A humanish Something

A humanish something
My Journal
Comics and Anime
The Broken Hearts Club


Name: Thena DeFox

Nick Names: Rat, Tenshi Nezumi, Angel, "M"s, Helpless, Peach, Meatballhead, Duck, Dilemma, Nezumi-chan, Kitten, Chonie(damn it Crystal!!)

B-Day: April 22nd

Sign: Taurus (western), Rat (eastern)

Age: 18

Loves: chocolate, anime, magna, comics, drawing, writing, drumming, etc.

Quote:"Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you"
-someone who's name I have written down somewhere, but can't find at the moment


I'm an anime junkie. Some of my favorite anime movies are Vampire Hunter D, Green Legend Ran, and Armitage III. My current fav. anime TV shows include Sailor Moon, Saint Tail, Roruni Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo, Ranma 1/2, Robotech, Gundam Wing, Villigust, Vampire Princess Miyu, Mini-Goddess and Magic Knight Rayearth. For Info go check out my anime and comics page.

And what goes better with anime than Comics? My fav.'s are Mars, Ah! My Goddess, Sailor Moon, Magic Knights Rayearth, Arsenic Lullaby, J.T.H.M., I Feel Sick, Parasyte, Sonic, Reality Check, Gambit, and Purgatori. For Info go check out my comics and anime page I love comics, I hope someday you'll pick up one that I wrote, or with art work of mine.

If you haven't gotten the hint yet, why don't you check out my anime an' comics page. *L*

Occasionally I've been known to type out things other than cheesy profiles. These usually turn out to be fiction stories. My most recent work is a story called Vixen Valentine. It's being turned into a comic book by a friend of mine. You can see previews at the evil bunny's page.

I love music. Some of my favorites are The Beatles, Blink 182, They Might Be Giants, and Billy Holiday, just to name a few, former percussionist in my high school band (don't laugh, it's fun), and I love to sing.

My latest project is a trip to mother Russian. Yeah okay, so I'm not Russian, but that just sounds sooo cool. Anyway....I am actually going on an exchange student trip to Russia. I'll be gone for the school year. It should just be another year of high school, but it should still be pretty tough. Maybe it'll get me ready for college (I hope). I don't speak any Russian, so I'm planning quite an adventure. Wish me luck! /\_~


my picture, Weee! Finally a recent picture. (recent...ah ha..you thought)
Some of my best buds, at the Tournament of bands 2000.
Josh, one of the sweetest guys I know.
Comic Con 2000
My Senior Picture
Why you don't put a cat on a leash
My short career as an EMT class victim:
My Bike Accident
My Car Accident

© 1997 drop me a line