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Dog Park Etiquette

Clean up after your dog. Plastic bags are provided.

Pay close attention to your dog and keep it out of trouble. Train your dog at the park so it will obey basic commands even while playing.

Call your dog away from the gate while other dogs are entering or leaving.

The following behavior could start a dog fight. Beware!

  • Eating (not allowed in the dog park),

  • Playing ball or frisbee,

  • Running or noisy children,

  • Bringing your dog's toys to the dog park.

Acceptable or unacceptable dog behavior depends on the age and temperament of your dog. Dogs will bark, snarl, and even snap at each other as part of their normal socialization. Interfere and stop the interaction if it appears to be escalating into a fight.

Immediately stop aggressive behavior towards humans.

Don't give treats to other dogs without asking the owner's permission.

Always open and close the dog park gate carefully. Do not bring your dog to the dog park if it is sick, has parasites, or has fleas.