Goodies Galore!©


(Not so) pure and innocent...

happy corner

¤ Silly rants about my everyday life...
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also read my book reviews here :

¤ The Book Review Blog
¤ «xBlogxPhilesx»


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    Here I have compiled a list of sites you may find useful. All images, text and writing works are my own so please respect that. If you decide to use my content for anything, please let me know before-hand.

    Hello, welcome to Goodies Galore! Here I compiled a list of fun pages, or pages with useful information. I may even add a contest here later.

    Games :
    1. For Nokia online games, click here
  • index of nokia games

  • Cool links :
    1. Listen to my radio station
  • happy corner fm

  • 2. Promote your blog
  • blog snob

  • 3. Get your Goth name
  • goth name

  • 4. Do something good. Donate your organs. *I have to admit that I have yet to pledge my organs.
  • organ donation

  • 5. In a lovey-dovey mood? Check out this page
  • santa banta love cafe

  • STPM students? Need help with homework? Try these links :
  • Sejarah Negara Asia

  • Forum Bahasa Melayu

  • *HUGS* TOTAL! hug me
    get hugs

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