
The Sacrament of Baptism welcomes new members into  the Roman Catholic faith.  Baptism services take place on the second and fourth  Sundays of each month at 12:00 noon. A pre-baptismal program for parents and  godparents is required. Please call the Parish Office (235-3822) for an  appointment well in advance. Godparents/sponsors must receive certificates of  sponsorship from their own parish priest.

First Penance

In this Sacrament, we are reunited with God, our sins are  forgiven and God's grace is strengthened within us.  This Sacrament is received  for the first time by second and third graders with the consent and judgment of  their parents.  The Church has determined that this Sacrament be received before  First Holy Communion.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is administered on  Saturdays from 4-4:40 p.m. DST (3-3:40 p.m. EST), and by appointment.

First Holy Communion

Parents who present their child for this Sacrament should  enroll him/her in the CCD program when the child is in the first grade. Most  often, this Sacrament is given to children in the second and third grade during  the spring each year.  Parents are to make the final judgment when they believe  their child is prepared to receive the Sacrament.

Confrmation completes Christian initiation.  Students in  grades 9 and 10 meet every Sunday morning from 10:30-11:45a.m., following the  school calendar, as part of a two-year program leading to the Sacrament of  Confirmation.  In grade 9, a review of the faith is given, bringing together  what the students have learned in previous grades, but on a more adult level,  leading them to the making of a responsible decision for Christ.  In grade 10,  they learn to apply Christian principles to the solving of everyday problems, as  well as focusing on the theology of the Sacrament of Confirmation itself.    Participation in various church functions is mndatory to help the Confirmation   candidates become active members of the parish family.


Couples wishing to schedule a wedding are asked to contact  the Rectory at least six months in advance.  Since the commitment made in this   Sacrament is probably the most important commitment in life, the Church asks   that adequate preparation be made in the reception of this sacrament.

Visitation of the Sick

Please call the Parish Office whenever a family member is  confined to the home, hospital, or a nursing home for communion calls or  Anointing of the Sick. We would be happy to visit.
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