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Welcome to Hannibal Mania, I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'd also appreciate you signing my guestbook, posting a message on the message board and joining other fans in the chatroom. I'm a huge fan of the film's Silence of the lambs and Hannibal and that is why I have made this Web site.

Silence of the lambs Hannibal

Here are some sound's from the two films I think you'll like:

  • help.wav "I'll help you catch him, Clarice."

  • oldfriend.wav "I do wish we could chat longer, but ... I'm having an old friend for dinner. ... Bye."

  • trophies.wav "Most serial killers keep some sort trophies from their victims."
    "I didn't."
    "No. No, you ate yours."

  • helloclarice.wav Lecter: "Well, hello, Clarice."

NOTE: This site is updated regularly, so keep visiting because if you come again in a week or two's time it will be different!

Disclaimer: The contents of this non-profit site are for entertainment and educational purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended or implied.