Greendale Taxpayers Group
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School Taxes
Village Taxes
The Greendale Taxpayers Group is made up of residents of Greendale, WI.

The focus of the group is on property taxes and eliminating wasteful spending.  This website will be used to keep Greendale taxpayers informed of important tax-related issues.

You can participate in a number of ways:
-Voting on tax-related issues.
-Phoning Greendale residents about tax issues.
-Phone School Board members, Village Board members, County Board members  or MATC Board members and explaining how you want them to vote.
-Distributing flyers to Greendale residents.
-Putting a sign in your yard when you support an issue.
-Writing a letter to the Village Life Public Forum, School Board, Village Board, County Board or the MATC Board, voicing your concern over an issue.
-Requesting "Open Records" from the School Board or Village Board.

Donations are appreciated to defer costs of mailings and printing literature.