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Hi Welcome to my Web Page. This is how you get onto my chat room.

        For the people that have Irc, or Polaris, or anyother type of irc program like that here is the link you can use. /server Holland.MI.US.StarWars-IRC.Net then type /join #GundamHub and your linked to my chat. Now for the people that dont have it maybe you should get it, im not to sure when or if i will set up a Java chat on here but keep coming back to make sure who knows maybe i will surprize you all and give you one {=3
(click here to learn how to set up mIRC.)

(See the Rules Before Entering the Chat Room)
Click here to see the Rules.

Click Here to learn some basic comands.

These Are the Ops (Operators of the Chat):

Rooms Founder:

WingZero_Custom. Well lets see im a good person to those who try to be nice i can be mean but only if someone pushes for it other than that i am  a  nice kind person.

Rooms 2nd Founder:

Prime. Hes a kool guy real people person, likes alot of animes and hes the co founder of my room so you know hes kool.

The Rest of the Ops:

Ladyune. A nice person she likes to help people. One of the best ops i have.

Denorama. Denos is a great person and i think shes the best person for the job. Denos is  a good listener to her friends and those of you that are nice to her she will be nice too  ^^

Goten-. A funny guy he likes to poke fun at just about everything a nice layed back op.