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The new Dragonball Z game is realesed to come out in May. I can't wait!

The rest of the Buu saga won't air until Fall.

Next 2 tapes of the Buu saga Due in April.

Dragonball is airing on Cartoon Network at 5:00pm EST.

This section is devoted to proved the non-existence of DBAF and other made up DBZ things. I hope you like and i hope if you beleived in anyhting that is below this page changes your mind.Some people think there is a series called Dragonball AF (After Future) that comes after Dragonball GT (Grand Tour). I have seen many pictures from this series, all of which I can easily show you, on this page, are wrong.
False SSJ Levels

This (above) is a picture of Super Saiyan Pan. Pan is Gohan and Videl's daughter. This particular picture is from GT. The maker of this picture just took it and changed Pan's hair and eye color. The picture is exactly the same as the one from GT except for those colors, but they claim it is from Dragonball AF.

This picture is of Raditz when he is SSJ3. As we all know Raditz is killed by Piccolo. The only way this picture could be true is if in the episode in GT where Super 17 opens the portal to the HFIL (Home For Infinte Losers) Raditz is one of the people who comes back for revenge on Goku. Then he would have to some how go SSJ3 in a couple of episodes, but this is not possible because this is supposed to be from AF and Raditz is permanatly sealed in the HFIL in GT. Either way this is a false image. Also notice the halo above him that proves that he is back from the HFIL and on earth, this only happened in GT and after that he was permanatly sealed in the HFIL. This is also another one of the pictures where they took a normal pic and colored it differently (they just colored normal Raditz's hair golden).

This is the most faked image I have ever seen. It is actually fanart from a guy named Walter or something (it was in my magazine Beckettdbz it's not really mine I'm just subscribed to it). Vegeta never even reaches anything higher than SSJ2 (on his own). Plus in GT he achieves SSJ4 with the help of Bulma so why would he even need to get to level 3.

This another pic of SSJ3 Vegeta. This one is much better than the last but is still a fake for the same reasons as the last one. This one is not fanart though. Some one added the extra hair on him to make it look real. I do have to say though they did a good job of making it look real.

This is another one of those pictures where they just change the colors. This is actually a pic of SSJ3 Gotenks but they changed the hair color to black. This was supposed to make it look SSJ4 but when your SSJ4 your hair isnt that long. Obviously a fake.

This is actually a picture of SSJ4 Goku the maker just edited the face and changed it to Trunks's. They also changed the hair but that's all they did with it.

This is a good picture but still made up. I can't really see many flaws in it except for the fact that it's just a pic of SSJ3 Gotenks with his hair colored red. If this is a real pic from AF it (or the ones below) can't be real because they are both supposedly SSJ5 and they are completely different pics.

This is just a fanart that was completely made up by it's drawer. The artist is good but should be ashamed of hiself because now his picture is on many sites and a lot of people beleive it is real.

This is the made up level of SSJ 6. It's actually a picture of SSJ3 Goku With the outside layers of his hair colored silver and the inside colored a deeper shade of golden. They also changed his oufit's colors but that's about it.
False Fusions
The requirments for fusing are, according to Goku, are that you have to be about the same height and power level. Now that you understand that you should realize how fake these are.

This picture is actually shown in the series but never actually happens. GOkue thinks of the possibilities when he is forced to chose either Tien, Dende, or Hercule to fuse with. He sees what he would look like with both Dende and Hercule. The only reason this is under Fake Fusions is because people think this happens in AF. This picture is only shown once and that's not in "AF".

First of all Piccolo and Vegeta are completely different heights, power levels, and races. Ummmm..... that's all I got so I guess I shouldn't have said first of all. Well any way if you look at it Vegeta is a midget and Piccolo is like seven feet tall. Vegeta is also much stronger than Piccolo in GT and I don't think that he could manage to get up to Vegeta's SSJ4 power level.

Yamcha and Tien are the same race, about the same power level, and if you cut off Tien's feet then they'd be the same height. But his feet were never cut off and Tien was never tought the fusion technique. This is just a pic of Yamcha with Tien's third eye and a look a like of Gotenk's and Vegetto's armor that they get when fused.

In GT I don't know if Trunks and Vegeta are the same height but I know they aren't the same power level so this fusion is impossible. For any of you that still think some of these pictures are real try and find any of these levels or characters on a good site. If you think you've found decent proof e-mail me here.
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