Goodricke C:

Venue Section

Index Page

The Stars

All events that have occurred and forthcoming ones; It's here, live from our natural habitat.

Hug a Tree

I'm the real cooker
JoEB - Dj for the Cooker
Aaron in the house! Spud in the house! Alan in the house!

Left to Right:
Spud, Sam & JoEB

Don't Miss:

The Cooker


Goodricke FC

Oh yes.. baby

The tree in the toilet incident. But who fixed it there anyway? Fortunately it wasn't left there for  Mary's (our dear cleaner) shock and dismay, the next morning. In fact, the tree (or branch, whatever) is still in our premises and couldn't fall in better hands than those of Aaron.

Millenium Ball

Indeed, there was one last year. A bit too expensive for some but an event not to miss for others. Check these posh kids out.

Did u have any millenium mega spliff?

The Millenium Ball - Pic. from Leonard

Cleaning Day

Well, shit does happen... Led by brave Pete who came fresh from a football match, the cleaning team constituted of:
Washer 1: Peter
Washer 2: Asheem
Dryer 1: Leonard
Dryer 2: Jean
Dryer 3: Aaron
Swapping of roles: Asheem/Leonard/Aaron

Shame on all those who allowed the stacking of dirty pots & dishes and didn't help in the clean up.

Give us a hand, this is driving us nuts!

Not shown:
Peter & Asheem

Kitchen Updates

Aaron's Birhtday

4. Keep on moving

Among the culminating celebration during the 2nd semester, was this Yank's birthday. Of course the picture only show the aftermath. Doesn't he deserve some good spanking?

The Party isn't over yet!
Aaron's bday - Wikid! What's in my cake? Ooops I did it again...
Lighting of the cake
Where's the cake?

1. Traditional hah!

2. Oooops, was I supposed to blow the candles or the cake?

3. Who ate the cake? + a rare half naked pic of Sam.

SPud carrying Jamal the Traffic Cone

Click Here

This is how we do it... Want to know how?

Dave's birth

Where does Dave come from? After Aaron's birthday celebration at TOFFs, Spud got hold of a traffic cone lying in a nearby construction field.

Meet Dave & Jamal:

Bollox Page

Summer Time

Coming from a warm sunny tropical island, I was shocked to see Ali & Luc with Ali & Cat from the 1st floor, sunbathing outside, on the green lawn at the back of Goodricke C.


That's shocking lads!

Josh's Birthday

Who doesn't know Unky J? A god-father in disguise, but let's not flatter Joshua too much. His birthday was recently celebrated at Victor J's in town and as usual those Yankies' birthday come along with a deluge of pictures. No more shall be said so...

...Visit the Picture Gallery now.

More Summer Time

Oh shit, some of us  got the brilliant idea to buy water guns. This will probably cause an irreversible arms race and stock pilling of ammo. Among them are Adam (with his BFG), Aaron, Simon, Rana and Spud (i'm may be missing some names here). It's Summer anyway... get a gun or get soaked.