And now a word from our sponsors

Well after what seems to have been a long time I am finally getting around to making a new site. The old site with now over 150,000 visitors is still going strong after almost two years without an update.

But alas, like everything from the 90's we need something bigger and better. The new Millenium is the start of a new century and now an updated site. I would never take away the old site so you have a chance to go to both now and hopefully this new site will be as popular as the old site.

I can say that new beginnings can be good for the soul hopefully this new endeavour in the internet world will provide you with as much joy as the old one did.

In you are one of the few who have not seen the old site, well go below to take a look at the original and forever close to my heart

But if you have been either in a coma or have been one of the many who have emailed me again and again for more, I proudly introduce to you the new and

Enjoy and remember if you aren't a Great Canadian Snow Bunny there still is hope you can catch the Great Canadian Snow Bunny!