The author in her own words

Subject index

Listing of questions J.K. Rowling answered, alphabetically by subject. If a subject was raised in more than one question the subject is listed several times accordingly.

Advice for young writers
Subject is mentioned here in the question In both Harry Potter books, your vocabulary is extraordinarily rich and inventive. How does one encourage children to cultivate a bank of words like this?

Advice for young writers
Subject is mentioned here in the question What advice would you give to young writers today?

Advice for young writers
Subject is mentioned here in the question What advice would you give to your writers?

Advice for young writers
Subject is mentioned here in the question What would your advice be to any other young people that would want to write stories?

Banning the Harry Potter books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Every time writers get immensely successful, they draw the ire of some reactionary group. In your case it seems to be people accusing you of encouraging Devil worship.

Banning the Harry Potter books
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you feel when people try to censor your books because of their religious beliefs about witchcraft?

Banning the Harry Potter books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What do you think of the people who want to ban your books?

Being a single mother
Subject is mentioned here in the question As a mom, did you feel like a failure? You're broke. Suddenly you have this kid.

Being a single mother
Subject is mentioned here in the question Being a mother often requires a sort of generalist or Jill-of-all-trades expertise -- part nurse, playmate, chef, maid, bodyguard -- with endless distractions. It is so different from writing, where single-minded concentration and discipline is usually needed. How do you reconcile the two?

Being a single mother
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did any characters or scenes in "Harry Potter" stem from your experience as a single mother?

Being a single mother
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have any advice for struggling single mothers?

Being a single mother
Subject is mentioned here in the question The advertising copy for your book says that you were a struggling single mother when writing "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Could you tell more about that time?

Being a single mother
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did you decide to write during that period? Most single mothers who are broke and have got a kid, they just want to make money. They forget their ambition to write, forget their dream. They have to be a little more practical.

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you want to be an author when you were younger?

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have any sort of target audience when you write these books?

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you like being a writer?

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you write by hand or on a computer?

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question Has writing changed you personally?

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you come up with the names of your characters?

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question What ingredients do you think all the Harry Potter books need?

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question When did you start writing Harry Potter?

Being a writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did you choose to be an author?

Being funny
Subject is mentioned here in the question The Harry Potter series has lots of humorous moments. Do you consider yourself to be a really funny person?

Being rich
Subject is mentioned here in the question And what about the money? A lot of people when they suddenly make a lot of money, feel guilty about it. Do you feel guilt?

Being rich
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you even know, when it gets to the level you're at. Do you even know what you are earning?

Book The goblet of fire
Subject is mentioned here in the question Book four opens with a murder and then there's one at the end. I won't say who it is. You cried then?

Book The goblet of fire
Subject is mentioned here in the question Book four is the crucial book, because after this book, everything changes. The whole world seems to go through a radical transformation.

Book The goblet of fire
Subject is mentioned here in the question Civil rights becomes a theme in Goblet of Fire. It shows up in Hermione in relation to the rights of elves.

Book The goblet of fire
Subject is mentioned here in the question In the fourth book, when Harry tells Dumbledore about his fight with Voldemort and how Voldemort could touch him after he took Harry's blood, Harry thinks he sees Dumbledore smile slightly. Why? Is Dumbledore really on Voldemort's side after all?

Book The goblet of fire
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is book four as suitable for the six- and seven-year-old who loved Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Book The goblet of fire
Subject is mentioned here in the question This is the keystone book, in terms of the plot?

Book The goblet of fire
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did Dumbledore have a look of triumph in his eyes at the end of book four?

Book The goblet of fire
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will it be the biggest?

Book The Order of the Phoenix
Subject is mentioned here in the question In the Order of the Phoenix Harry and Ron and Hermione are all going to be older. How are they going to change?

Book The Order of the Phoenix
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is Harry going to become a bolshy teenager in The Order of the Phoenix?

Book The philosopher's stone
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are any of the stories based on your life, or on people you know?

Book The philosopher's stone
Subject is mentioned here in the question Was it hard to get Harry Potter published?

