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Links to Dog Park-Related Sites

What dog park-related groups in the
Maryland, DC, and Virginia area are on-line?

The Greenbelt Dog Park in Greenbelt, Maryland, was the first dog park in the state. However it has been joined by other area groups in Maryland and Virginia that are have established and/or are working to establish dog parks or off-leash areas. Links to the sites we're aware of follow. If you are not listed and would like to be, just let us know and we'll update this page.

What do I need to know to start a dog park in my community?

The following links provide information about dog parks, off-leash areas and dog runs.   Together these links should provide a good starting point for individuals who are interested in establishing dog parks in their communities.   Many of these sites will contain links to other sites that will provide additional information and resources.

This is a great site for several reasons.  It contains a map which attempts to list all the dog parks in the United States.   It also provides a link that enables you to subscribe to the Off-Leash Dogs mailing list which provides a forum for individuals or groups that are trying to establish dog parks in their communities.   Other subscribers include individuals involved in well-established dog parks, dog runs, or off-leash areas around the country.   A park official or two and the occasional Planner have been known to participate as well.  The site also provides some good information about how to establish a dog park.

This site includes topics such as:
  • What is a Dog Park?
  • How Do I Start A Dog Park?
  • Where Do I Get More Information?
  • How Can I Find a Dog Park Near Me?

    The National Recreation and Parks Association, located at 22377 Belmont Ridge Rd., Ashburn, VA 20148 (Phone 703-858-2190), has a book entitled, Planning Parks for Pets which describes the different types of dog parks and dog runs, what makes a successful dog park, how much it costs, and what are the rules commonly associated with dog parks.  Unfortunately their booklet of 21 pages costs $17.50.

    This site discusses how to establish a successful dog park or dog run in your community.

    This Ann Arbor, MI site provides a FAQ page about dog parks designed to answer the more common questions people encounter as they work to establish a dog park or off-leash area in their community.

    This Australian site includes a report concerning companion animals in the city.  It is one of, if not the only comprehensive report of its kind.  Australia, today is leading the world in innovative approaches in the field of urban animal management.

    This site provides a list of dog parks across the US.

    This site provides a brief overview about how to start a dog park.

    This page contains a good description of dog park etiquette.

    Are there any international dog park sites?

    Mississauga, Canada
    South Melbourne, Australia
    Public Open Space and Dogs in Australia

    Are there any Private Dog Parks

    It was only a matter of time before someone saw the business potential in opening a private dog park -- or doggie country club.

    Dogwood Park - The Nation's First Private Dog Park
    An Article about Dogwood Park

    Some Other Interesting Links

    At the Dog Park, a Tundra Story
    Greetings from Central Park
    Sausalito Dog Park Gift Shop -  This dog park has it together as far as sweatshirts, t-shirts, bandanas, and sweatpants are concerned!