Gary's Movie Reviews and Ratings
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Movie Archive by Letter - I
Year Movie
Gary's Rating
Michelle's Rating
In Brief....
2003 I Capture the Castle 66 - Surprisingly watchable coming-of-age drama about two naive girls brought up in a rundown castle. Held together well by newcomer Romola Garrai as narrator / protaganist Cassandra.
2003 Identity 67 - Seemingly run-of-the-mill slasher thriller that lifts itself slightly above the rest of the pack thanks to a reasonably clever twist and the presence of the infallible John Cusack.
1996 Independence Day 69 65 Big budget summer spectacular sees Will Smith lead the mighty Americans to save the world from deadly aliens. Again.
1999 Insider, The 82 - The direction of Michael Mann and great performances from Russell Crowe and Al Pacino turn this potentially boring story of tobacco lawsuits into a tightly wound thriller.
2002 Insomnia 76 65 Al Pacino and Robin Williams star in this excellent cat and mouse thriller. Pacino's depiction of the titular affliction is sure to make your eyelids heavy.
1999 Inspector Gadget 39 59 Terribly disappointing rendering of the popular cartoon with Matthew Broderick as the hapless detective.
2002 In the Bedroom 60 55 Dreary family drama notable mainly for great performances from Sissy Spacek and the ever lovely Marisa Tomei.
2003 Intolerable Cruelty 80 49 Brilliant screwball comedy from those masters of snappy dialogue, the Coen brothers. Clooney and Zeta-Jones sparkle as the smarmy divorce lawyer and scheming man eater, respectively, but the rest of the cast are also right on the mark.
2002 Iris 70 46 Depressing tale of mental illness but the acting is brilliant lead by Dame Judi Dench as the title character.
1999 Iron Giant, The 63 - Understated and much overlooked big screen version of the classic Ted Hughes novel. One of the first outings for the gravelly voice of Vin Diesel.
2003 Italian Job, The (2003) 67 77 Elaborate and far-fetched American re-working of elaborate and far fetched British classic heist movie, complete with Minis. It's got all the tension packed thrills, but lacks the charismatic cool of the Ocean's Eleven remake.
1942 It's a Wonderful Life 94 - Frank Capra's classic tale about the value of life and optimism keeps getting better every year. With Jimmy Stewart's most outstanding performance (in a career of outstanding performances), this is the ultimate holiday tear-jerky. They simply do not come much better than this.
Last Updated 26 October 2003