"Whoa," Jim says as the Double Helix takes off the ground. He did not expect for the to be flying. His other senses were all on alert. He could sense not only Blair and Deana but the two that he met at the club and two other people. He could sense that one was a man and the other was a woman. They did not speak though they each were busy flying the, whatever it was, to wherever they were going. Something did take him by surprise though, Jim could only feel trust for the two young people that he met at the door. For some reason he didn't know he did not feel threatened by them. He knew that along with his five senses being heightened that he also had a heightened six sense. At first he didn't believe that he did but after all that he had experienced he couldn't deny it any longer. He also knew that he would get the answers to a few questions that he had about their new acquaintances.

"Sorry about that Detective Ellison," a young man's voice said with a smile in it, "I should have warned you about the lift. The three of you are on what we call the "Double Helix" it is a stealth VTOR jet. My name is Jesse Kilmartin, you have met Emma DeLauro and Brennan Mulwray, and my copilot is Shalimar Fox. Our leader's name is Adam. You will meet him shortly. Sit back and enjoy the ride."

Jim had heard about the stealth VTOR jets. "These jets are practically top secret, who are you, and how the hell did you get a hold of this thing?"

Shalimar looked at Jesse and smiled crookedly, "Detective, Adam will answer all your questions as soon as we get to where we are going."

"Where are we going?" Blair couldn't help but ask. Jim smiled when he heard his guide speak. He knew then that as long as Blair was asking questions that he was okay.

"Now, if we told you it wouldn't be a secret location. Would it?" Brennan replied.

"What is it about myself that I don't know? Why can't you tell me now?" Deana asked. She was beginning to get a little scared thinking about what Emma had told her about learning things about herself that she didn't know yet. All her life she had been different. She was born with these abilities that no one else had. She didn't know why she had them or what she really was for that matter.

"Don't be frightened Dr. Greenwood, Adam will answer your questions. He is a good man, you'll see. He has helped all of us. And now he will help you." Emma said and laid a hand on Dr. Greenwood's.

"Do the four of you know what kind of danger we are in?" Jim asks.

"Yes we do, unfortunately." Shalimar answers.

They land the jet in the hanger of their sanctuary and escort the three from the hanger into the main room. When they get there they are stopped. Brennan, Jesse, and Shalimar go to stand next to Adam in front of the stairs leading to their training platform. Emma starts removing the VC's from all of their temples, starting with Jim's. When they all see where they are Blair whistles. "I take it you approve, Dr. Sandburg." Adam smiles. He can see instantly the intelligence in the young man's eyes, and the energy. Blair just looks around awestruck. Jim looks at his guide, it wasn't every day that you saw Blair Sandburg speechless. "Detective Ellison, Drs. Sandburg and Greenwood, welcome to Sanctuary. My name is Adam and this is Mutant X."

The next hour is spent explaining to the three who Mutant X was and about Genomex and the GSA. Adam told Jim and Blair that he knew about what they were. Blair then explained, in turn, about Jim and himself. Things that you wouldn't find anywhere in any papers on the subject of sentinels.  

"Okay so what you are telling me is that I am a new mutant and that all of you are too? I was genetically engineered in some lab somewhere?" Deana said. She was sitting on the edge of the small fountain to the side of the stairs leading to a strange platform.

Adam went over and sat beside her. "Yes you are, but I, unlike my fellow teammates, am not a new mutant. I was chief bioengeneer at Genomex."

"You are the one who created us?"

"My research went into creating you." Adam said. Jim and Blair were both sitting on the stairs going to the platform. They had been in silence for the longest time. "I decided to bring the two of you here also because I think that it would be wise to inform you of the danger that the both of you could be in if the GSA finds out who you are.

"Believe me Adam, we understand. Jim and I have discussed what would happen if the government found out about his sentinel abilities. Now more than ever we know just what would happen."

"Good, now how about if we give you a tour of Sanctuary. Also, Detective Ellison....."

"Please call me Jim. I think that under the circumstances we should all go by first name basis."

Adam nodded, "Jim, and Blair, would you mind if I ran a few tests on the two of you to better understand what you are. Also I might be able to help you with your senses if something was to go wrong with them in the future. Deana," Adam says looking at the doctor, "I would also like to run a scan on you as well to determine the extent of your mutation and calibrate any changes that need to be made."

Later, when Jim was changing back into his clothing and Blair was getting a scan Adam took a look at his readings, "Well, Blair, according to my readings you have enormous psychic potential. You have DNA that suggests that you have empathic, telepathic, and, telekinetic abilities as well. All this and you aren't even a new mutant. That is a very rare thing for a naturally born person. It might have something to do with you being Jim's guide, though I am not certain of it."

"You mean that I might have powers like Deana's? But I haven't had any indication that I have. The only mystical experience I have had so far has been when I almost drowned."

"They may be latent right now. I would like to have you back here into my lab to run some more test on you and to see if we can make these abilities of yours come out. Jim as well."

"He'll do it." Jim said walking through the door. "Finally Chief, you get to have some test run on you. This will be fun!"

"You're loving this aren't you?" Jim just grinned at his friend.

Adam smiled at the two. These two would make perfect allies to have. Between Mutant X and Sentinel and Guide, the GSA had better watch out.