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Fibonacci flowers
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FibFlower 1.0 - Fibonacci Flowers

FibFlower is a OpenGL program for Win32. It draws 2d/3d images like these:

FibFlower develops the concept of Fibonacci Spirals, mathematic curves that a sunflower shows in the arrangement of its seeds.

The sunflower grows from the center to the outside areas, filling with seeds a circular space in a very compact way.

The way it achieves it hides some mathematic curiosities amongst the spirals, which are completely ignored by the sunflower. It only needs to produce seeds in one point, and choose a direction (some angle) to "throw" a seed, so it will grow with the sunflower disk. Not too difficult for a plant. But the results are good for the sunflower, as it packs many seeds in the minimum space.

FibFlower app develops this idea, using it to "grow" points, starting from a central coordinate. Resulting points can be drawn alone, be connected with lines, or used as vertices of polygons, and fill a surface with those polygons. Such surface can be planar or spheric, as chosen.


Descargar FibFlower 1.0 (english version)

FibFlower runs on win32, and requires OpenGL drivers. Better if you have a good 3d card (GeForce, Radeon...).


There is no documentation at the moment, just the tooltips. Feel free to investigate.

The viewpoint can be modified with the mouse:

  • Drag Right mouse button, up/down to move the view closer/farther
  • Drag Left mouse button to rotate view.
  • Drag Mid mouse button to pan (move in the screen plane) the view.

Last Updated: February 3, 2004