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THE SOCIAL SECURITY SCAREOne of the best kept secrets in Washington is that the Social Security scare has been based on unrealistic economic growth projections. evanescence missing mp3, hotmail email address search, find people by maiden name, social security number protection, old movie search, instant free people search, rare book search, mario is missing rom, file menu missing in internet explorer, missing persons bozzio Information social security number. Robert Reich, who as Secretary of Labor signed off on these gloomy projections, now tells the Left Business Observer: "I think that at the earlier part of the 90s those extraordinarily safe and conservative projections were not unreasonable. But now they're foolish. We've had a number of years now of economic growth over 4%; even if the economy slows down it's very unlikely that growth will be under 2. evanescence missing mp3, hotmail email address search, find people by maiden name, social security number protection, old movie search, instant free people search, rare book search, mario is missing rom, file menu missing in internet explorer, missing persons bozzio Mario is missing rom. 5 or 2. 6% a year, and with that pace of growth Social Security is a non-issue. It won't be a problem. evanescence missing mp3, hotmail email address search, find people by maiden name, social security number protection, old movie search, instant free people search, rare book search, mario is missing rom, file menu missing in internet explorer, missing persons bozzio Rare book search. We'll be able to pay all our Social Security obligations. "LBO said to Reich, "Nobody says that in public. " Replied Reich, "I've said it in public on at least 20 occasions, including national television and radio. It ought to be said more often. "Indeed so, and a good place to start would be for major media to admit they were complicit in creating the Social Security hysteria of the 1990s. LEFT BUSINESS OBSERVER: http://www. panix. com/~dhenwood/For six years or so, TPR has argued that a good way to cover any shortfall in the Social Security trust fund is to make everyone who wants to privatize SS pay withholding tax on all their income above the current $72,600 cap. Now it looks as though the idea may be catching on. The Social Security Administration has studied the matter and found that eliminating the cap would cover 98% of Social Security costs for the next 75 years. Under this plan, three- quarters of the burden for Social Security would fall on persons earning over $52,000 a year. Proposals to reduce benefits, on the other hand, would fall most heavily on the bottom fifth of the population. Senator Ted Kennedy has started pressing for lifting the cap. Following in the footsteps of Doug Henwood of Left Business Observer, I have tried to make the point that the Social Security crisis is based on a curious projection by the SS trust fund actuaries of recession level growth well into the next century. Which means, among other things, that the stock market won't rise enough to meet the dreams of the Social Security privatizers. This crucial point has been largely ignored by media conglomerates but at least it is no longer the exclusive preserve of progressive journals. Business Week recently ran a column by Aaron Bernstein in which he makes the same point: "If you think that the markets will match their historic performance, you shouldn't be worrying so much about Social Security.

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