Book The Prisoner of Azkaban
Subject is mentioned here in the question Can you explain how Lupin turns into a werewolf, since he didn't turn in the Shrieking Shack in Prisoner of Azkaban, but instead he turned only when the full moonlight hit him outside the tunnel? If he only turned into a wolf in the moonlight, why didn't he just stay inside? Did it have to do with the potion? Or was the moon not up yet?

Book The Prisoner of Azkaban
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is the island that Azkaban is on located at the southern end of the U.K. since Black had to pass the Dursley's place on his way to Hogwarts?

Book The Prisoner of Azkaban
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where is Azkaban?

Books before Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you write another book before writing the Harry Potter series?

Books before Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question How long have you been writing for?

Books before Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is this the first book/story you ever wrote? If not, is it the first one ever published?

Books before Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question The two books before "Harry Potter"?

Books before Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question What was the story Rabbit about?

Books before Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question When you were my age, did you ever write a book? I am in the fifth grade.

Books getting darker each part
Subject is mentioned here in the question My impression is that the Harry books are getting "darker" somehow. Is this because he is growing up, and his readers have to do the same?

British Book Awards
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you feel about receiving the British Book Awards Children's Book of the year?

British comedy
Subject is mentioned here in the question As an adult reader, I loved the books and was surprised at how much humour is in them. The Dursleys sound like something out of Monty Python! Do you like British comedy?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Is this your first trip to Canada?

Subject is mentioned here in the question What did you think Canada would be like?

Casting the movies
Subject is mentioned here in the question How hard was it to pick the actors to play the characters in the movie?

Casting the movies
Subject is mentioned here in the question How much control do you have over the film?

Casting the movies
Subject is mentioned here in the question So have they cast it?

Cat motif in the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is there something more to the cats appearing in the books than first meets the eye? (i.e. Mrs. Figg's cats, Crookshanks, Prof. McGonagall as a cat, etc.)

Chamber of secrets
Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you come up with the idea of the underground chamber in Chamber of Secrets?

Chamber of secrets
Subject is mentioned here in the question What did you have to do to make sure readers could start with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and not be confused?

Changing words in US edition
Subject is mentioned here in the question After the first book, you stopped converting English words to American words. Is there any reason for this?

Changing words in US edition
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you think the English language is more alive in Great Britain than in the United States?

Changing words in US edition
Subject is mentioned here in the question What kind of manuscript changes had to be made to make the U.S. version more understandable to American readers? Specific things, like the title change of the first Harry Potter book?

Character Albus Dumbledore
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have more fun writing the evil characters? Because Lord Voledmort is the quintessential evil character.

Character Albus Dumbledore
Subject is mentioned here in the question How old is Professor Dumbledore?

Character Albus Dumbledore
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why does Professor Dumbledore like sherbet lemons?

Character Arabella Figg
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is the Mrs. Figg with all the cats in the Dursleys' neighborhood the same Arabella Figg that Dumbledore mentioned at the end of book 4?

Character Dudley Dursley
Subject is mentioned here in the question How did the Dursleys explain away the tail when Dudley had to have it removed at the hospital?

Character Fawkes
Subject is mentioned here in the question What is Bonfire Night?

Character Gilderoy Lockhart
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you take real people you know and put them in your books?

Character gnomes
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why are the gnomes bad? What do they do?

Character goblins
Subject is mentioned here in the question When people trade in Muggle money for Wizard money, what does Gringotts do with the Muggle money?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you consider having a girl be the main character?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you ever meet a boy like Harry?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Does Harry have a middle name?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question From where did you get the name for Harry Potter?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you come up with Harry Potter?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question How overtly concerned are you with the idea of Harry's growing up in the books?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is Harry Potter ever going to fall in love with Hermione or is he going to fall in love with Ginny Weasley?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Some people say good characters are boring and evil characters are always the more interesting. There's the famous line about Milton and Paradise Lost: God is a bore and the devil is interesting.

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question What kind of kid were you? Where you shy?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Who were the Potters?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did you choose a male character as the lead instead of a female?

Character Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did you choose the lightning bolt as a trademark for Harry Potter?

Character Hermione Granger
Subject is mentioned here in the question If you could be a wizard, who would you be?

