Nifty Comics and Anime

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Comics and Anime
The Broken Hearts Club


Anime Comics Icon Key


Vampire Hunter D
A woman is chosen to be the bride of a very powerful Vampire. She hires a mysterious Vampire Hunter to protect her. Everyone is surprised to find who he really is.

Green Legend Ran
In a kind of post apocaliptic setting, two kids get caught up in a terrible power stuggle between the raiening power and the rebles, and then an alien plot to finish off Man-kind.

Armatige III
A pretty detective is more than she seems. Armitage is a good cop with a bad attitude, and her new partner doesn't seem to want to deal with it. However, when armitage's past threatens everyone future, he finds she may be just what he needs.

Sailor Moon
An ordinary Jr. Highschool student is given super powers to battle the forces of evil. This is a great shojo series with romance, comedy, and a wonderful story line. This is what got me hooked on Anime.

Saint Tail
Miaka, a jr. highschool student, is really the mysterious theif Saint Tail! Saint Tail helps those who have been swindled or robbed by returning their stolen good and exposing the crimes. Even though she herself is wanted by the police. When a boy in her class is allowed to work to catch Saint Tail, the results are sweetly romantic and hillarious.

Roruni Kenshin
A vicious samarai assasin becomes a ruroni who protects innocent people. This series is probably one of the best I've ever come across.

Tenshi Muyo
Tenshi, an average earth boy, attracts tons and trouble, and attractive alien women. These women fight with each other, and the rest of the galaxy, dragging tenshi in every step of the way.

Ranma 1/2
Everybody loves Ranma! Ranma is a martial arts student, and lots of girls fight over him. The added twist is, when he gets wet, he chages into a girl (along with some other characters who change into various other things). It's a really funny series. =)

This is THE classic stereotypical RPG anime. It had a bunch of characters who fight for good, with general D and D atmosphere. I like it, but some people might find it too generic.

This gives me the impression that it's meant for very small children. It's about Urd, Skuld and Belldandy and their adventures with a rat called Gan-chan. It's really cute.

Magic Knights Rayearth
Three school girls get summoned to a magical world where eveything is controlled by will. They must fight to save this world, Cephiro.


Click on the comic you want to see a sample page and a summary blurb:
Peach Girl Mars Reality Check Arsenic Lullaby
Sonic the
Johnny the
Oh My Goddess! Sailor Moon
Fushigi Yugi Ranklechick and
his Three
Legged Cat
X-men Purgatori

Icon Key:

Creatures of the NightExplosions and things like that Cheesy Comedy
Sword fighting "Soap Opera-ish" Drama Kawaii Creatures
Cute Boys Deep Dramatic Romance Innocent School Girl Romance