TBS Class Golf 7-68

2009 Reunion

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Welcome to the website for the 35th Reunion of TBS Class Golf 7-68 and also 47th OCS Class, companies E & F, which fed the majority of Candidates to Golf 7-68.

47th OCS candidates were commissioned on January 5th, 1968 and then formed TBS Golf Company Class 7-68 from 10 Jan '68 to 29 May '68. Some members of the 47th OCS were not able to proceed directly to Golf 7-68. Likewise, Golf 7-68 picked up some members who were not part of Companies E & F, 47th OCS. All are welcome, as are the OCS Company CO, XO and staff, the Platoon Commanders, Platoon Sergeants, Sergeant Instructors and the TBS Leadership and Student Platoon Commanders. You'll note the dates parallel the start of the 47th OCS 36 years ago.

2003 Reunion Picture

(Click the picture above to enlarge)
2003 Reunion Picture
Pictured from left to right:
Front Row: Paul DiBlasio, Dave Harrison, Brian Sweeney, Jon Kratz, Robert Merryman, Ben Sorrell, Paul Wilburger, Martin Fallgren, John Tuten
Second Row: Margo Wirig, Susan Carradice, Marge Munger, Barbara Tifford, Maryanne Trapp, Ann Hudak, Diane Wilburger, Karen Merryman, Darcy Lawson, Kathleen DiBlasio, Wynne Whittles, Allyson Weathers, Anne Tuten, Annie Walker
Third Row: John Okerman, Art Tifford, Fran Cook, Rick Schmiege, Dan Carradice, Chris Munger, John Trapp, Jerry Hudak, Barry Gauch, Jim Groark, Pete Griffith, Corky Haisten, David Wallingford, Bill Lawson, Don Oliphant, Edwin Summers

Two-Person Row just behind John Okerman & Art Tifford: Tim White and Robert Cook

Back Row: Joe Reich, Marc Wirig, Art Heggen, Ace Hammack, Peter Hibbard, Chuck Rinehart, Barry Rogers, Ervin Martin, John Walker, Walter Weathers, Linton Whittles

Site last updated: August 11, 2008