<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/grammajan46/unchained.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
40 years ago I graduated from El Camino High School in Sacramento.
Then, I was known as Janet  (I still am to my Mother!)
Now, take your pick: Jan, Janet, Aunt Jan, Auntie Sweetie
or....my personal favorite....Gramma Jan

This website is a work of love and I hope you enjoy browsing around.
It will be constantly changing (knowing me). So, please come back!
Don't forget to sign my Guest Book -- Thanks to all who come here.

~~~SITE MAP~~~
lick on any page title below & I hope you enjoy my pages...
Always In My Heart About Me. . .
My Boyz
Gramma's Gang!
Merici's Page
El Camino High School's 40th Reunion
My Favorite Links
Banner Exchange
My Awards & Gifts
This page was a Thanksgiving 2004 Gift  from my dear friend, Gina!!  Thank you so much!!!
Picture Perfect

I have deleted all my holiday & graphics pages at this time.   I have several new pages under construction ~ Please be patient. ~ Going back to work turned into a great deal  of "lost" computer ttime.  ~~~~~    Gramma Jan 4/4/05
~~ This site established July 8, 2004 ~~
~~Dedicated to the memory of my father and sister~~