgeon...

Christ In You

The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach to-day, or else be false to my conscience and my God. I cannot shape the truth; I know of no such thing as paring off the rough edges of a doctrine. John Knox's gospel is my gospel. That which thundered through Scotland must thunder through England again.......C.H. Spurgeon

Sermon Central

The whole work is a rich treat to those who love experimental divinity, and are safe in Christ as Noah was in the ark; but, Oh! how woeful must those be, who are without an interest in the Saviour; and that have none to plead their cause. "They are left to be ground to powder between the justice of God and the sins which they have committed. It is sad to consider their plight. This is the man that is pursued by the law, and by sin, and by death, and has none to plead his cause.

On Line Sermons

Whilst thou hast a rag of thine own, thou shalt never have Christ; whilst thou hast a farthing of thine own righteousness, thou shalt never have him; but when thou art naked, having nothing, Christ is thine;


Men must be forgiven by grace, renewed by grace, transformed by grace, sanctified by grace, preserved by grace; and when that comes to pass the golden age will dawn; but while they are merely taught their duty, and left to do it of themselves in their own strength, it is labour in vain. You may flog a dead horse a long while before it will stir: you need to put life into it, for else all your flogging will fail. To teach men to walk who have no feet is poor work, and such is instruction in morals before grace gives a heart to love holiness. The gospel alone supplies men with motive and strength, and therefore it is to the gospel that we must look as the real reformer of men.

Christian Classics

Ever since the Fall sin has existed, passed down to all mankind. Sin brings death. The solution has always been, the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Man's access to God is by faith in God's gracious mercy extended to us through Christ. So, what changed? The cross? Not really. Only time has changed. In the O.T. salvation was through the cross; prophetically. In the N.T. it is through the cross; historically.

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Mckenzie Tyler

At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Chuck Smith Sermons

By grace! None dare lay claim to merit; Our works and conduct have no worth. God in His love sent our Redeemer, Christ Jesus, to this sinful earth; His death did for our sins atone, And we are saved by grace alone.

Sound Of Grace... Great Page

Sinner Saved By Grace Page

Christian Links

The Word has the Answer

Peggy's Page, Clinging To Jesus

Bits & Pieces, Illustrations for preachers

Pastoral Helps

"Sacrificing" and Salt

Scriptures On The Doctrines Of Grace

A New Covenant

Spiritual Israel

Grace is the sweetest sound, That ever reached our ears, When Conscience charged and justice frowned, 'Twas grace removed our fears, 'Tis freedom to the slave, 'Tis light and liberty, It takes it's terror from the grave, From death it's victory.

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Audio Sermons


Biblical Audio Messages

Great Bible Study Page

"ELECT" E-mail Discussion List

More Grace

Pomerado Baptist

Free Grace Baptist Church... Great!

The Quite Place... Great!

Christian Reader


Mountain Home Bible Fellowship

The Death Of Truth

Community Religion and denominations

Gospel Articles...Great!

1828 Dictionary

Chuck Smiths'
Bible Study

For any occasion

Audio Study

Table Talk

Chuck Smith Sermons

Faith Baptist Church

World Wide Study Bible

Christian Classic


Sermon Finder

Hear ONLINE Sermons

Study In Samuel

Study In Romans
by Martin Luther

Study on
Blood of Christ

Into the Holiest

Impossible to renew

Hebrew Study

Israel of God
Study in Galatians

Israel of God
Sound of Grace



When you are forgotten, or neglected, or
purposely set at naught, and you smile
inwardly, glorying in the oversight.


When your good is evil spoken of, your taste
offended, your advice disregarded, your
opinion ridiculed, and you take it all in patient
and loving silence.


When you care never to refer to yourself in
conversation, or to record your own good
work, or to seek after commendation, when
you can truly "love to be unknown"


If you desire himself alone to fill you, For
Him alone you care to live and be; then 'tis not
you, but Christ who dwelleth in you,
And that, O child of God, is VICTORY."
"But thanks be to God, which giveth us the
victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ."

1 Cor. 15:57

June, 5, 2000 Time 7:00 1