Pugs are  wonderful and loving pets.
They are commonly known as social butterflies.
Would you like to know more about us?
Granny's Pug Farm
Cool Pug Rescues:
Southeast Pug Rescue & Adoption
Tampa Bay Pug Club Rescue
Email Me:
Yoda, Princess Liea, Darth Vader, & Luke.
Welcomes you  to Granny's Pug Farm.
Granny Benton
Pugs, Pugs, Pugs, and even more Pugs!
Yoda's Page
Princess Liea's Page
Luke's Page
Darth Vader's Page
Puppy Mills
Photo Album
What is a Pug Olympics?
Adopt? -or- Buy?
American Kennel Club
Training your Pug
Pug Greeting Cards
Emergency Links
Trying to Find A Pet?

Click to subscribe to pugownersclub
Do Pugs Snore?
Our Pages:
Funny Stuff:
Our Favorite Sites:
Planet of the Pugs
Holiday Pugs
Our Friends & Family:
Broken Tree Austrailian Shepards
Our Vet, Dr. Frank
Our Sister & Brother-In-Law
Adoption Rules
So you want a Frank the Pug?
Rescue Visitors
Color Information