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Kumao Hayashi and Family

Top row: Kumao, Tetsuo, Hideo, Shigeo; Bottom row: Kimiko(wife), Kazuo, Ryuzo(Kumao's father) circa 1942. Lodi, CA.

Family History

Kumao Hayashi was born on May 7, 1895 in Okayama-ken, Japan. Kimiko Sueyoshi was born on January 25, 1903 in Okayama-ken, Japan. They married in Japan on December 30, 1920.

They had six children, all born in San Francisco, CA:

  • Hideo "Butch"(boy - born 1922, died 1976)

  • Sayoko(girl- born and died 1923 of heart problem)

  • Shigeo(boy - born 1925)

  • Naoko(girl - born 1926, died 1931 of measles)

  • Tetsuo "Steve"(boy - born 1927)

  • Kazuo (boy - born 1932)

Before WWII, Kumao and family lived in San Francisco, Sacramento and Lodi, California. They had a laundry business in Lodi, CA. During WWII they were interned at Rohwer, Arkansas. Hideo and Shigeo served in the US Army. Tetsuo served in the US Army Air Corps. Kazuo served in the US Air Force in Japan. For more information on Japanese American internment during WWII, please visit the following website: Japanese American National Museum.

After the war, in 1945, Kumao and family returned to San Francisco and bought two apartment buildings and stayed until 1958 after Kumao died (1957). Kimiko moved to San Mateo with Hideo and his wife Eiko. Kimiko died in 1972. Tetsuo and his family moved to southern California while his brothers Shigeo and Kazuo and their families stayed in the SF Bay Area.


  • Hideo and Eiko's children are David and Michi.

  • Shigeo and Motoko's children are Joyce, Scott and Christine.

  • Kazuo and Aiko's children are Lisa and Kelly.

  • Tetsuo and Clara's children are Paul, Steven, Kim, Monica and Carla.

  • See Tetsuo's family photos.







Maria Hayashi 2004 © Last Updated May 19, 2004