The Answers


Answer to question # 1

When you thirst or hunger for righteousness you go to where you can quell that thirst and hunger.

When you thirst or hunger for righteousness you have a longing for God.  This longing is fulfilled by searching out God.

If you had a friend you wanted to find, and they left you a note you'd read it-Right?
Well, God left you the Bible-read it.
If your friend spent a lot of time at the beach, you'd look at the beach-Right?
God spends a lot of time in church-attend church.
If your friend hung around a certian group of people you would talk to them-Right?
God is in contact with Christians-surround yourself with them.
Lastly, when you found your friend you'd talk to them-Right?
Well-Talk to God.  You talk to God through prayer.  All you need to do is call on him.  Just say so-much-as "Dear God," and you have his attention.  Tell Him anything, He'll listen and take care of you.  He'll always answer you-just be sure your listening.  Learn how to listen to God by clicking the phone below.

Answer to question # 2

  If you think you don't hunger for righteousness you simply haven't come to terms with the void in your life.  This void is the absence of Jesus Christ leading your life.  If it hasn't already, it will catch-up with you one day.

If you do hunger and thirst for righteousness you long for God, and this is good.

Answer to question # 3

You will be fulfilled by coming closer to God, and you do that as we listed in the answer to question number one:  by reading the Bible, attending church, sharing in fellowship with other Christians and praying.

Answer to question # 4

God-He will send the Holy Spirit to fill your heart, and turn it to God as soon as you ask this of Him.

Answer to question # 5

You search out God in your life when you hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Answer to question # 6

If you feel like you're searching, or if everything in your life is "right," but something is still missing, or if you feel lost, or even if all is well, but you always find yourself wanting to be closer to God you are thirsting for righteousness and experiencing hunger pangs for righteousness.

You will know you are being fulfilled when you have established an ongoing relationship with Christ.  You will then be continually fulfilled by this relationship.
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