Character Hermione Granger
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is that brainy girl Hermoine based on you?

Character Hermione Granger
Subject is mentioned here in the question One of the book's loveliest characters is Hermione Granger, one of Harry's best friends and a bookworm whose research invariably helps him unravel the mystery at hand. Hermione makes erudition seem so juicy and worthwhile, yet she's very real, prone to crushes on self-inflated types. How did you dream her up?

Character Hermione Granger
Subject is mentioned here in the question When is Hermione's birthday?

Character Hermione Granger
Subject is mentioned here in the question Which character reflects your personality the most?

Character James/Lily Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question What did James and Lily Potter do when they were alive?

Character James/Lily Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question What did the Potter parents do for a living before Voldemort killed them?

Character James/Lily Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question What position did James play on the Gryffindor Quidditch team? Was it seeker like Harry, or something different?

Character James/Lily Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where did James get his Invisibility Cloak?

Character James/Lily Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Which house was Lily Potter in, and what is her maiden name?

Character Mad Eye Moody
Subject is mentioned here in the question Can you give an example of a surprise in your writing process, such as a character you weren't expecting?

Character Minerva McGonagall
Subject is mentioned here in the question How old is old in the wizarding world, and how old are Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall?

Character Minerva McGonagall
Subject is mentioned here in the question In the second book, Harry and Ron went to the girls' toilet and met McGonagall. They told her that they were going to visit Hermione, and she started crying. Why?

Character Muggles
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you come up with all the unique names, places and things that help make the Harry Potter series so intriguing?

Character owls
Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you come up with all the unusual names in your books?

Character owls
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did Harry have a pet owl instead of something else?

Character owls
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did you choose the owl as the animal messenger in your books?

Character Petunia Dursley
Subject is mentioned here in the question Since Harry Potter's parents were sorcerers and Petunia was Harry's mother's sister. Shouldn't Petunia be a witch or wizard?

Character Quirrell
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did you make Quirrell the bad guy instead of Snape?

Character Remus J. Lupin
Subject is mentioned here in the question If you had to choose one teacher from your books to teach your child, who would it be and why?

Character Remus J. Lupin
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will we be seeing Lupin anytime soon?

Character Ron Weasley
Subject is mentioned here in the question Ms. Rowling, in an article I read in Good Housekeeping, you stated that the character Hermione received her personality from her likeness of you at the age. What other things inspired you for other aspects or details in your books?

Character Ron Weasley
Subject is mentioned here in the question You used to teach French to teenagers. Did you base any of your characters on kids you taught?

Character Ron Weasley's cousin
Subject is mentioned here in the question You said Ron's cousin was taken out of Book 4, and you developed Rita Skeeter more after that. Do you still think that it would have been more fun to keep her? Can you tell me anything about what she was going to be like?

Character Scabbers
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will we ever see Scabbers again?

Character Severus Snape
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are any of the characters in the books based on real people?

Character Sirius Black
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where did Sirius Black and Buckbeack go after they went into hiding?

Character Sirius Black
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will Harry ever get to go with his godfather (Cornelius Black)?

Character Voldemort
Subject is mentioned here in the question How does the Dark Lord affect American wizards and witches?

Character Voldemort
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is it true that since Voldemort took Harry's blood by force, that Harry can kill Voldemort, but Voldemort can't kill Harry?

Character Voldemort
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is Voldemort some sort of relative of Harry's? Possibly his mother's brother?

Character Voldemort
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will Voldemort ever die?

Character Voldemort
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will Voldemort's evil ways rise again, such as Muggle killings?

Characters wizards/witches
Subject is mentioned here in the question In your first book, the witches and wizards stand out as slightly odd when they're in the "muggle," or normal world -- cloaked in capes with dozens of pocckets. Are they meant to remind readers of homeless people?

Covers in different countries
Subject is mentioned here in the question Since each of the editions is packaged differently, do you have a favorite?

Covers in different countries
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why was a different cover illustration chosen for the books sold in the United States? Why do those books have illustrations at the beginning of each chapter but the British books do not?

