Animal Pages

Bengal Cats Page

Chinchilla Page

Family & Friends Page

Hello Page

Index Page

Learning Page

Paint Shop Pro Gallery

Welcome to Granny-Wicked & Ralph's Place

HELLO Granny-Wicked, Ralph and family welcome you to our Internet home and farm!

Please have a seat, warm yourself by the fire, and enjoy your reading.

Rocker Fireplace

You will find new added items popping up all of the time on all of the pages I do!!

There is a new look here, and if you want to see the other pages you can either click on the buttons to the left or at the bottom of each page is a list.

We came from Colorado to Missouri in 1994 and started a MINI FARM on our land with "ANIMALS" of all kinds: Come visit our animals at the Barn, in the yard and at play. Just click on the "Animals Button".

SCHOOL AND IT'S THE BEST ON THE NET!! Come see what I have learned at Virtual University by clicking on the "School Button" on the left.

I hope to see you there!!

Thanks for visiting us and please sign our Guest Book, so we can keep in contact with our new Internet friends and neighbors.

Oh by the way, these pages are put together by Granny with the help and input of Ralph and a lot of friends. Come and visit us anytime.

Ralph and Granny-Wicked

Sign My Guest book View My Guest book

I can be found most nights working in mIRC at school in the #Chatcafe or on the #netjunkies channel through

I am a member of:
The HTML Writers Guild
PSP Users Group
Paint Shop Pro Interactive Zone
VU logo
Jasc Site

Animals | Bengal Cats | Chinchilla |
Family & Friends | Hello | Index | Learning ONLINE |
Virtual University HTML Instructors | Paint Shop Pro Creations |

*Copyright © 1997-2003 Granny-Wicked & Ralph
*All Rights Reserved
This page was last updated April, 2003.