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The Real Warp Drive

[to see how such a "warp" would effect normal space, see the avi animation on the warp drive (271 kb)]

Hi and thanks for visiting my geocities homepage, this pages serves as a reference for those who are interested in my areas of theoretical research, but originally it served to provided a little background info on me for yahoo group discussions, for prettier more elaborate pages I suggest that you the reader follow one of the links found on this page.  In the past this page also provided a link to the Advanced Theoretical Propulsion Group which no longer exist but JoAPM was created in its place [which has gone under recently and has been replaced with], the former letters of that group are however archived here: atpgletters for interested parties. For those interested in my specific research activities and publications simply click over to:

My Research Background

First and foremost, my screen name is halgravity, and many in the past have gotten the impression that my name is Hal, that is not the case!  Hal just happens to be the first three letters of my surname; Halerewicz, and gravity is self explanatory as that is my main area in which I focus my research. One of the reasons why gravity captivates me so much is that it is the force we on this planet are all intuitively aware but which baffles modern science the most, not to say modern science doesn't understand a lot about gravitation, it does!  In order to shine some light onto why gravitation captivates me so much and as well as to get a very simplified introduction into the general theory of relativity (for those who don't know that is what Einstein called his theory of gravitation) click:

A Brief Introduction into General Relativity 

Although I, Edward am deeply fascinated by gravitation it is only one of my interest in theoretical physics.  Amongst other theories I find of interest are Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Chrodynamics, particle physics, astrophysics and aspects of string theory, any serious research however knows that all of these theories are related (save string theory). Rather than rattle on about other theoretical considerations on this page, further aspects of these branches and other issues are discussed at the following pages:

Classical Physics
 Aerospace Propulsion
 Fringe Physics
 Highlights of Good/Bad Science
New Science and Science Fiction
Experimental Confrontations with Theory
Speculations on present/future science
Modern Physics

A Bit About Me

Long story short, I'm an active independent researcher who probes the far limits of modern theoretical physics, although my day job routinely deals with tackling engineering related problems.  I have always been fascinated by stars and astronomy as child, my interest into astronomy then led me to the underlying principles about the nature of the cosmos motivating myself to learn the laws of physics.  I began reading textbooks on special relativity while attending junior high and never looked back, although I was never a gifted mathematician and never stood out as an exceptional student, hurting me academically.  My setbacks on the other hand never blocked the pursuit of my goals, I continued to read books, and even submitted a few papers to scholarly journals while still in high school.  Later in college I ended up taking classes in classical physics as an undergraduate and then studied astronomy as many academic test prevented me from taking advanced classes (they rather test people by exclusion, rather than by what you know, which I found to be rather annoying) that would have allowed for advanced studies in modern physics.  At last we arrive at the reason I'm and independent researcher, my education provides me enough background to make use of Newtonian physics in the work place, but not enough to dazzle research institutions.  But I don't give up that easily I still dig through stacks of paper, have active discussions with private parties, and submit papers to scientific journals when I feel that I have discovered something unique, which is also the reason you are reading this now.

My Related Web Sites:

Warp Drive Today
Advanced Warp Physics