Subject is mentioned here in the question How painful is the editing process for you? Compared with writing a first draft, how long do you spend editing? Who do you conference with?

Encouragement to write
Subject is mentioned here in the question Was there a particular teacher who encouraged you to write when you were a child? If there was, how did he or she encourage or help you?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Are you recognized now? Do you get stopped for autographs?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Has your success placed restrictions on your life? Can you walk down the street, go shopping?

Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you deal with sudden fame?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Is it hard being famous?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Is it naive to pretend that you're not a celebrity?

Subject is mentioned here in the question People always ask does fame change you? Do you guard yourself against change? As you say, you still want to be a single mom, but how can you do it now when everybody knows you?

Subject is mentioned here in the question You seem to have kept your life deliberately low-key. You haven't bought the five cars or the helicopter.

Subject is mentioned here in the question Has it come at a price this success and fame?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you think success has changed you?

Fan fiction
Subject is mentioned here in the question What do you think of fan fiction being written about your characters, and have you read any of them on the Internet?

Fantasy books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you write Harry Potter because you like fantasy books, or just because the idea came to you?

Fantasy books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why are the English so good at writing fantasy?

Favorite animal
Subject is mentioned here in the question Does the animal one turns into as an Animagi reflect your personality?

Favorite animal
Subject is mentioned here in the question If you were Animagus, what kind of animal would you be?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are there any books you would recommend to your fans to read while they await Book 5?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Have you ever been inspired by another author?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What are you reading now?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What books and authors did you read as a kid? Which are your biggest influences?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What books did you read as a child? Have these influenced your writing in any way?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What books do you enjoy reading?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What books do you read in your free reading time?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What kind of books did you read when you were young?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What other books do you recommend (besides your own)?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What were the most memorable books you read as a child?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Which book was the most fun for you to write?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Who are your favourite authors?

Favorite books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Who is your favorite author?

Favorite characters
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have a favourite character?

Favorite characters
Subject is mentioned here in the question Which character besides Harry is your favorite, and why?

Favorite characters
Subject is mentioned here in the question Who is your favorite character?

Favorite characters
Subject is mentioned here in the question Would you get a mythical pet from one of your books? If you could, which one?

Favorite motto
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have a favorite saying or motto?

Favorite passage
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have a favorite passage from one of your books?

Favorite pastime
Subject is mentioned here in the question When you are not writing or reading, what things do you enjoy in your free time?

Favorite person in history
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have a role model, if so, who?

Favorite person in history
Subject is mentioned here in the question What person from history has influenced you the most?

Favorite subject in school
Subject is mentioned here in the question What was your favorite subject in school?

Favorite wizard candy
Subject is mentioned here in the question What is your favorite wizard candy?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you think your books frighten children?

Subject is mentioned here in the question What ought we to protect our kids from?

Subject is mentioned here in the question What shape would a Boggart take if it wanted to scare you? How would you defeat it?

Fighting in school
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you ever fight in school?

Finishing with book seven
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you always plan to write Harry's story in more than one book? If so, how many?

Finishing with book seven
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is it true you're doing 7 books, one for each year that Harry will be at Hogwarts?

Finishing with book seven
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why stop at seven books when you could make up Harry's whole life?

Finishing with book seven
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will there by any more Harry Potter books?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Friends are very important in your books. What do you think is the most important thing in friendship?

Getting bored while writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you write the really long books without getting bored?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are you forever stashing ideas? Writers are forever scribbling and saying this is a perfect idea. Is that your method?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are your characters based on people you know?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question But then, there you were, in 1990, on that train stuck between Manchester and London, staring at a field of cows, and an image of Harry popped into your mind. That really is a magical story.

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you come up with the idea for the first Harry Potter book?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you get the idea for Harry Potter?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you think of all the cool things that happened to Harry?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question The legend is that your first book came to you all at once. Is that true?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question When you were stuck on the train was there anything that triggered your imagination, and did that incident inspire Book III?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where did the ideas for the wizard classes and magic spells come from?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where do you get the names from?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where do you get your ideas from?

Getting ideas
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did you write about witchcraft and wizardry?

