
About us

This is the oldest website in the world linking Gurdwaras worldwide with pictures & information.
The main purpose of this website site is to unite Sikhs around the world,
provide necessary information and to promote the Sikh community spirit.
Sikhs have emigrated from Punjab and settled in different countries around the world.
There is great demand for information on the Sikh Communities around the world Gurdwaras and Sikhism.
Successful Sikhs communities can be found in major potential cities around the world
and a Gurdwara is always within reach.

We launched our first site in 1998 when the internet was gaining popularity and became
a great medium for information and entertainment. Most families have a computer at home.
We have large number of visitors to our websites and have received lot of positive feedbacks.

A picture tells a thousand stories.  Digital cameras have revolutionised photographing
and now we can see colorful Sikh communities and activities worldwide.
Complete information on Gurdwaras and the Sikh religion is available here.
Many people have sent us photographs and information and during the past
few years we have set up many websites to provide information of relevant gurdwaras.
We hope visitors will continue to support us by sending us information & photographs.

"Sikh temples Gurdwaras worldwide hyperlinked with pictures"

Founded 1998
Updated February 2005


The British Empire changed the lives of many Sikhs now located around the world.
The British Empire caused many Punjabis to serve in British colonies and dominions around the world during the First and Second World Wars. They served as soldiers in the British Army, colonial police forces or other disciplined services.  Sikhs were preferred for these duties largely due to their tall build, strength and loyalty. Many Sikhs continued to settle in those former colonies after the war and integrated successfully into different communities.
Sikhs are known to be warm and friendly to people of all creeds & races.
Distinctive Punjabis wear their turban with pride, and look upon it as a mark of their glorious tradition and are known for its heritage of courage and chivalry stretching back over three centuries. With the large population of Sikhs located in countries around the world, they are truly world citizens.  Sikhs normally adopt simple yet colorful lifestyles. Punjabis steer clear of the money grabbing and materially obsessed lifestyles which many people are suffocating themselves with these days, therefore, most Sikhs can enjoy life like others did in the good old days.
Most of them respectable, dignified and extended family ties.
Sikhs are famous for being traditional yet progressive. Sikh professionals can be found in different countries working as doctors, lawyers, engineers, sportsmen, farmers, administrators, bankers, businessmen etc. Traditionally Sikhs are service orientated, kind, hardworking, least corruptible,  reliable, progressive and trustworthy.

It is your duty as a good Sikh to let people know about your Gurdwara.
If your Gurdwara is not listed or not on the internet,
please send us information and we will list it or
set up a website for your Gurdwara.
See below for contact information.

Gurdwaras | 1-Home | 2-Canada | 3-UK | 4-Intl | 5-Gen | 6-Punjab | 7-India | 8-Asia | 9-USA | 10-Radio-TV | 11-Info

THIS IS PAGE 11 OTHER INFO -  © ® All pictures are copywrited by the respective owners - Do not copy or reproduce any image

This is the last page of our website - Visit us regularly.

Thank you !

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh

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The first original website to cover Gurdwaras & Sikh communities throughout the world -http://www.oocities.org/gurdwaraworld/gurd1.html
This website is created by H.Singh as a service to the Sikh community. Uniting Sikhs overseas and provding needed information.
Inaugurated: Feb 1998 - Last Updated: Feb-2005