+ Do NOT steal my artwork.

+ Do NOT take any of my art without permission. If you want to use my art for any reason, please e-mail me. If granted permission to use my art, PLEASE give me credit for it. It's just rude and completely immature to take someone's art that they have worked hard on, and have someone else claim it as their own.

+ You MUST be mature enough to handle some of the pictures that are displayed in the gallery. Most pics are between G-PG rating, but there are some to watch out for if you don't like that kind of stuff.

+ If YAOI or SHOUNEN AI bothers you in any way, please do not enter the Slash galleries OR contact me to complain. I gave you enough warning right here. There are pictures that may be over PG-13, so you have been cautioned.
Web Design (c) Leslie Gore, 2006         Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom are (c) property of Butch Hartman. None of the characters belong to me.