Oh Goodie, you found my contact page. *

Maybe you’ll call, maybe you’ll IM.

Maybe you’ll just click ‘back’ on your browser.

Maybe it’ll start raining cows and we’ll all have plenty of milk to drink.

Maybe not.



Currently back in Jersey. Email is best route to contact, unless you have my phone number… But you always can …


Email: captengle@yahoo.com (Primary) or goodlyshomepage@yahoo.com (Auxiliary).


Leave a message for me on Myspace. (apart from email and telephone, it’s the best way)


IM me on Yahoo! as goodlyshomepage. The JavaScript version. (I haven’t used captengle on YIM in years)


--or on aol’s IM service (aim) as The GoodlyDragon. The JavaScript version.


--or on MSN’s IM service as GDragon777 (almost never used).


-or on MySpace’s IM service as thegoodlydragon


My ICQ# : 111434644 almost never used.


Sign up and post me a message in Goodly’s Lair III. Guaranteed to get to me via friends or whenever I get a chance to check email.


Try one of my other groups: Kate Maberly, Ashley Johnson, Big Kenny, SuperE, Goodly’s Magick Forum, Old Blind Dogs, or Goodly’s Academy.


You could also post in my Dreambook.


Do a search on “Evan Corbett”,  “Goodly Dragon”, “goodlyshomepage”, “captengle”, or “GDragon777” at Yahoo or Metacrawler or Google.


My Yahoo! screen names: goodlyshomepage, captengle, admengle, gbogenbroom, supere777, justpickaname777, kellykelly010, kmpictures, kmscreensaver, finding_neverland_km, kmmovies1, and kmmovies2.


My newest and only voicemail 1-888-Excite2 (392-4832), ext. 856-753-7985 checked irregularly at best. I’m not sure if it even works. Haven’t checked it in years.


Meet me at the Echelon Mall, when the timing is right. The timing is right on Friday and/or Saturday nights, a couple of times a year, if I’m in the state at that time.


If you care to let me know in advance, I can (re)arrange my schedule to fit you in.


I generally sleep from 11am till’ 7am, so add that to your thinking as well as I often work the morning or mid shift (8am-5pm) on varying days, five days a week and with regular variance in hours.


I generally like to stay at home, do stuff on my computer, and watch movies. I’m a homebody, but if you buy me coffee, I’ll come out and play.


If getting in touch with me is greatly important to you, then don’t forget to save, bookmark and print this page. Life has a way of making people lose the ability to get in touch with one another.


If I’m dead please do not use a séance or ouji board to contact me. I won’t be round’, I won’t come a knocking. I’m dead, and its heaven or awagawan for me but no hauntings. Period. My soul will depart after the funeral, if not sooner. See my ‘all about me’ page for my will. I also have a letter page here to my future reincarnation. Hi.


Last updated 12/17/07


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© Rev. Evan C. Corbett


*All of the above subject to change without notice and is void where prohibited, see store for details. Taxes applicable in Narnia, Fantasia, Brobdingnag, and Summerland. All rights reserved. Special thanks to Doctors Ballard, Bogenbroom, Bonzai, Brown, Cochran, Cohen, Grabow, Hibbert, Jones, Pierce, Preston, Regadie, Robert, Zimmerman, and Zoidberg. Not available in all areas. Dial “9” to get out. Do not try this at home or anywhere else. The driver is professional and on a closed monkey track. The webmaster is not responsible for any damages that may result to your eyes in reading such small text, you should've known better anyway, or at least have cut and pasted to notepad. Do not cut and paste to notepad as the file may be too large, use word pad instead. Do not cut n' paste to word pad, get glasses. If the glasses should happen to break, momma will not buy you a damn thing. If the misfortune continues, please see one of the doctors listed above. Not responsible for any doctor fees that may occur as a result of reading this. He made me do it; he's an evil, evil man. Verbal Kent is Keyser ze! My name is not Kilroy. Next time use soap. God is all out of bigger fish. The opinions expressed on this site are solely the author's, and not representative of any individual, company, corporation, government, head of state, deity, pantheon, or anyone or anything else I may have missed. Careful, the beverage you're about to enjoy is extremely hot. Contents packed by weight, not volume. Objects in mirror may be closer and less sexy than they appear. Don't feed the animals. <Eof>