Subject is mentioned here in the question What makes some witches/wizards become ghosts after they die and some not?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Why do some wizards/witches become ghosts and others don't?

Gift giving
Subject is mentioned here in the question Does Harry give Christmas gifts to his friends? The books mention only gifts he receives. I am interested in knowing whether he gives gifts and if they are appropriate for the receiver.

Gift giving
Subject is mentioned here in the question Ron and Hermione give Harry gifts... does he ever give them birthday presents?

Help in answering fan mail
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you actually answer your fan mail?

Help in writing the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you have any help writing any of the books?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question Any clues about the next book?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question Any hints you could share about what to expect in future Harry Potter books?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question Can you say ANYTHING about the next book?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question I think the color of Harry's eyes will matter in the books to come. Yes?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question In your first book there is a secret message on the Mirror of Erised. Are there any other secret messages throughout the book that we should be watching for?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is there ever going to be female Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will Harry ever get a break and not live with the Dursleys?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will Harry time-travel again?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will we ever get a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who lasts more than a year?

Hints about upcoming plots
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will we see the Marauders map in a future book?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have an actual floorplan for Hogwarts? Do you use it when writing the books?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Have you ever made a map or blueprint of the school?

Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you visualize Hogwarts in its entirety?

Subject is mentioned here in the question If YOU went to Hogwarts, which house would they put you in?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Were you ever involved in a school like Harry Potter's school?

Illustrations in the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will you ever include more illustrations?

Imaginary friends
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you ever have an imaginary friend?

Influence of merchandising
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you ever worry that perhaps your legacy will be not this entire world that you created but lots of bits of plastic?

Influence of popularity
Subject is mentioned here in the question Has the huge popularity of Harry Potter changed the direction of the plot in any way?

Influence of rumors
Subject is mentioned here in the question There are hundreds of rumours and theories going around about your books! Have you seen these, and do you plan to use any of the ideas found in them?

Influence of rumors
Subject is mentioned here in the question What do you think of the guesswork on internet fan sites?

Input on merchandising
Subject is mentioned here in the question How much control do you have on all of the products flooding the marketplace with a Harry Potter theme? Do you think they will sell well?

Input on merchandising
Subject is mentioned here in the question Parents and even a lot of children are delighted that so far there are no commercial spinoffs--no dolls, no toys, no lunchboxes. But that's about to change.

Input on merchandising
Subject is mentioned here in the question When you look at a lot of that marketing stuff, that merchandise, when you look at things like the Harry Potter Ice Pumpkin Slushie maker and all that junk. There's a list of about 50 of these things. Harry Potter Embroidered Polo Shirts, the Late Night Ride Towel, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley alarm clock. I mean it goes on and on.

Input on merchandising
Subject is mentioned here in the question Couldn't you have said "No, I'm not gonna have any merchandising".

Input on movie adaptation
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are you having a lot of input on the new Harry Potter movie?

Jessica Rowling
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are any of your female characters, like Hermione, modeled after your own daughter?

Jessica Rowling
Subject is mentioned here in the question Does your daughter help you with ideas for the books?

Jessica Rowling
Subject is mentioned here in the question Has being around your daughter day in and day out altered the way you feel about kids? You were writing about them before she was born, but--?

Jessica Rowling
Subject is mentioned here in the question What does your daughter think of your work? What books do you want and like to read to her? And her to read on her own?

Jessica Rowling
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where does your daughter stay when you're travelling?

Jessica Rowling
Subject is mentioned here in the question Your daughter is now 6. Have you started reading the books to her yet?

Keeping a journal
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you now or have you in the past kept a journal? If so, do you believe that it helps in your writing?

Killing characters off
Subject is mentioned here in the question Characters take on their own lives, have their own stories. Writers often say, "I loved that character and the most tragic part of my year was having to kill him off".

Killing characters off
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you know already who is going to die in the next books?

Killing characters off
Subject is mentioned here in the question It's hard to draw the line here, isn't it, because someone could read your book and say there's murder -- not a topic for kids.

Killing characters off
Subject is mentioned here in the question People love Ron, for example. Kids think you're going to knock off Ron because he's the best friend.

