<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/grammajan46/ItsASmallWorld.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
~~ MY BOYZ ~~
They may not write poetry (yet) like their big sister - but are every bit as much of a part of my heart!!
Meeting my big brother & big sister!
Tanos * 5 1/2 years
Josiah * 1 week
Tanos & Josiah
(less than 24 hours old)
First meeting with Gramma Jan
At 6 weeks of age, Josiah not too sure about Gramma
Tanos ~ 5 1/2 years old
March 2004
Josiah ~ 4 days old
February 2004
A surprize visit August 14, 2004
and a late celebration of Tanos' 6th Birthday!!
Look Sister!! Spiderman tattoos & stickers were in Spidey's backback!
MOM!! Camouflage swim trunks & hat!!
I like my car......wanna go for a ride?
Giving "noogies" to Josiah!
Merici, Tanos, Josiah &
Uncle Michael (Ca.)
My Boyz!!
More pool toys than I know what to do with!!
I'm supposed to be taking a nap!
Got the sniffles, can't swim today.
This site established July 8, 2004
Dedicated to the memory of my father and sister.
This page updated August 2004