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Address for Correspondence:

Room G-101/Hall 1

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,

Kanpur (U.P.) - 208016, India.

Email: mgunjan@iitk.ac.in

                                           Permanent address:

                                           Madan Sheel Villa

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                                           Lucknow(U.P)-226022 India

                                           Tel: +91-522-2370843



DESIGNATION:             Undergraduate Student (B.Tech. Final year)

                                         Department of Chemical Engineering,

                                         Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,

                                         Kanpur (U.P.) - 208016.






CPI or Percentage


Subject taken

High School


1st Class Honors, 83.16 % with distinction in all Subjects.

Mahanangar Boys’ Inter College Lucknow.

Mathematics, Science, Biology, Social Science, English and Hindi.



1st Class Honors, 76.20 % with Distinction in Physics Mathematics., Chemistry

Mahanangar Boys’ Inter College Lucknow.

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Hindi and English.

Bachelor of Technology.



8.4/10 (After 7 semesters)

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

Chemical Engineering.

*Currently in the final year (final semester) of Chemical Engineering undergraduate program at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.  Expected date of graduation – May 2003





 Details of Project work/summer training.


1) Summer Training at Indian Oil Corporation, Mathura Refinery.


I did  two months in-plant training on petroleum crude refining at Mathura refinery owned by Indian Oil, the largest commercial enterprise of India (by sales turnover) and  the only Indian company to find a place in Fortune's "Global 500" of the world's largest companies (Rank 226 in The 2002 Global 500). I also did a project on “Computational Model for the measurement of downwind ground level concentration of pollutants being emitted from smokestacks”. 


2) B.Tech Project: Computational modeling of Pressure Swing Adsorption system (a project of Gas Authority   of India Limited).

   Project Guide: Dr D.P.Rao

   Duration: Started in August 2002 to be continued till April 2003

   Description: Pressure Swing adsorption column is a widely used separation technique. In order to make a sophisticated and accurate control system for PSA system we need a computational model which can solve the generated set of equation accurately and requires very small computation time. To achieve this objective we need fast methods for solving stiff PDE’s.  One such method which is still not well developed but then posses to be good is solving PDE’s using wavelets. In this project, we are trying to apply the wavelet method for solving the PSA system. The project is challenging as wavelet is a very new mathematical method and it’s interesting to apply this new method in solving an important chemical engineering problem. The success of this project would definitely solve large number of chemical engineering problem and would make online computer aided control very easy, fast and successful.



3) Developed softwareThermodynamic Property Estimator.”

 Place: I.I.T Kanpur

Duration: 2 month (15th May to 15th July 2001)

Project Guide: Dr. Y.V.C.Rao   (Professor Department of chemical Engineering)

Description: The software can predict the properties of single compound as well as binary and multi-component mixture using various methods such as EOS (Vanderwaal's, Peng Robinson, Soave Redlick Kwong and Redlick Kwong), Van-laar, Margules’Wilson, UNIFAC etc .The programming was done in Visual Basic 6. Software has a huge in built database and a user friendly interface.

Performance:  The software is being distributed with the book “Chemical Engineering thermodynamics” by Dr Y.V.C.Rao, The software was judged 3rd best software in open software corner category at Techkriti –2002 an all India level tech Festival.  



4) Calculation ofEconomic Water Rate for Two Stage Vapor Compression System using R-717.”

Duration: 2 month (March 2002 to April 2002).

Project Guide: Dr Manohar Prasad (Professor, Department Of Mechanical Engineering).          

Description: In vapor Compression Cycle the fluid is compressed to produce a hot vapor at high pressure which is then piped to a condenser. The condenser removes heat from the refrigerant vapor to a heat sink, which is either water or outside air. The refrigerant is selected so that this heat removal is sufficient to cause condensation into liquid form. In the condenser, the pressure is constant. The entire vapor has to be condensed to liquid form. In Large refrigeration system water is used as heat removing agent in the Condenser. Economic water rate is needed in case of water cooled system. For a vapor compression system the economic water rate is obtained from the optimum of the total cost of operation and water cost. In this project I calculated the Economic Water Rate for two Stage Vapor Compression System using R-717(ammonia)



5) ModelingFlow past a Circular Cylinder at high Reynolds Number.”

Place: I.I.T Kanpur Course: AE622 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

Description: This was a course project in which I solved the flow past a circular cylinder at Reynolds number 9500. The project involved solving Navier Stokes equation using finite difference method. 



6) Development ofcomputer programs for modeling distillation column and adsorption column.”

Project Guide: Dr D.P .Rao (Professor Department of Chemical Engineering) 

Description: In this project I generated a set of 20 programs consisting on McCabe Thiele, Ponchon Savarit Method’s and mathematical method such as matrix Method for modeling distillation and adsorption columns.


7) T-202 Project. "Match Box Maker" See Photograph

   In Introduction to Manufacturing Processes course. I made a working Match Box Maker Machine. It was developed in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory at IIT Kanpur. All the parts of this machine were designed and made at IIT Kanpur. The group members of this project were Rahul Sharma, Amit Agnihotri, Deepak Kumar and Arun Raghuraman.



Professional courses taken:

    1. Refrigeration Systems.

    3. Fundamentals of Computations(C programming).

    5. Fluid Mechanics.

    7. Kinetics and Reactor Design-II.

    9. Mass Transfer Processes-II.

  11. Chemical Process Control.

  13. Industrial Organic Chemistry.

  15. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes.

  17. Chemical engineering design-I                

  19. Bio Systems.


  2. Computational Fluid Dynamics.

  4. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.

  6.  Kinetics and Reactor Design-I.

  8.  Mass Transfer Processes-I.

10. Heat Transfer Fundamentals and Operations.

12. Physical Chemistry.

14. Chemical Process Calculations.

16. Chemical Process Industries.

18. Statistical Methods in Chemical Engineering.     

20. Multiphase Transport Processes








 Scholastic Achievements:


Ø      Received National Scholarship in class 11th and 12th for outstanding performance in high school examination.

Ø      At present I am receiving Scholarship at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

Ø      I stood third in Open Software Corner at Techkriti-2002 the all India Inter Collegiate Technology Festival 2002.

Ø      I have won several prizes in quizzes and elocution at college level.   



  Extra Curricular activities:


          Participation in Games:


Active participation in games, was member of Junior Football Team of Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College.  At present I play Football and Cricket for  my Hall of Residence. I have lead Football and cricket teams at both school and college level.


       Posts Held:


Ø    Worked for IIT Kanpur student Counseling Service as Student guide

Ø    Secretary Control Room Antaragni (IIT Kanpur Cultural Festival)-2000.

Ø    Volunteer Control Room Antaragni-1999.

Ø    I have won several prizes in football and cricket at school and college level.


  Software Knowledge:


Ø      Language C, Visual Basic 6, Visual C++, Fortran

Ø      MS-Office (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, FrontPage and MSword).

Ø      Mathematical software: Polymath, Mathematica, Matlab.

Ø      Chemical Engineering Design Software: Aspen Plus.

Ø      Web Designing (HTML, DHTML, Java Script, VBScript) etc.



     The Information given above is true to the best of my knowledge