Killing characters off
Subject is mentioned here in the question Some of the characters we might love and you might love might be killed off?

Killing characters off
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is there going to be a death in the Order of the Phoenix?

Length of time to write
Subject is mentioned here in the question How long did it take to write the first book?

Length of time to write
Subject is mentioned here in the question How long does it take to write one Harry Potter book?

Length of time to write
Subject is mentioned here in the question How long does it take you to write a book?

Library use
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you use the library a lot as a child?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are you going to write a book about other characters than Harry Potter?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have any plans as a writer beyond Harry Potter?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have any plans to write books for adults?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you think that you will write about Harry after he graduates from Hogwarts? Isn't there a University of Wizardry?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Have you thought about life after Harry Potter?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you envision your future?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question When the seventh book in the series is finished, are you going to start on a new topic?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will you ever write an official autobiography?

Life after Harry Potter
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you know what you will go on to next after book 7?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Can you do any magic tricks?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you ever make a study of herbs and other Hogwarts subjects, or did you create all those classes from inspiration?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you invent the spells that the wizards cast in your books?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Do any of the things that happen in the Harry Potter books reflect any of your childhood fantasies?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Does everyone have a little magic in them? Even if they are Muggles? And if not, how did magic start?

Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you make the spells? Did you make them up, or are they real names of people and places?

Subject is mentioned here in the question If you had magic powers like Harry Potter, how would you use them?

Subject is mentioned here in the question One theme that's so powerful in these books is the idea of the powerlessness of kids--ordinary kids, that is. And I think it's probably a chief attraction for young readers?

Subject is mentioned here in the question The wand chooses the wizard, of course, but what magical creature would you select for your own wand?

Subject is mentioned here in the question What's your favorite spell?

Subject is mentioned here in the question When you were a little girl, did you dream or ever think of Harry Potter or someone like him?

Mistakes in the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Harry Potter for grownups again! Is Voldemort the last remaining ancestor of Slytherin, or the last remaining descendent of Slytherin?

Mistakes in the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question In the first book you said Slytherin house Quidditch captain was sixth year Marcus Flint. If there are only seven years of Hogwarts, why is he in the third book?

Movie expectations
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are you excited about the movie deal for Harry Potter? Where else might we see Harry Potter in the future (toys, video games, etc.)?

Movie expectations
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you think that making a Harry Potter movie will help people understand the books better or will it ruin the imagination for the books?

Myth of delay in release dates
Subject is mentioned here in the question I heard a lot of rumors as to why the fourth book isn't out yet in the U.S. What is the truth and when will it be out?

Myth of living without heat
Subject is mentioned here in the question Were you living in an unheated apartment?

Myth of writing on napkins
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you still have the napkins that you wrote the first book on?

Myth of writing on napkins
Subject is mentioned here in the question There is the myth that you are the welfare mom living in an unheated apartment in Edinburgh You're scratching out Harry Potter for two hours a day.

Name Joanne
Subject is mentioned here in the question We have been instructed to call you Jo, you don't like Joanne?

Names of monsters
Subject is mentioned here in the question Was it hard to think of the monsters' names?

Names of the Hogwarts Houses
Subject is mentioned here in the question What made you think of the people's names and dormitories at Hogwarts?

Names that start with H
Subject is mentioned here in the question There are an extraordinary number of names that start with "H" (Harry, Hermione, Hedwig, Hogwarts, Hagrid, Hufflepuff). Is there any reason for that?

Number of students at Hogwarts
Subject is mentioned here in the question How many students attend Hogwarts, and how many students per year per house?

Other jobs besides writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did your teaching experience help you write for children?

Other jobs besides writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question From your books it is clear you know your languages. How did that come about?

Other jobs besides writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question Would you ever want to consider another job if you had the opportunity?

Other jobs besides writer
Subject is mentioned here in the question You used to work for Amnesty International?

Outlining the plot
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you make up the plot in every aspect first by charting the characters and knowing exactly what you would do with them, or did you just piece a lot of it together as you wrote?

Outlining the plot
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you keep up with plot lines?

Pagan holidays
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you feel about Halloween?

