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For its part, however, the commission did not deal with what Ivan Illich has called the 'disappearing middle. free warrant search Find anyone free. ' With modern technology and marketing, the consumer has less and less choice of just how much quality has to be purchased. We are often forced to make the huge cost leap from, say, a bicycle to an automobile or from a $9. 95 calculator to a computer. free warrant search The missing link in evolution. For example, your editor recently purchased the latest version of Quicken and while the price of the software has not increased, the program requires so much memory that in order to use it, I would have to buy a whole new computer. Now put that in your fixed basket of goods and count it. The economists, in best economist fashion, presume that we have nothing better to do with our time than to spend it making smart economic decisions. free warrant search Free warrant search. We are supposed to save money on something that has become too expensive by substituting a cheaper product. So after the price of beef has risen too much, we all switch to chicken. Not only does this assume more precise economic adjustments than most of us are able of even contemplating, it fails to take into account the growing importance of what might be called reverse substitution: i. e. switching from deli coffee to Starbucks latte. Further, as Rep. Peter Stark has pointed out, the calculation also assumes there are always cheaper choices but in fact "there are few substitutes for beans and rice. "One more example: neither conventional CPI nor the new calculations take into account a significant form of inflation -- that in which corporate costs are cut by making the consumer spend more time doing something such as driving further, waiting in line, or navigating labyrinthian voice mail. Since the consumer is not being paid for the extra time, economists don't bother to take it into account and hence the inflation of time never makes it to the cost of living index. The current CPI is based on the prices of some 95,000 items from 22,000 stores and the costs of some 35,000 rental units.

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