
Probably the earliest fly swatters were nothing more than some sort of striking surface attached to the end of a long stick.
--Jack Handy


Monday, February 6, 2006 1:32 PM:

Just finished my 27 book since I started counting last spring. rock. whats next? Optimal Thinking.

Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:46 PM:

Glorious day! Saweet. Mid 70's, sun, no school.

I started the day off by reading a book I got from Amazon.com. Read a good 100 pages. Then I got up, put on my make up and had some breakfast in a lunch disguise. Then I headed on over fire up the ol' computing unit along with the ol' percussion vomit maker. I picked up my hollowed out wood contraption and bang out some jams with you'll be glad to know I recorded.

Also in the past few days I had a friend tell me that another musician said that I didn't know anything about music and that he was a better musician than I. Ouch. of course this pissed me off because I feel I'm a better musician than he. perhaps that's what prompted me to throw a few down. perhaps thats what has driven me all along?

Monday, January 23, 2006 9:25 PM:

Relaxing moment: Listening to the drama/mindless banter on cnbc. I'm annoyed by the discussion of seemingly trivial issues. I open up my WinAmp and que up some some Christopher O' Riley (very talented pianist who beautifully covers radiohead songs). Next I power off the TV and enjoy the soothing sounds that calm my room. sweet.

Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:17 PM:

Went out with my cousins last night. I must say that is always exciting to hang out with them. I don't know if it's because they are kool people to hang out with or if it's because they're older than I. Or perhaps it's a combination of the two. I also got to see some friends from highschool (richard - the drummer in my first band; kike - excellent friend in high school and beyond!)

So now I'm here in my room resting, relaxing, recovering, writing to you. Perhaps you've been waiting for something? And perhaps something you might want to hear?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:00 AM:

Just thought you should know book #25 has been knocked out!

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:39 AM:

Just returned home from NYC. I had an awesome time thanks to MrDennis and MsDot, our fabulous hosts. A couple of pics to tide you over while I write about my holi-daze...

greg, dennis => chillin' in the icepalace. or something like that

josh, steve, greg => having a few sips at the local pub in nyc.

Thursday, December 29, 2005 1:00 PM:

So i'm doing a little updating to my website as I haven't updated it in quite a few days.

As you may or may not know, overall, Christmas happened successfully for the 2005th year or is 2006th? Did the birth of JC count as one or zero? does zero count as one? This year I think Christmas rocked pretty hard. Don't get me wrong because last year's K-ride was awesome (given by the lovely miss sonia). However, this year was more family oriented I think.

JCBDAY2K5 - details of the holiday season.

I also wrote a little bit on the PayPal Money Market Fund and why you can benefit from doing nothing.

I'm very excited about all this and I'm tired of writing.

Monday, December 19, 2005 11:08 AM:

That's right. On to book number 25! I just completed Tuesday's with Morrie. Pretty decent book I suppose. As always, any book that describes death will always procure the certain emotions. A quick read. I'm currently reading the Deluxe Transitive Vampire in order to refine my grammatical skillz.

Put you're money in your savings account in a money market fund!

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Copyryte gregorious the benevolent - greg_the_dinosaur@yahoo.com
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