Parallels with muggle world
Subject is mentioned here in the question How would you describe the relationship between the wizard world and the Muggle world?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have any pets/animals? If so, did any of your ideas for monsters come from watching them?

Picturing the characters
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you imagine the pictures or images in your head before you write, or do you have to draw them?

Place of birth
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where were you born and what was your childhood like?

Place of birth
Subject is mentioned here in the question Where were you born?

Place to write
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have to sit in a special place to write?

Place to write
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you still write in cafes, or do you have to stay out of public places while you write so people won't bother you?

Place to write
Subject is mentioned here in the question There's the famous line that you write in cafes. Can you still write in cafes?

Playing a part in the movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question Will you have a cameo in the Harry Potter movie?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question Because reading is such an intimate experience, why do you think your young fans go to a session like the SkyDome, where 15,000 kids show up?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you feel about some of the really expensive ticket prices at the SkyDome?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do you feel about speaking to large groups?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question How has your success as an author impacted your lifestyle? Is there something you always wanted to do that you now are able to?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question How many countries have you visited since writing Harry Potter?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question I know you have had children throughout the world tell you how Harry has changed their lives, but is there any one story a child has told you that really stands out in your mind?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question Of the many things you must have heard people say about the Harry Potter books, what are some of your favorites?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question There's a legend now that you're a recluse -- the press has gone to your head and now you're saying, "no more interviews".

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question What do you think has been your greatest experience because of Harry Potter's success?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question What's your opinion on the USA Today contest-winning essays and the children that wrote them?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why don't you do book signings at the press conference? It's small, not like the SkyDome.

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question With all the book tours in different countries you've done, have you met any interesting people or discovered a new place that might affect future writing, or that left a special impression on you?

Promotion tours
Subject is mentioned here in the question You say you won't be able to give promotional tours to every country that publishes you, and yet here we are on the train and at every stop there are hundreds of kids and parents...

Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you create Quidditch?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Some of the best parts are the ideas like Quidditch, which is a high-speed ballgame played on broomsticks. Tell me about the origins of Quidditch.

Subject is mentioned here in the question Where did the idea for Quidditch come from?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Where do you come up with those names of the characters, like Quidditch?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Why did you choose to make the sport Quidditch so important to life at Hogwarts?

Reading your own work
Subject is mentioned here in the question As the author, when reading your books, can you enjoy them as a reader and sympathize with Harry, or is it too hard to be "objective"?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question A lot of American superstitions were just imported whole from England. Salem gets mentioned in book four. Have you ever gotten ideas from readers?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you ever expect the Harry Potter books to be so successful?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you expect the Harry books to be this successful?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Has the mania reached a peak?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Have you felt any pressure, from librarians or critics or parents, to expurgate these books?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question How does it feel to know that millions of kids are reading your books?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question How important is the feedback of your readers? What do you do with it?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is there a difference in the American response and the British response? In America you're a celebrity and Americans treat their celebrities in perhaps a different way than you've been treated here.

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What do you think it is about the Harry Potter books that connects with so many people?

Reception of the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What was it like when you realized the book was a success?

Release of book five
Subject is mentioned here in the question I'm hooked! My son and I read them every night. Thank you so much for giving us this time to share something so wonderful together! He's to be Harry for Halloween. We'd like to know how soon for the next book (like everyone else), but mostly just wanted to thank you for sharing Harry with us!

Release of book five
Subject is mentioned here in the question When does book five come out?

Release of book five
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you find the whole secrecy issue, the need for secrecy, a bit ridiculous?

Release of the movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question When will the movie of Harry Potter be out?

School life
Subject is mentioned here in the question Have you ever encountered horrible teachers, like Snape?

School life
Subject is mentioned here in the question In this era of very involved parenting, do you think that the notion of boarding school and the autonomy it offers might hold an almost taboo allure for both kids and parents?

School life
Subject is mentioned here in the question In your books, Hogwarts School is incredibly fantastic, from its forbidden forest and Quidditch fields and endless castle dungeons to its talking portraits and Harry's own snug four-poster bed. Do you see school as a potential sanctuary for children?

