To unite as one village to raise our children as Children of God.

To teach our children, through scripture and by example, the values and beliefs of a Christian.

To give our children the confidence and knowledge to apply these principles in their daily walk.

All this we will do to enable our children to stand up to the world - secure in their faith and the love of Jesus Christ.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Our Junior Church program was designed to promote the spiritual growth of not only our children, but our parents as well. It is presented each Sunday throughout the year and is open for all children, ages 5 - 12. Our age range is rather large, but we do try to be considerate of each age level. I know that our older children, although not ready for Junior Youth level, do not want to be treated like babies, so they are given more responsibility and are asked to help out with the class. The transition between child and teenager is a sensitive one and we try to be considerate and patient. (That is also the main reason we refer to it as "Junior" Church and not "Children’s" Church.)

After Sunday School, the children do report to the sanctuary with their parents. After opening greetings and announcements have been made, the children are dismissed to report to their classroom. Each week we present a different lesson that consists of the main topic (taken directly from scripture with a correlating verse to be memorized), a section where they can relate it to their daily lives, and a game or craft. Our music director, Wanda Kieke, will teach them a few songs each quarter.

The main idea behind this program is for the children to learn more about who Jesus is, how much He loves them, and how to relate biblical teaching to their daily walk. The lessons go quickly, but are designed that way in order to appeal to the attention span of this age group. The most important thing that we wanted to emphasize in this whole program is how to apply this to their life. We make comparisons to the struggles that we know they encounter and illustrate ways they can take the scripture with them. If a child is unable to recall the exact words of their verse, but can tell what it means to them, that is victory!

Another part of our program is aimed at preparing them for the adult services. We have talked about and explained each aspect of the adult service and how they are expected to behave. One way that we prepare them to eventually integrate into the adult service, is to give them responsibility. Every fifth Sunday in a month is their service. They are each assigned a different responsibility. We have them take the offering, hand out bulletins, and the older ones are asked to read some small piece of scripture during the service. Our favorite part of this service is when the children gather to sing the songs they have been practicing.

Above all, we want them to know that they are special and that they all have something to offer to the Lord!

It is truly an honor to be a part of this program. Our staff consists of:

Scott Kieke: Coordinator and teacher

Jennifer Kieke: Teacher

Wanda Kieke: Music

Michele Kieke: Teacher

Wendy Nicholas: Wednesday Kids Klub

Jenise LeMay: Wednesday Kids Klub


"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."  Luke 18:17.