Are you non-wanking? Excellent! And to show our appreciation, we want to give you the recognition you deserve!
  So, how does this work? Simple! If you feel you are not a Goth Wanker, than e-mail us at , telling us:
1. Your name
           2. Your URL.
           3. Why you deserve this award
           4. Which award you want.

  There are only a few rules:
1. Your website should be devoid of Marilyn Manson, unless to say what a stupid fuck he is. In fact, if your site says "Marilyn Manson is one stupid fuck", we will automatically give you the award.
            2. No pictures of people wearing those plastic vampire fangs that stores carry around Halloween. No mentions of vampires being "real", or any of that kind of realated crap. If you admit to playing the vampire role playing game, your chances are very, very, slim. No spinning skulls, flaming text, dripping blood, etc.
            3.  It should be interesting. I love snazzy websites.



NEW NEW NEW! We have something for all you Goth Wankers out there who aren't complete knobs! A "Good Sport" award! But you can't ask us for this, we give it out as we see fit. In order to get this award, you have to be a non-asshole goth wanker who doesn't bitch us out at the nomination. So far, only two Goth Wankers have not been assholes.