School life
Subject is mentioned here in the question Is it true you were Head Girl, like Lily Potter?

School life
Subject is mentioned here in the question What were you like in school?

Sequence of writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are you writing all the books at the same time, like in little pieces, while concentrating mostly on the present one, or do you just have a general idea about them?

Social issues
Subject is mentioned here in the question Are we too often protecting our kids from issues concerning race relations and civil rights? In North America, there is a sense that we ought to protect our kids from these things.

Studying muggle subjects
Subject is mentioned here in the question How do students at Hogwarts get educated in Muggle subjects? Do they even need to know other things besides magic?

Subjects she taught
Subject is mentioned here in the question What grade and subject(s) did you teach?

Suitability for children
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you think elementary-age children will be able to read the other three books in the series?

Sweater patterns
Subject is mentioned here in the question I like the products. Could there be sweater patterns for us knitters?

Teachers using the books
Subject is mentioned here in the question How would you like teachers to use your books with students (e.g. discussion, worksheets, book reports, etc.)?

Titles of the 7 books
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you already have titles for all seven Harry Potters?

Titles of the 7 books
Subject is mentioned here in the question What is your next book going to be called?

Subject is mentioned here in the question If there were one thing you could change about the world, what would it be?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Hello, I was wondering how much Tolkien inspired and influenced your writing?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you have enough control over the movie?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question I have read that Warner Brothers bought the film rights to "Harry Potter." How do you feel about Hollywood re-creating your characters?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question Some sets on the movies are already being created. Do you think they represent how you envisioned them in the book? Have you had any input on the shooting locations?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question The movie goes into production this fall, and the script is written?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question What are your feelings on Harry Potter, the movie?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question What do you think about the movie? Do you think that it'll destroy the adventure of the books?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question What do you think about the script?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question What's the young fellow cast as the lead like? Have you met him?

Transition from book to movie
Subject is mentioned here in the question Why is it important for the actors to be British?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Are the Harry Potter books being translated in other languages, like Portuguese/Brazil?

Subject is mentioned here in the question How many languages is the book published in?

Subject is mentioned here in the question The Harry Potter books were first successful in the U.K., and then in the United States. Where else has Harry Potter been released?

Use of Latin language
Subject is mentioned here in the question Ms. Rowling, for being fictional books, the Harry Potter books have a great grasp of the Latin language. I have noticed that many, if not most, of the names and incantations are of Latin heritage. How much research does it take to give these books their Latin heritage?

Using apparation for stealing
Subject is mentioned here in the question How does the wizarding world protect Muggle banks and vaults, etc. from wizards apparating into them and stealing the contents?

Video games
Subject is mentioned here in the question Any plans for a video game soon?

Video games
Subject is mentioned here in the question What would you think if a person made one of your Harry Potter books into a computer game?

When she started writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you always want to be a writer?

When she started writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question Did you write stories when you were young?

When she started writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question How long have you been writing?

When she started writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question How old were you when you started to write, and what was your first book?

When she started writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question We're doing a lot of writing at our school. At what age did you start writing, and did you love to write as a child?

When she started writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question What did you want to be when you were a kid?

When she started writing
Subject is mentioned here in the question What got you started writing? And how did you get your breakthrough to get the first book published?

Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you really believe in witchcraft?

Wizard attending muggle school
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do wizards and witches have to go Muggle school before they go to Hogwarts?

Wizard schools
Subject is mentioned here in the question How did you get the idea to send Harry to a wizard school?

Wizards that are muggle-born
Subject is mentioned here in the question How can two Muggles have a kid with magical powers? Also how does the Ministry of Magic find out these kids have powers?

Writer's block
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you ever get writer's block? What do you do when this happens?

Writer's block
Subject is mentioned here in the question You didn't have writer's block while writing Order of the Phoenix, but it has taken three years since the last one didn't it? Why has it taken so long?

Writing daily
Subject is mentioned here in the question Do you write every day, and for how long do you write?

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Harry Potter is © 1997-2003 J.K. Rowling. This is a fansite and not affiliated in any way with the author or publisher.